原田 克彦
一般社団法人 日本温泉気候物理医学会
日本温泉気候物理医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290343)
vol.73, no.4, pp.241-247, 2010 (Released:2013-09-05)

Introduction Seifu, devised in 1992 by Xu, is a therapeutic technique of “pulling the skin”. Its effects on the blood pressure, edema, and pain were previously reported in part 1. In this report, Electroencephalography (EEG) changes between before and after Seifu were evaluated.Subjects and Methods The electroencephalograph was performed using an FM-717 biofeedback system (FUTEK, Yokohama, Japan). EEG was recorded for 1 minute each before and after Seifu, and changes in brain waves were analyzed.  The subjects were 7 males and 39 females with a mean age of 74.7±16.2 years who underwent Seifu for 5 minutes or longer (5-30 mins, mean : 13.8±6.3 mins) a total of 131 times. EEG was also recorded for 1 minutes each before and after Seifu by 2 Seifu therapists.Results The percentages of β-dominant (p<0.05) and θ-dominant (p<0.001) periods significantly decreased, and the percentages of α2-distribution (p<0.01) and α3-distribution (p<0.05) periods significantly increased. With one therapist, β waves decreased, after both the first and second Seifu treatments. With the other therapist, α1 and α2 waves increased, but θ waves decreased, after both the first and second Seifu treatments.Discussion The results indicate that sleepiness was resolved, tension was mitigated, and the level of relaxation rose, after Seifu. In other words, Seifu brought about a feeling of calm wakefulness. This suggests an increase in serotonin secretion after Seifu. Serotonin generated from tryptophan is a neurotransmitter with an antidepressant effect and causes composure and a sense of stability. An increase in serotonin secretion is reported to induce calm wakefulness and α2-dominant EEG traces. Therefore, the results of our study suggest that Seifu treatment of a sufficient duration stimulates serotonin secretion. Seifu is performed by “simple and constant rhythmic movements”. The technique of Seifu closely resembles that of grooming. Such simple and constant rhythmic movements are considered to stimulate serotonin secretion, and grooming reportedly increases serotonin secretion in both the groomer and groomed. Therefore, the health of not only the Seifu recipient but also Seifu therapist is considered to be promoted by increased serotonin secretion.Conclusion The changes in EEG traces after Seifu of a sufficient duration suggested increased serotonin secretion. Seifu is considered to promote the health of not only the recipient but also the therapist by increasing serotonin secretion.
海崎 彩
一般社団法人 日本温泉気候物理医学会
日本温泉気候物理医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290343)
vol.77, no.2, pp.127-142, 2014-02-28 (Released:2014-06-26)

背景・目的 : 夏季暑熱環境下では食物摂取が減少し、体格や競技力に影響を及ぼす可能性がある。そこで、夏季の食物摂取の減少について調査し、体格に及ぼす影響を調べるとともにエネルギー代謝や甲状腺ホルモンとの関連について検討した。方法 : 高校硬式野球部に所属する男子生徒を対象として、春季~冬季にわたり栄養調査、身体計測、生活時間調査(AC : activity record)を3回行った。さらに、安静時エネルギー代謝量(REE : resting energy expenditure)、甲状腺ホルモンを測定し、エネルギー(E)摂取との関連を調べた。栄養調査からE摂取量を計算し、ACから総エネルギー消費量(TEE : total enregy expenditure)を算出し、エネルギー(E)バランスを決定した。またREEは呼気ガス分析により測定し、甲状腺ホルモンはT3、FT3、FT4を定量した。結果 : 夏季のE摂取の減少は、約70%の選手で起こったので、E摂取が減少した群をLA、減少しなかった群をHAとした。TEEは両群ともに夏季に増加したので、E摂取が減少したLAではEバランスは有意に低下し負に傾いた(約-690kcal/day)。彼らの体重および上腕周囲長はそれぞれ春季よりも有意に減少し(p<0.05)、その減少率は約2~4%であった。食事のエネルギー構成比率は、LAでは高炭水化物食、HAでは高脂肪食の傾向であった。また、E摂取が減少すると、マクロ栄養素もミクロ栄養素も減少した。REEは、夏季に有意に減少し、E摂取の減少と関連することが示唆された。一方、T3、FT3は、夏季には変化はなかったが、冬季に有意に上昇しREEとの関連が見られた。結論 : 夏季環境下におけるE摂取の減少は、体重および上腕周囲長の減少を引き起こし、体格に影響を与えた。E摂取の減少は、REEの低下と関連することが示唆された。

1 0 0 0 OA 皮膚疾患

久保田 一雄
一般社団法人 日本温泉気候物理医学会
日本温泉気候物理医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290343)
vol.63, no.1, pp.18-19, 1999 (Released:2010-04-30)
杉山 尚 鈴木 桂伍
一般社団法人 日本温泉気候物理医学会
日本温泉気候学会雑誌 (ISSN:03694240)
vol.19, no.4, pp.318-330, 1956-04-25 (Released:2010-08-06)

The authors have studied the effect of the single bathing in the hot spring on the time required for the blood circulation and its relation to the character of the spring and the age, the disease and the blood pressure of the patient, and obtained the following results:1) The circulation time in healthy persons is shortened immediately after the bathing both in the simple carbonate spring (37°C) and in “Unagi-yu” (alkaline sulphur spring, 44°C), but it is prolonged one hour after the bathing, being gradual in the simple carbonate spring bathing (37°C) and rapid in the alkaline spring bathing (44°C).2) As almost similar phenomena are seen in the case of fresh water bathing (37°C and 44°C), they seem to be due to the thermal action of the bathing water.3) Generally speaking, the bathing in the hot spring tends to lower both the maximal and the minimal blood pressures, and the fall keeps on going even one hour after the bathing. It is a characteristic feature of the hot spring bathing that the duration of the fall of the blood pressure is longer in the hot spring bathing than in the fresh water bathing.4) The fall in the blood pressure induced by the bathing in “Unagi-yu” (alkaline sulphur spring) is somewhat irregular and rapid, but that induced by the bathing in the simple carbonate spring is gradual.5) No changes are observed in the pulse after the bathing both in the simple carbonate spring and in the fresh water at 37°C, but a remarkable increase is observed immediately after the bathing in “Unagi-yu” end in the fresh water at 44°C. It returns to the normal pulse after one hour.6) The shortening of the circulation time induced by the hot spring bathing is more remarkably observed in persons with low blood pressure and in younger persons, and the fall in the blood pressure is more remarkable in persons with high blood pressure and in older persons.7) The shortening of the circulation time induced by the hot spring bathing is more remarkable in persons suffering from articular rheumatism than in healthy persons.The return to the normal circulation time is quickest in healthy persons, followed by those suffering from diseases of the stomach, and it is clearly slow in persons suffering from tuberculosis and from rheumatism.