竹岡 敬温 Takeoka Yukiharu タケオカ ユキハル
大阪大学経済学 (ISSN:04734548)
vol.58, no.2, pp.246-268, 2008-09 (Released:2008-09-00)

On emploie d’ordinaire les termes ≪droite≫ et ≪gauche≫ pour designer les deux moities de la force politique en France. Le but de cet article est d’etudier la conjoncture politique et sociale de la France sous la crise economique mondiale des annees 1930, en analysant l’ideologie et les comportements des principales organisations politiques de droite et de gauche, y complises les ligues d’extreme?droites, en France de cet epoque.
古田 武 寺川 眞穂 小林 敏男 フルタ タケシ テラカワ マホ コバヤシ トシオ Furuta Takeshi Terakawa Maho Kobayashi Toshio
大阪大学経済学 (ISSN:4734548)
vol.58, no.3, pp.1-19, 2008-12

We suggest a framework of the global niche market which would enable a company to create and develop a new business. A global niche market is a small market which has particular and differentiated needs. There are two advantages to this framework. First, it makes the customers’ needs clear and thus companies are able to conform more closely to the particular needs. Second, competition with big companies can be avoided by selecting the appropriate market and business that match with the scale of the company (e.g. smaller scale venture businesses). The company would then be able to sustain its business by using the resources currently available. Here, we illustrate this process of new business creation step by step through a case study.