Tetsuya MANABE Kazuya SABA
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences (ISSN:09168508)
pp.2022WBP0001, (Released:2022-12-02)

This paper proposes an algorithm for estimating the location of wireless access points (APs) in indoor environments to realize smartphone positioning based on Wi-Fi without pre-constructing a database. The proposed method is designed to overcome the main problem of existing positioning methods requiring the advance construction of a database with coordinates or precise AP location measurements. The proposed algorithm constructs a local coordinate system with the first four APs that are activated in turn, and estimates the AP installation location using Wi-Fi round-trip time (RTT) lateration and the ranging results between the APs. The effectiveness of the proposed algorithm is confirmed by conducting experiments in a real indoor environment consisting of two rooms of different sizes to evaluate the positioning performance of the algorithm. The experimental results showed the proposed algorithm using Wi-Fi RTT lateration delivers high smartphone positioning performance without a pre-constructed database or precise AP location measurements.
Ouyang JUNJIE Naoto YANAI Tatsuya TAKEMURA Masayuki OKADA Shingo OKAMURA Jason Paul CRUZ
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences (ISSN:09168508)
vol.E106-A, no.3, pp.170-184, 2023-03-01

The BGPsec protocol, which is an extension of the border gateway protocol (BGP) for Internet routing known as BGPsec, uses digital signatures to guarantee the validity of routing information. However, the use of digital signatures in routing information on BGPsec causes a lack of memory in BGP routers, creating a gaping security hole in today's Internet. This problem hinders the practical realization and implementation of BGPsec. In this paper, we present APVAS (AS path validation based on aggregate signatures), a new protocol that reduces the memory consumption of routers running BGPsec when validating paths in routing information. APVAS relies on a novel aggregate signature scheme that compresses individually generated signatures into a single signature. Furthermore, we implement a prototype of APVAS on BIRD Internet Routing Daemon and demonstrate its efficiency on actual BGP connections. Our results show that the routing tables of the routers running BGPsec with APVAS have 20% lower memory consumption than those running the conventional BGPsec. We also confirm the effectiveness of APVAS in the real world by using 800,000 routes, which are equivalent to the full route information on a global scale.
Kotaro NAGANO Masahiro KAWANO Yuhei NAGAO Hiroshi OCHI
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences (ISSN:09168508)
vol.E106-A, no.3, pp.456-463, 2023-03-01

Cancellation of self interference (SI) is an important technology in order for wireless communication system devices to perform full-duplex communication. In this paper, we propose a novel self-interference cancellation using null beamforming to be applied entire IEEE 802.11 frame including the legacy part for full-duplex wireless communication on Cooperative MIMO (Multiple Input Multiple Output). We evaluate the SI cancellation amount by the proposed method using a field programmable gate array (FPGA) and software defined radio (SDR), and show the experimental results. In the experiment, it is confirmed that the amount of SI cancellation by the proposed method was at least 18dB. The SI cancellation amount can be further potentiated with more accurate CSI (channel state information) by increasing the transmission power. It is shown that SI can be suppressed whole frame which includes legacy preamble part. The proposed method can be applied to next generation wireless communication standards as well.
Daiki SAITO Jeyeon KIM Tetsuya MANABE
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences (ISSN:09168508)
pp.2022EAP1027, (Released:2022-09-06)

Currently, the proportion of independent travel is increasing in Japan. Therefore, earlier studies supporting itinerary planning have been presented. However, these studies have only insufficiently considered rural tourism. For example, tourist often use public transportation during trips in rural areas, although it is often difficult for a tourist to plan an itinerary for public transportation. Even if an itinerary can be planned, it will entail long waiting times at the station or bus stop. Nevertheless, earlier studies have only insufficiently considered these elements in itinerary planning. On the other hand, navigation is necessary in addition to itinerary creation. Particularly, recent navigation often considers dynamic information. During trips using public transportation, schedule changes are important dynamic information. For example, tourist arrive at bus stop earlier than planned. In such case, the waiting time will be longer than the waiting time included in the itinerary. In contrast, if a person is running behind schedule, a risk arises of missing bus. Nevertheless, earlier studies have only insufficiently considered these schedule changes. In this paper, we construct a tourism application that considers the waiting time to improve the tourism experience in rural areas. We define waiting time using static waiting time and dynamic waiting time. Static waiting time is waiting time that is included in the itinerary. Dynamic waiting time is the waiting time that is created by schedule changes during a trip. With this application, static waiting times is considered in the planning function. The dynamic waiting time is considered in the navigation function. To underscore the effectiveness of this application, experiments of the planning function and experiments of the navigation function is conducted in Tsuruoka City, Yamagata Prefecture. Based on the results, we confirmed that a tourist can readily plan a satisfactory itinerary using the planning function. Additionally, we confirmed that Navigation function can use waiting times effectively by suggesting additional tourist spots.
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences (ISSN:09168508)
vol.E106-A, no.2, pp.106-123, 2023-02-01

The mean, median, and mode are usually calculated from univariate observations as the most basic representative values of a random variable. To measure the spread of the distribution, the standard deviation, interquartile range, and modal interval are also calculated. When we analyze continuous relations between a pair of random variables from bivariate observations, regression analysis is often used. By minimizing appropriate costs evaluating regression errors, we estimate the conditional mean, median, and mode. The conditional standard deviation can be estimated if the bivariate observations are obtained from a Gaussian process. Moreover, the conditional interquartile range can be calculated for various distributions by the quantile regression that estimates any conditional quantile (percentile). Meanwhile, the study of the modal interval regression is relatively new, and spline regression models, known as flexible models having the optimality on the smoothness for bivariate data, are not yet used. In this paper, we propose a modal interval regression method based on spline quantile regression. The proposed method consists of two steps. In the first step, we divide the bivariate observations into bins for one random variable, then detect the modal interval for the other random variable as the lower and upper quantiles in each bin. In the second step, we estimate the conditional modal interval by constructing both lower and upper quantile curves as spline functions. By using the spline quantile regression, the proposed method is widely applicable to various distributions and formulated as a convex optimization problem on the coefficient vectors of the lower and upper spline functions. Extensive experiments, including settings of the bin width, the smoothing parameter and weights in the cost function, show the effectiveness of the proposed modal interval regression in terms of accuracy and visual shape for synthetic data generated from various distributions. Experiments for real-world meteorological data also demonstrate a good performance of the proposed method.
Tatsuya KOYAKUMARU Masahiro YUKAWA Eduardo PAVEZ Antonio ORTEGA
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences (ISSN:09168508)
vol.E106-A, no.1, pp.23-34, 2023-01-01

This paper presents a convex-analytic framework to learn sparse graphs from data. While our problem formulation is inspired by an extension of the graphical lasso using the so-called combinatorial graph Laplacian framework, a key difference is the use of a nonconvex alternative to the l1 norm to attain graphs with better interpretability. Specifically, we use the weakly-convex minimax concave penalty (the difference between the l1 norm and the Huber function) which is known to yield sparse solutions with lower estimation bias than l1 for regression problems. In our framework, the graph Laplacian is replaced in the optimization by a linear transform of the vector corresponding to its upper triangular part. Via a reformulation relying on Moreau's decomposition, we show that overall convexity is guaranteed by introducing a quadratic function to our cost function. The problem can be solved efficiently by the primal-dual splitting method, of which the admissible conditions for provable convergence are presented. Numerical examples show that the proposed method significantly outperforms the existing graph learning methods with reasonable computation time.
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences (ISSN:09168508)
pp.2022CIP0024, (Released:2023-01-11)

The BGPsec protocol, which is an extension of the border gateway protocol (BGP) for Internet routing known as BGPsec, uses digital signatures to guarantee the validity of routing information. However, the use of digital signatures in routing information on BGPsec causes a lack of memory in BGP routers, creating a gaping security hole in today's Internet. This problem hinders the practical realization and implementation of BGPsec. In this paper, we present APVAS (AS path validation based on aggregate signatures), a new protocol that reduces the memory consumption of routers running BGPsec when validating paths in routing information. APVAS relies on a novel aggregate signature scheme that compresses individually generated signatures into a single signature. Furthermore, we implement a prototype of APVAS on BIRD Internet Routing Daemon and demonstrate its efficiency on actual BGP connections. Our results show that the routing tables of the routers running BGPsec with APVAS have 20% lower memory consumption than those running the conventional BGPsec. We also confirm the effectiveness of APVAS in the real world by using 800,000 routes, which are equivalent to the full route information on a global scale.
Gang JIN Jingsheng ZHAI Jianguo WEI
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences (ISSN:09168508)
vol.E106-A, no.1, pp.1-10, 2023-01-01

In this paper, we propose an end-to-end two-branch feature attention network. The network is mainly used for single image dehazing. The network consists of two branches, we call it CAA-Net: 1) A U-NET network composed of different-level feature fusion based on attention (FEPA) structure and residual dense block (RDB). In order to make full use of all the hierarchical features of the image, we use RDB. RDB contains dense connected layers and local feature fusion with local residual learning. We also propose a structure which called FEPA.FEPA structure could retain the information of shallow layer and transfer it to the deep layer. FEPA is composed of serveral feature attention modules (FPA). FPA combines local residual learning with channel attention mechanism and pixel attention mechanism, and could extract features from different channels and image pixels. 2) A network composed of several different levels of FEPA structures. The network could make feature weights learn from FPA adaptively, and give more weight to important features. The final output result of CAA-Net is the combination of all branch prediction results. Experimental results show that the CAA-Net proposed by us surpasses the most advanced algorithms before for single image dehazing.
Hangjin SUN Lei WANG Zhaoyang QIU Qi ZHANG
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences (ISSN:09168508)
vol.E105-A, no.12, pp.1616-1620, 2022-12-01

The Nyquist folding receiver (NYFR) is a novel analog-to-information architecture, which can achieve wideband receiving with a small amount of system resource. The NYFR uses a radio frequency (RF) non-uniform sampling to realize wideband receiving, and the practical RF non-uniform sample pulse train usually contains an aperture. Therefore, it is necessary to investigate the aperture impact on the NYFR output. In this letter, based on the NYFR output signal to noise ratio (SNR), the aperture impact on the NYFR is analyzed. Focusing on the aperture impact, the corresponding NYFR output signal power and noise power are given firstly. Then, the relation between the aperture and the output SNR is analyzed. In addition, the output SNR distribution containing the aperture is investigated. Finally, combing with a parameter estimation method, several simulations are conducted to prove the theoretical aperture impact.
Haiyang ZOU Wengang ZHAO
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences (ISSN:09168508)
vol.E105-A, no.12, pp.1591-1603, 2022-12-01

It has been widely recognized that in compressed sensing, many restricted isometry property (RIP) conditions can be easily obtained by using the null space property (NSP) with its null space constant (NSC) 0<θ≤1 to construct a contradicted method for sparse signal recovery. However, the traditional NSP with θ=1 will lead to conservative RIP conditions. In this paper, we extend the NSP with 0<θ<1 to a scale NSP, which uses a factor τ to scale down all vectors belonged to the Null space of a sensing matrix. Following the popular proof procedure and using the scale NSP, we establish more relaxed RIP conditions with the scale factor τ, which guarantee the bounded approximation recovery of all sparse signals in the bounded noisy through the constrained l1 minimization. An application verifies the advantages of the scale factor in the number of measurements.
Li DING Jing JIN Jianjun ZHOU
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences (ISSN:09168508)
vol.E105-A, no.11, pp.1443-1449, 2022-11-01

This brief presents A 16/32Gb/s dual-mode transmitter including a linearity calibration loop to maintain amplitude linearity of the SST driver. Linearity detection and corresponding master-slave power supply circuits are designed to implement the proposed architecture. The proposed transmitter is manufactured in a 22nm FD-SOI process. The linearity calibration loop reduces the peak INL errors of the transmitter by 50%, and the RLM rises from 92.4% to 98.5% when the transmitter is in PAM4 mode. The chip area of the transmitter is 0.067mm2, while the proposed linearity enhanced part is 0.05×0.02mm2 and the total power consumption is 64.6mW with a 1.1V power supply. The linearity calibration loop can be detached from the circuit without consuming extra power.
Yifang BAO Shigeru YAMASHITA Bing LI Tsung-Yi HO
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences (ISSN:09168508)
vol.E105-A, no.10, pp.1385-1391, 2022-10-01

When we use a Programmable Microfluidic Device (PMD), we need to wash some contaminated area to use the chip for further experiments. Recently, a novel washing technique called Block-Flushing has been proposed. Block-Flushing washes contaminated area in PMDs by using buffer flows. In Block-Flushing, we need to keep a buffer flow from an input port to an output port of a PMD for a long period to dissolve residual contaminants. Thus, we may need a lot of buffer fluids and washing time even if the contaminated area is small. Another disadvantage of the washing method by Block-Flushing is such that we may not able to clean residual contaminants at valves completely by only buffer flows. To address the above-mentioned issues, this paper proposes a totally new idea to wash PMDs; our method does not use buffer flows, but washes contaminated area by using mixers. By using a mixer, we can dissolve residual contaminants at valves in the area of the mixer very efficiently. In this paper, we propose two methods to wash PMDs by using mixers. The first method can wash the whole chip area by using only four times of a single 2x2-mixer time. We also propose the second method which is a heuristic to reduce the number of moving valves because valves may wear down if they are used many times. We also show some experimental results to confirm that the second method can indeed decrease the number of used valves.
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences (ISSN:09168508)
vol.E100-A, no.2, pp.367-375, 2017-02-01

Similarity search is an important and fundamental problem, and thus widely used in various fields of computer science including multimedia, computer vision, database, information retrieval, etc. Recently, since loitering behavior often leads to abnormal situations, such as pickpocketing and terrorist attacks, its analysis attracts increasing attention from research communities. In this paper, we present AntiLoiter, a loitering discovery system adopting efficient similarity search on surveillance videos. As we know, most of existing systems for loitering analysis, mainly focus on how to detect or identify loiterers by behavior tracking techniques. However, the difficulties of tracking-based methods are known as that their analysis results are heavily influenced by occlusions, overlaps, and shadows. Moreover, tracking-based methods need to track the human appearance continuously. Therefore, existing methods are not readily applied to real-world surveillance cameras due to the appearance discontinuity of criminal loiterers. To solve this problem, we abandon the tracking method, instead, propose AntiLoiter to efficiently discover loiterers based on their frequent appearance patterns in longtime multiple surveillance videos. In AntiLoiter, we propose a novel data structure Luigi that indexes data using only similarity value returned by a corresponding function (e.g., face matching). Luigi is adopted to perform efficient similarity search to realize loitering discovery. We conducted extensive experiments on both synthetic and real surveillance videos to evaluate the efficiency and efficacy of our approach. The experimental results show that our system can find out loitering candidates correctly and outperforms existing method by 100 times in terms of runtime.
SeongHan SHIN Shota YAMADA Goichiro HANAOKA Yusuke ISHIDA Atsushi KUNII Junichi OKETANI Shimpei KUNII Kiyoshi TOMOMURA
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences (ISSN:09168508)
vol.E105-A, no.8, pp.1121-1133, 2022-08-01

AONT (All-or-Nothing Transform) is a kind of (n, n)-threshold secret sharing scheme that distributes a message m into a set of n shares such that the message m can be reconstructed if and only if n shares are collected. At CRYPTO 2000, Desai proposed a simple and faster AONT based on the CTR mode of encryption (called CTRT) and proved its security in the ideal cipher model. Though AES-128, whose key length k = 128 and block length l = 128, can be used in CTRT as a block cipher, AES-256 and AES-192 cannot be used due to its intrinsic restriction of k ≤ l. In this paper, we propose an extended CTRT (for short, XCTRT) suitable for AES-256. By thoroughly evaluating all the tricky cases, we prove that XCTRT is secure in the ideal cipher model under the same CTRT security definition. Also, we discuss the security result of XCTRT in concrete parameter settings. For more flexibility of key length, we propose a variant of XCTRT dealing with l<k ≤ 2l by slightly modifying the construction of the last block. After showing implementation details and performance evaluation of CTRT, XCTRT, and the variant, we can say that our XCTRT and its variant have high-speed encoding and decoding performance and are quite practical enough to be deployed in real-world applications.
Shanqi PANG Xiankui PENG Xiao ZHANG Ruining ZHANG Cuijiao YIN
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences (ISSN:09168508)
vol.E105-A, no.6, pp.975-982, 2022-06-01

Quantum combinatorial designs are gaining popularity in quantum information theory. Quantum Latin squares can be used to construct mutually unbiased maximally entangled bases and unitary error bases. Here we present a general method for constructing quantum Latin arrangements from irredundant orthogonal arrays. As an application of the method, many new quantum Latin arrangements are obtained. We also find a sufficient condition such that the improved quantum orthogonal arrays [10] are equivalent to quantum Latin arrangements. We further prove that an improved quantum orthogonal array can produce a quantum uniform state.
Xin LU Xiang WANG Lin PANG Jiayi LIU Qinghai YANG Xingchen SONG
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences (ISSN:09168508)
vol.E104.A, no.11, pp.1629-1643, 2021-11-01 (Released:2021-11-01)

Network Slicing (NS) is recognized as a key technology for the 5G network in providing tailored network services towards various types of verticals over a shared physical infrastructure. It offers the flexibility of on-demand provisioning of diverse services based on tenants' requirements in a dynamic environment. In this work, we focus on two important issues related to 5G Core slices: the deployment and the reconfiguration of 5G Core NSs. Firstly, for slice deployment, balancing the workloads of the underlying network is beneficial in mitigating resource fragmentation for accommodating the future unknown network slice requests. In this vein, we formulate a load-balancing oriented 5G Core NS deployment problem through an Integer Linear Program (ILP) formulation. Further, for slice reconfiguration, we propose a reactive strategy to accommodate a rejected NS request by reorganizing the already-deployed NSs. Typically, the NS deployment algorithm is reutilized with slacked physical resources to find out the congested part of the network, due to which the NS is rejected. Then, these congested physical nodes and links are reconfigured by migrating virtual network functions and virtual links, to re-balance the utilization of the whole physical network. To evaluate the performance of deployment and reconfiguration algorithms we proposed, extensive simulations have been conducted. The results show that our deployment algorithm performs better in resource balancing, hence achieves higher acceptance ratio by comparing to existing works. Moreover, our reconfiguration algorithm improves resource utilization by accommodating more NSs in a dynamic environment.
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences (ISSN:09168508)
vol.E105-A, no.5, pp.823-832, 2022-05-01

Because processes run concurrently in multitask systems, the size of the state space grows exponentially. Therefore, it is not straightforward to formally verify that such systems enjoy desired properties. Real-time constrains make the formal verification more challenging. In this paper, we propose the following to address the challenge: (1) a way to model multitask real-time systems as observational transition systems (OTSs), a kind of state transition systems, (2) a way to describe their specifications in CafeOBJ, an algebraic specification language, and (3) a way to verify that such systems enjoy desired properties based on such formal specifications by writing proof scores, proof plans, in CafeOBJ. As a case study, we model Fischer's protocol, a well-known real-time mutual exclusion protocol, as an OTS, describe its specification in CafeOBJ, and verify that the protocol enjoys the mutual exclusion property when an arbitrary number of processes participates in the protocol*.
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences (ISSN:09168508)
pp.2021CIP0002, (Released:2021-12-07)

Generalized Feistel Network (GFN) is widely used in block ciphers. CLEFIA is one of the GFN type-2 block ciphers. CLEFIA employs Diffusion Switching Mechanism (DSM) in its diffusion layer. DSM improves CLEFIA's security by increasing its number of active S-boxes, which is an indicator of security against differential and linear cryptanalyses. However, two matrices in DSM increase implementational cost. In this paper, we pursue the research question whether it is possible to achieve the same security as original CLEFIA with only one matrix without overhead in hardware. Our idea to answer the research question is applying byte-shuffling technique to CLEFIA. Byte-shuffling is an operation to shuffle 8-bit bytes. On the other hand, traditional GFN ciphers rotate 32-bit or larger words in their permutation layer. Since implementation of byte-shuffling is considered as cost-free in hardware, it adds no overhead in comparison with word rotation. Byte-shuffling has numerous shuffle patterns whereas word rotation has a few patterns. In addition, security property varies among the shuffle patterns. So, we have to find the optimal shuffle pattern(s) on the way to pursue the research question. Although one way to find the optimal shuffle pattern is evaluating all possible shuffle patterns, it is impractical to evaluate them since the evaluation needs much time and computation. We utilize even-odd byte-shuffling technique to narrow the number of shuffle patterns to be searched. Among numerous shuffle patterns, we found 168 shuffle patterns as the optimal shuffle patterns. They achieved full diffusion in 5 rounds. This is the same security as original CLEFIA. They achieved enough security against differential and linear cryptanalyses at 13th and 14th round, respectively, by active S-box evaluations. It is just one and two rounds longer than original CLEFIA. However, it is three and two rounds earlier than CLEFIA without DSM.
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences (ISSN:09168508)
vol.E104-A, no.12, pp.1654-1664, 2021-12-01

This paper surveys development of quantum error correction. With the familiarity with conventional coding theory and tensor product in multi-linear algebra, this paper can be read in a self-contained manner.
The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences (ISSN:09168508)
vol.E104-A, no.11, pp.1461-1469, 2021-11-01

This paper proposes a switched pinning control method with a multi-rating mechanism for vehicle platoons. The platoons are expressed as multi-agent systems consisting of mass-damper systems in which pinning agents receive target velocities from external devices (ex. intelligent traffic signals). We construct model predictive control (MPC) algorithm that switches pinning agents via mixed-integer quadratic programmings (MIQP) problems. The optimization rate is determined according to the convergence rate to the target velocities and the inter-vehicular distances. This multi-rating mechanism can reduce the computational load caused by iterative calculation. Numerical results demonstrate that our method has a reduction effect on the string instability by selecting the pinning agents to minimize errors of the inter-vehicular distances to the target distances.