Xuan Thien Phan Kensuke Fukuda
Information Processing Society of Japan
Journal of Information Processing (ISSN:18826652)
vol.25, pp.182-190, 2017 (Released:2017-02-15)

Fine-grained network traffic monitoring is important for efficient network management in software-defined networking (SDN). The current SDN architecture, i.e., OpenFlow, relies on counters in the flow entries of forwarding tables for such monitoring tasks. This is not efficient nor flexible since the packet-header fields that users aim for monitoring are not always the same or overlap with those in OpenFlow match fields, which is designed for forwarding as a higher priority. This inflexibility may result in unnecessary flow entries added to switches for monitoring and controller-switch monitoring-based communication overhead, which may cause the communication channel to become a bottleneck, especially when the network includes a large number of switches. We propose SDN-Mon, a SDN-based monitoring framework that decouples monitoring from existing forwarding tables, and allows more fine-grained and flexible monitoring to serve a variety of network-management applications. SDN-Mon allows the controller to define the arbitrary sets of monitoring match fields based on the requirements of controller applications to flexibly monitor traffic. In SDN-Mon, some monitoring processes are selectively delegated to SDN switches to leverage the computing processor of the switch and avoid an unnecessary overhead in the controller-switch communication for monitoring. We implemented SDN-Mon and evaluated its performance on Lagopus switch, a high-performance software switch.
Watanabe Yuhei Iriyama Takahiro Morii Masakatu
一般社団法人 情報処理学会
Journal of Information Processing
vol.25, pp.288-295, 2017

<p>WEP has serious vulnerabilities, and they cause various key recovery attacks. Although a more secure protocol such as WPA2 is recommended, according to each research by IPA and Keymans NET, WEP is still widely used because of the lack of knowledge about security of the wireless LAN. On the other hand, it takes large costs to replace a wireless LAN equipment in large-scale facilities. They need a secure method which can be used on their equipment by updating the firmware of WEP. In 2011, Morii, one of us, et al. showed IVs which prevented the Klein attack, the PTW attack, and the TeAM-OK attack. However, they did not present how to obtain such IVs and evaluate security of them. This paper shows the secure method of WEP and how to use it as fast as WEP. We show an IV which prevents the establishment of previous key recovery attacks. Moreover, we show how to use our IV efficiently on the operation of WEP. Our method requires about 1.1 times the processing time for the encryption than WEP. As a result, our method can prevent previous key recovery attacks and realize communication as fast as WEP.</p>
Jonas Kölker
一般社団法人 情報処理学会
Journal of Information Processing (ISSN:18826652)
vol.20, no.3, pp.694-706, 2012 (Released:2012-07-15)
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In a Kurodoko puzzle, one must colour some squares in a grid black in a way that satisfies non-overlapping, non-adjacency, reachability and numeric constraints specified by the numeric clues in the grid. We show that deciding the solvability of Kurodoko puzzles is NP-complete.
Kazunori Fujiwara Akira Sato Kenichi Yoshida
一般社団法人 情報処理学会
Journal of Information Processing (ISSN:18826652)
vol.21, no.3, pp.517-526, 2013 (Released:2013-07-15)

The Domain Name System (DNS) is a key naming system used in the Internet. Recently, the deployment of IPv6 (especially after the World IPv6 Launch) and DNS prefetching in web browsers has significantly changed DNS usage. Furthermore, content delivery networks (CDNs) use complicated DNS configurations together with small TTL values to control their traffic. These three factors significantly increase DNS traffic. Thus, the importance of DNS traffic analysis has been increasing to properly maintain DNS operations. This paper presents an analysis of DNS full resolver traffic at the University of Tsukuba in Japan. What we found are 1) The deployment of IPv6 has increased queries from clients as much as 41%, 2) The deployment of CDNs increases the use of small TTL values, the use of CNAME resource records and the use of out-of-bailiwick DNS server names. Since these increases are making the DNS cache hit rate low and the DNS response slow without recognition by Internet users, this paper seeks to warn application designers of potential system design risks in current Internet applications.
Kazuya Murao Junna Imai Tsutomu Terada Masahiko Tsukamoto
一般社団法人 情報処理学会
Journal of Information Processing (ISSN:18826652)
vol.25, pp.59-66, 2017 (Released:2017-01-15)

There have been several studies on object detection and activity recognition on a table conducted thus far. Most of these studies use image processing with cameras or a specially configured table with electrodes and an RFID reader. In private homes, methods using cameras are not preferable since cameras might invade the privacy of inhabitants and give them the impression of being monitored. In addition, it is difficult to apply the specially configured system to off-the-shelf tables. In this work, we propose a system that recognizes activities conducted on a table and identifies which user conducted the activities with load cells only. The proposed system uses four load cells installed on the four corners of the table or under the four legs of the table. User privacy is protected because only the data on actions through the load cells is obtained. Load cells are easily installed on off-the-shelf tables with four legs and installing our system does not change the appearance of the table. The results of experiments using a table we manufactured revealed that the weight error was 38g, the position error was 6.8cm, the average recall of recognition for four activities was 0.96, and the average recalls of user identification were 0.65 for ten users and 0.89 for four users.
DavidL.Black DavidB.Golub DanielP.Julin RichardF.Rashid RichardP.Draves RandallW.Dean Alessandro Forin Joseph Barrera Hideyuki Tokuda Gerald-R.Malan David Bohman
Journal of Information Processing (ISSN:18826652)
vol.14, no.4, pp.442-453, 1992-03-15

Modular architectures based on a microkernel are suitable bases for the design and implementation of operating systems. Prototype systems employing microkernel architectures are achieving the levels of functionality and performance expected and required of commercial products. Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University the Open Software Foundation and other sites are investigating implementations of a number of operating systems (e.g. Unix MS-DOS) that use the Mach microkernel. This paper describes the Mach microkernel its use to support implementations of other operating systems and the status of these efforts.
Sayaka Akioka Yuki Ohno Midori Sugaya Tatsuo Nakajima
一般社団法人 情報処理学会
Journal of Information Processing (ISSN:18826652)
vol.19, pp.421-429, 2011 (Released:2011-08-10)

This paper proposes SPLiT (Scalable Performance Library Tool) as the methodology to improve performance of applications on multicore processors through CPU and cache optimizations on the fly. SPLiT is designed to relieve the difficulty of the performance optimization of parallel applications on multicore processors. Therefore, all programmers have to do to benefit from SPLiT is to add a few library calls to let SPLiT know which part of the application should be analyzed. This simple but compelling optimization library contributes to enrich pervasive servers on a multicore processor, which is a strong candidate for an architecture of information appliances in the near future. SPLiT analyzes and predicts application behaviors based on CPU cycle counts and cache misses. According to the analysis and predictions, SPLiT tries to allocate processes and threads sharing data onto the same physical cores in order to enhance cache efficiency. SPLiT also tries to separate cache effective codes from the codes with more cache misses for the purpose of the avoidance of cache pollutions, which result in performance degradation. Empirical experiments assuming web applications validated the efficiency of SPLiT and the performance of the web application is improved by 26%.

1 0 0 0 OA Anti-Slide

Kazuyuki Amano Shin-ichi Nakano Koichi Yamazaki
一般社団法人 情報処理学会
Journal of Information Processing (ISSN:18826652)
vol.23, no.3, pp.252-257, 2015 (Released:2015-05-15)

The anti-slide packing is a packing of a number of three dimensional pieces of same size into a larger box such that none of them can slide in any direction. In this paper, we consider the problem of how to find a sparsest anti-slide packing. We give an IP formulation of this problem, and obtain the solutions for some small cases by using an IP solver. In addition, we give the upper and lower bounds on the ratio of the volume occupied by the pieces when the size of a box approaches infinity. For the case of piece size 2 × 2 × 1, we show that a sparsest anti-slide packing occupies at least 28.8% and at most 66.7% of the total volume.

1 0 0 0 OA Ten Times Eighteen

Sebastian Böcker
一般社団法人 情報処理学会
Journal of Information Processing (ISSN:18826652)
vol.23, no.3, pp.258-264, 2015 (Released:2015-05-15)

We consider the following simple game: We are given a table with ten slots indexed one to ten. In each of the ten rounds of the game, three dice are rolled and the numbers are added. We then put this number into any free slot. For each slot, we multiply the slot index with the number in this slot, and add up the products. The goal of the game is to maximize this score. In more detail, we play the game many times, and try to maximize the sum of scores or, equivalently, the expected score. We present a strategy to optimally play this game with respect to the expected score. We then modify our strategy so that we need only polynomial time and space. Finally, we show that knowing all ten rolls in advance, results in a relatively small increase in score. Although the game has a random component and requires a non-trivial strategy to be solved optimally, this strategy needs only polynomial time and space.
Yuichi Nakamura Yoshiki Sameshima Toshihiro Yamauchi
一般社団法人 情報処理学会
Journal of Information Processing (ISSN:18826652)
vol.23, no.5, pp.664-672, 2015 (Released:2015-09-15)

Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux) is a useful countermeasure for resisting security threats to embedded systems, because of its effectiveness against zero-day attacks. Furthermore, it can generally mitigate attacks without the application of security patches. However, the combined resource requirements of the SELinux kernel, userland, and the security policy reduce the performance of resource-constrained embedded systems. SELinux requires tuning, and modified code should be provided to the open-source software (OSS) community to receive value from its ecosystem. In this paper, we propose an embedded SELinux with reduced resource requirements, using code modifications that are acceptable to the OSS community. Resource usage is reduced by employing three techniques. First, the Linux kernel is tuned to reduce CPU overhead and memory usage. Second, unnecessary code is removed from userland libraries and commands. Third, security policy size is reduced with a policy-writing tool. To facilitate acceptance by the OSS community, build flags can be used to bypass modified code, such that it will not affect existing features; moreover, side effects of the modified code are carefully measured. Embedded SELinux is evaluated using an evaluation board targeted for M2M gateway, and benchmark results show that its read/write overhead is almost negligible. SELinux's file space requirements are approximately 200Kbytes, and memory usage is approximately 500Kbytes; these account for approximately 1% of the evaluation board's respective flash ROM and RAM capacity . Moreover, the modifications did not result in any adverse side effects. The modified code was submitted to the OSS community along with the evaluation results, and was successfully merged into the community code.
Toyoda Kentaroh Sasase Iwao
Information Processing Society of Japan
Journal of Information Processing (ISSN:18826652)
vol.23, no.1, pp.81-92, 2015

VoIP/SIP is taking place of conventional telephony because of very low call charge but it is also attractive for SPITters who advertise or spread phishing calls toward many callees. Although there exist many feature-based SPIT detection methods, none of them provides the flexibility against multiple features and thus complex threshold settings and training phases cannot be avoided. In this paper, we propose an unsupervised and threshold-free SPITters detection scheme based on a clustering algorithm. Our scheme does not use multiple features directly to trap SPITters but uses them to find the dissimilarity among each caller pair and tries to separate the callers into a SPITters cluster and a legitimate one based on the dissimilarity. By computer simulation, we show that the combination of Random Forests dissimilarity and PAM clustering brings the best classification accuracy and our scheme works well when the SPITters account for more than 20% of the entire caller.
Yoshifumi Manabe Tatsuaki Okamoto
一般社団法人 情報処理学会
Journal of Information Processing (ISSN:18826652)
vol.20, no.3, pp.686-693, 2012 (Released:2012-07-15)

This paper discusses cake-cutting protocols when the cake is a heterogeneous good, represented by an interval on the real line. We propose a new desirable property, the meta-envy-freeness of cake-cutting, which has not been formally considered before. Meta-envy-free means there is no envy on role assignments, that is, no party wants to exchange his/her role in the protocol with the one of any other party. If there is an envy on role assignments, the protocol cannot be actually executed because there is no settlement on which party plays which role in the protocol. A similar definition, envy-freeness, is widely discussed. Envy-free means that no player wants to exchange his/her part of the cake with that of any other player's. Though envy-freeness was considered to be one of the most important desirable properties, envy-freeness does not prevent envy about role assignment in the protocols. We define meta-envy-freeness to formalize this kind of envy. We propose that simultaneously achieving meta-envy-free and envy-free is desirable in cake-cutting. We show that current envy-free cake-cutting protocols do not satisfy meta-envy-freeness. Formerly proposed properties such as strong envy-free, exact, and equitable do not directly consider this type of envy and these properties are very difficult to realize. This paper then shows cake-cutting protocols for two and three party cases that simultaneously achieves envy-free and meta-envy-free. Last, we show meta-envy-free pie-cutting protocols.
Nobuharu Kami Teruyuki Baba Satoshi Ikeda Takashi Yoshikawa Hiroyuki Morikawa
一般社団法人 情報処理学会
Journal of Information Processing (ISSN:18826652)
vol.20, no.3, pp.757-766, 2012 (Released:2012-07-15)

We present a fast algorithm for probabilistically extracting significant locations from raw GPS data based on data point density. Extracting significant locations from raw GPS data is the first essential step of algorithms designed for location-aware applications. Most current algorithms compare spatial/temporal variables with given fixed thresholds to extract significant locations. However, the appropriate threshold values are not clearly known in priori, and algorithms with fixed thresholds are inherently error-prone, especially under high noise levels. Moreover, they do not often scale in response to increase in system size since direct distance computation is required. We developed a fast algorithm for selective data point sampling around significant locations based on density information by constructing random histograms using locality-sensitive hashing. Theoretical analysis and evaluations show that significant locations are accurately detected with a loose parameter setting even under high noise levels.
Shin'ichi Shiraishi
一般社団法人 情報処理学会
Journal of Information Processing (ISSN:18826652)
vol.21, no.1, pp.34-45, 2013 (Released:2013-01-15)
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This paper presents two different model-based approaches that use multiple architecture description languages (ADLs) for automotive system development. One approach is based on AADL (Architecture Analysis & Design Language), and the other is a collaborative approach using multiple languages: SysML (Systems Modeling Language) and MARTE (Modeling and Analysis of Real-Time and Embedded systems). In this paper, the detailed modeling steps for both approaches are explained through a real-world automotive development example: a cruise control system. Moreover, discussion of the modeling steps offers a qualitative comparison of the two approaches, and then clarifies the characteristics of the different types of ADLs.
Tomoyuki Kawamura Kenichi Takano
一般社団法人 情報処理学会
Journal of Information Processing (ISSN:18826652)
vol.22, no.4, pp.689-700, 2014 (Released:2014-10-15)
1 3

Researchers have found that about 70% of information systems (IS) development projects in Japan have failed, thus increasing the demand for solutions that will increase expected project success rates. In this study, we seek to explore such a solution by identifying factors that affect the degree to which Japanese IS development projects succeed or fail. We accomplish this by using an Internet-based questionnaire and statistical analysis. The questionnaire, which was primarily comprised of questions related to CMMI, yielded responses from 650 project managers who work for Japanese IT vendors. Multivariate analyses and structure equation modeling techniques demonstrated that seven factors, “Ordering Company's Skill and Requirement, ” “Project Planning, ” “Detailed Planning and Product Quality in Each Phase, ” “Project Monitoring and Control, ” “Change Requirement Management, ” “Skill and Teamwork of Project Members, ” and “Schedule Progress in Each Phase” influence project performance. Results also showed that these factors covary.
Masahide Kawai Tomoyori Iwao Daisuke Mima Akinobu Maejima Shigeo Morishima
一般社団法人 情報処理学会
Journal of Information Processing (ISSN:18826652)
vol.22, no.2, pp.401-409, 2014 (Released:2014-04-15)
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Speech animation synthesis is still a challenging topic in the field of computer graphics. Despite many challenges, representing detailed appearance of inner mouth such as nipping tongue's tip with teeth and tongue's back hasn't been achieved in the resulting animation. To solve this problem, we propose a method of data-driven speech animation synthesis especially when focusing on the inside of the mouth. First, we classify inner mouth into teeth labeling opening distance of the teeth and a tongue according to phoneme information. We then insert them into existing speech animation based on opening distance of the teeth and phoneme information. Finally, we apply patch-based texture synthesis technique with a 2,213 images database created from 7 subjects to the resulting animation. By using the proposed method, we can automatically generate a speech animation with the realistic inner mouth from the existing speech animation created by previous methods.
Chuzo Iwamoto
一般社団法人 情報処理学会
Journal of Information Processing (ISSN:18826652)
vol.22, no.1, pp.40-43, 2014 (Released:2014-01-15)
2 15

Yosenabe is one of Nikoli's pencil puzzles, which is played on a rectangular grid of cells. Some of the cells are colored gray, and two gray cells are considered connected if they are adjacent vertically or horizontally. A set of connected gray cells is called a gray area. Some of the gray areas are labeled by numbers, and some of the non-gray cells contain circles with numbers. The object of the puzzle is to draw arrows, vertically or horizontally, from all circles to gray areas so that (i) the arrows do not bend, and do not cross other circles or lines of other arrows, (ii) the number in a gray area is equal to the total of the numbers of the circles which enter the gray area, and (iii) gray areas with no numbers may have any sum total, but at least one circle must enter each gray area. It is shown that deciding whether a Yosenabe puzzle has a solution is NP-complete.
Marat Zhanikeev
一般社団法人 情報処理学会
Journal of Information Processing (ISSN:18826652)
vol.22, no.2, pp.253-262, 2014 (Released:2014-04-15)

Smart Cities are supposed to be the next generation of not only city infrastructure but also citizenship. Improving citizens' quality of life - referred to as social utility in this paper - should be one of the main targets of a smart city. Electric Vehicles (EVs) offer several new venues in this area. While today citizens are basically on their own when they buy a car while residing in a city, EVs in a smart city is a different topic entirely. Citizens shrink from purchasing EVs today mainly because of high cost and low availability of battery charging. With alternative battery ownership model and Vehicle-To-Home (V2H) systems, citizens can get much more from owning an EV in terms of social utility. This paper shows that high social utility depends on the infrastructure provided by the city. While the battery replacement model presented in this paper greatly increases charging availability, it still heavily depends on battery replacement stations. This paper presents a realistic model for a city-wide EV service infrastructure. The model is based on the real road map of Tokyo. The model evaluates quality of life of citizens, represented by two social utility metrics. Recommendations to battery replacement service providers are made based on simulation results.
Toshiyuki Hagiya Tsuneo Kato
一般社団法人 情報処理学会
Journal of Information Processing (ISSN:18826652)
vol.22, no.2, pp.410-416, 2014 (Released:2014-04-15)

To provide an accurate and user-adaptable software keyboard for touchscreens, we propose a probabilistic flick keyboard based on hidden Markov models (HMMs). Touch and flick operations for each character are modeled by HMMs. This keyboard reduces input errors by taking the trajectory of the actual touch position into consideration and by user adaptation. We evaluated the performance of an HMM-based flick keyboard and maximum-likelihood linear regression (MLLR) adaptation. Experimental results showed that a user-dependent model reduced the error rate by 28.3%. In a practical setting, the MLLR adaptation to a specific user with only 10 words reduced the error rate by 16.6% and increased the typing speed by 11.9%.
Journal of information processing (ISSN:03876101)
vol.14, no.4, pp.455-462, 1992-03-15

As window systems become popular, there is a growing need for a Graphical User Interface (GUI) that allows users to manipulate objects on the screen directly. However, development of GUI is not an easy task. We have developed a graphical user interface constructing environment which supports editing facilities of six media types (including text, image, diagram, graph structure, table, and hierarchical structure). This system' Called Canae, is intended to be a general platform for several interactive and graphical applications. Canae provides various customization methods and an extension language for application developers to use editor parts as components of user interface. For modifying and extending these editors to accommodate to an application's needs, we use the MVC paradigm and object oriented approach in designing Canae. Application programmers can modify editor's keyboard handling and mouse handling by creating application specific Event Maps and Key Maps. Canae also provides a mechanism that enables applications to associate application's data and data in Canae. Canae is widely used for building several product-level applications. By evaluating three CASE appllcations developed with Canae, we have found that Canae reduces the amount of newly developed program codes by about 50% or more.