緑川 信之
Library and information science (ISSN:03734447)
vol.38, pp.1-21, 1997

It is often explained in textbooks that the synthetic expression method (synthesis ofnotation by auxiliary tables or other parts of the schedule) of the Dewey Decimal Classification(DDC) is a device for treating complex subjects. However, such an explanation is wrong andbased upon a confusion of the "synthetic expression method" for notation system with the"analytico-synthetic procedure" for subject structure. The analytico-synthetic procedure is aprocedure for applying division principles to subjects specific to classification systems withmulti-dimensional structure such as Colon Classification. While division principles are to beapplied in due order in the hierarchical structure, they can freely be applied in the multidimensional structure. Therefore, complex subjects can easily be classified and thus bettertreated in the latter structure. Also, it is true that most classification systems with the multidimensional structure have adopted the synthetic expression method for their notation systems. However, the subject structure is in principle nothing to do with the notation system ofa classification system. Any subject, which can be expressed by the synthetic expressionmethod, can also be expressed by the enumerative method. Therefore, the synthetic expressionmethod of the DDC cannot be an effective device for treating complex subjects (as comparedwith the enumerative expression method).
上田 修一 吉野 貴庸 石田 栄美 倉田 敬子
Library and information science (ISSN:03734447)
vol.41, pp.1-15, 1999

WWW OPAC has become one of standard services at university libraries in Japan. A largenumber of studies have been carried out for the evaluation of OPACs. What seem to be lacking,however, are those from the actual users' point of view. ln this research, we examine major 15WWW OPAC systems from such search terms as supposed likely to be used by novice users.Three cases are analyzed, each searching a specific book or author from terms extracted fromit and their variants. The first case is to search a Japanese book translated from English from9 terms (ex. full Japanese title, one keyword from title, 'kanjj' of Japanese translator, Englishspell of author, and so on). The second case is to search a book with long title from 5 terms (fulltitle including subtitle, main title only, and the variants). The third case is to search all booksby an author, whose 'yomi' is the same with more than 9 persons. The major results are as follows: (1) Only three systems are successful in searching from all the terms in the first case. (2) Some systems are very ineffective, can be searched only from few terms. (3) The same outcomes cannot be got even from the same search terms. These problems seem to occur under such situations as: (1) A standard architecture and indexing system of OPAC database have not yet been established.(2) Standard OPAC searching procedure has not been developed. (3) Current OPAC is a mixture of traditional cataloguing rules and online retrieval system. It is necessary to develop an original architecture and standard searching procedure forOPAC based on a new user model.