山根 隆宏
人間文化研究科年報 (ISSN:09132201)
no.31, pp.173-181, 2015

【Background】 Understanding the self-development and self-understanding of people withintellectual disabilities is important, particularly for those providing education and careersupport for this population. There is insufficient research into the self-focusing of people withintellectual disabilities, to the extent that clinical research concerning this issue has declined inJapan in recent years. However, it is necessary to identify any future issues that may arise inthis research area. Therefore, this paper examined possible future research questionsconcerning the self-development of people with intellectual disabilities on the basis of aliterature review.【Method】 This paper collected and reviewed international journal articles.Results First, the literature was marshaled from the perspectives of markingdevelopment changes, understanding disabilities and stigma, and developing assessmentmethods for examining the self-concepts of people with intellectual disabilities. Second,literature examining the factors involved in the development of self, leisure and socialparticipation, education, residential forms, and family relationships was identified.【Conclusions】 This review considered the future challenges inherent in overcoming thedifficulties of measuring methods and the enhancement of longitudinal development research,enhancement of research into the significant others and groups involved in the individuals' selfformations,and development of a more thorough understanding of disability.
家根 明子
人間文化研究科年報 (ISSN:09132201)
no.30, pp.133-143, 2014

It is important to encourage accurate knowledge regarding dementia and increase thepreventive support for patients with dementia. The Five-Year Plan for Promotion of DementiaMeasures ("Orange Plan"), formulated by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare in2012, has indicated that initiatives, such as Dementia Cafés, will be necessary in the future.The present study involved the establishment of a local Dementia Café, led by a physicianand run on a planned trial basis for five times over a period of 6 months, with the voluntaryparticipation of specialists who agreed to conduct sessions at the café. Observations of theevents occurring at the café, which were obtained through implementation of this initiativewere analyzed and included in the discussion. These observations comprised the main stateof participants and contents of conversations, meetings held at the café after the completionof each session conducted by the specialists. The observations clarified the following threeissues faced during the support of individuals with early dementia, :(1)promotion of accurateknowledge regarding dementia, and implementation of preventive support: the participationand support as the severity of dementia increases;(2)evaluation of Dementia Café from theviewpoints of individuals with dementia, their families, and specialists; and (3) expansion of suchcafés, which would establish a foundation for the support of individuals with early dementiawho live in rural areas.
千本 英史
人間文化研究科年報 (ISSN:09132201)
no.35, pp.131-148, 2020-03-31

菊池寛(Kikuchi Kan 1888-1948) is a novelist and playwriter, member of the third 「新思 潮」(Shinshicho). He is also known as editor and businessman who launched 「文芸春秋」 (Bungeishunju)。After the Second World War, he was blamed for activities during the war, and banned from public office. He wrote 『好色物語』(Koshokumonogatari, mainly from "Konjakumonogatarishu") and 『新今昔物語』(Shimkonjakumonogatari, covered narrative literature including"Konjakumonogatarishu")after the war. In this paper, I consider why he wrote works on the theme of narrative collections at this time.
楊 琴
人間文化研究科年報 (ISSN:09132201)
no.35, pp.162(j1)-149(j14), 2020-03-31

本稿は、日本語「人間」の意味が平安時代末期から現代に至るまで、どのような意味で使用さ れてきたかを明らかにするための研究の一部を成すものである。本稿では中世に成立した漢詩、 日記、紀行文、物語、説話、歌論、能などの文芸作品と、親鸞、日蓮の著作から「人間」の用例 を収集した。そして、「人間」の意味とジャンルとの相関関係について概観した。This paper is part of a study to clarify the meaning of the meaning of Japanese "ningen(human)" from the end of the Heian period to the present.In this article, I collected examples of "ningen" from literary works such as "Kanshi", "Nikki", "kikohbun", "Monogatari", "Setsuwa", "Karon" ,"Noh", edited in the Middle Ages, and writings of Sinran and Nichiren. Then, an overview of the correlation between the meaning of "ningen" and the genre was given.
辜 知愚
人間文化研究科年報 (ISSN:09132201)
no.34, pp.13-22, 2019-03-31

This paper investigated Buwei Yang Chao(1889-1981)'s narration in Autobiography of a Chinese Woman about people in her original family. Buwei Yang Chao's grandfather Yang Wenhui was a lay Buddhist reformer, and also an enlightened intellectual. Buwei Yang Chao was adopted by her uncle who is the brother of her birth father, and grew up with four parents in an extended family of traditional Chinese style. In this book, her grandfather and adoptive father are expressed as her enlightener and supporter, when her birth mother and adoptive mother are expressed as powerless traditional Chinese women. It considers that Buwei Yang Chao aimed to represent herself as a modern individual, which is linked to her grandfather and adoptive father's field of modern value. Furthermore, she shows Yang Wenhui's image as a person with "new thought" in the end of Qing dynasty, rather than a Buddhist, even though he was known as "The Father of the Modern Buddhist Renaissance". Also, she shows her adoptive father's image as a person who educated her as the same way as a boy, and except her to become a citizen who can serve the society. However, she tells that she failed to meet the expectations of her father, for she became a housewife but not serving the society. This narration means that the image of a modern citizen was modeled by male, therefore as a" Father's Daughter", she had to recognize herself inferior to the field which she identified with.
鈴木 千春
人間文化研究科年報 (ISSN:09132201)
no.32, pp.137-146, 2017-03-31

Twitter is one of the most popular microblogging services today. On Twitter, a user ID and an icon, or a profile image are always simultaneously displayed. In addition, the icon expresses the taste of every user since the user chooses the image to be displayed. Therefore, the icon selection can contribute to the impression formed. The purpose of this study is to investigate how users present a self-image through icon selection and how they form impressions of other users on Twitter. A content analysis of tweets suggested that prejudices were formed when a male user chose an animation character for their icon. Furthermore, young users disclose their photographs temporarily to develop relationships with their followers.
楊 静
人間文化研究科年報 (ISSN:09132201)
no.28, pp.145-155, 2012

In China,"being parents of an egg" is regarded as a practical activity to help children understand how hard parents work and to help them love their parents. The activity is letting each child hold a raw egg. Children have to treat the eggs as their own babies and take care of them. The author observed this activity in Tianjin,China,and it has been praised not only in Tianjin but-the whole of China. However, a similar activity has never been seen in Japan. In Tianjin,the author recorded a video of this activity and-conducted an investigation. Twenty college students from Japan and China watched the video, answered a questionnaire prepared in advance, and then were interviewed. Surprisingly,the results differed between the Chinese and Japanese students. The Chinese students believed that children can learn to understand how hard parents work and to love their parents through this activity.They also thought,that the activity can help children to develop a sense of responsibility. On the other hand,Japanese students believed that the eggs should not be regarded as babies. If they were , it meant that the babies died when the eggs fell and broken From their perspective,that would be a very cruel thing for a child. But why did the students'viewpoints differ? One reason is that the Chinese students did not think of the activity as"real life." Once the eggs fell and broke, they were just eggs, not babies. However, the Japanese students always regarded the eggs as babies. Another reason is that parents and teachers have absolute power in China.: Children must respect their parents and obey the teacher.
比嘉 舞
人間文化研究科年報 (ISSN:09132201)
no.27, pp.326-316, 2011

"Taigen-sho", which was written by Muneaki Toyohara(1450-1524) during the Muromachi period, is the book on gagaku. One of its features is that it has many articles quoting the book of various fields. Because of many such contents, there are still few studies about" Taigen-sho". This paper analyzes the concepts of "sugata( 姿)" and "kokoro( 心)" in gagaku, focusing on the articles quoting the treatise on waka called" Shinsensuinou-iukoto" and" Isshiden-ni-iukoto" in "Taigen-sho" volume 11. In the first section I show the summary of "sugata" and "kokoro" in "Shinsensuinoh-iukoto". "Sugata" means an acoustic element(a sound and a melody) as well as a physical movement (posture and technique in playing the sho). Then, "kokoro" stands for the knowledge of the pieces, while it implies the beat. In the second section I classify the articles quoting the treatise on waka in "Taigen-sho". As a result, the pieces quoting the treatise on waka in volume 11 are regarded as independent parts in that they do not concern the previous and next articles. In addition, there are two commonalities between "Shinsenzuinoh-iukoto" and "Isshiden-ni-iukoto": their discription form and a topic of "kokoro". It shows that Muneaki tried to suggest his attitude toward gagaku, being based on the theory about tanka poetry. In the third section I research two points: one is the use of "sugata" which means an audible element in "Taigen-sho", another is why "kokoro" stands for the beat. Consequently, "sugata" is the expression that visualized music and it needs "sugata" as the physical movement for perfect performance. Then, "kokoro" is used for the instructions of the playing method, and the methods are different by having "kokoro" or not. This suggests that "kokoro" in gagaku is different from "kokoro" in waka according as which "kokoro" is succeeded. It is interpreted from these analyzes that Muneaki expressed his attitude toward gagaku, recognizing not only the commonality but also the difference between waka and gagaku.
Wang Jenny
人間文化研究科年報 (ISSN:09132201)
no.24, pp.37-50, 2008

佐野 敏行
人間文化研究科年報 = Annual reports of Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences (ISSN:09132201)
no.32, pp.147-166, 2016

This article delineates the changes in demographic and ethnic profiles of womenengaged in servant-like work during a formative era in a middle-sized city and its surroundingagricultural areas of the Midwestern United States. It draws on the database that Iconstructed from U.S. Census original enumerations of Riverfront City and three townshipsfrom 1850 to 1930, except 1890, as well as on the ethnographic information of the area, which Iobtained from my fieldwork in the 1980s. During the last half of the 19th century and the firstdecades of the 20th century, there were a number of households that included non-kinhabitants. Among them were women who were working as servant or domestic workers.These women had different cultural backgrounds, which changed over the period from namelyScandinavian to German to Polish. They worked for families with younger parents who hadchildren. This feature changed around 1930 as the local population became older, when thewomen went from working for young families to working for both young and old families.That is, as the first and second generation of the immigrants aged. The role of women engagedin servant-like work was not only to earn wages for their families but to observe the Americanlifestyle and incorporate new ideas to their own immigrant families.
野口 理恵
人間文化研究科年報 (ISSN:09132201)
no.31, pp.39-49, 2015

This paper studies the policy of secularization in the French Third Republic from theperspective of hospitals, focusing on the Augustines, who had their headquarters in the Hotel-Dieu à Paris. By analyzing events from 1888 to 1907, the author demonstrates that the Frenchgovernment gave certain consideration to the Augustines during that time period.In 1888, a bylaw issued by a prefectural governor of Seine ordered the Augustines toleave Hôspital Saint-Louis. The Augustines lodged a complaint over this prefectural bylaw withthe Conseil d'État, contending that it exceeded the head of state's authority, because theAugustines had been authorized by an imperial decree in 1810. As a result, the Conseil d'Étatapproved the Augustines' request and suspended the prefectural bylaw; five years later, it wasannulled.The problem of hospital secularization and its implications for the Augustines wasrevived in 1905, when France passed its law on the Separation of Churches and State. In 1907,a presidential decree ordered the Augustines to leave the Hotel-Dieu à Paris. However, thedecree also granted the Augustines permission to move their headquarters to a Catholic privatehospital. Additionally, the government agreed to establish a new hospital under the control ofthe Assistance publique à Paris.Based on this analysis, the author concludes that the policy of secularization in theFrench Third Republic proceeded with greater leniency in the domain of public welfare than inthe educational field.
野中 美賀子
人間文化研究科年報 (ISSN:09132201)
no.31, pp.1-13, 2015

In the early 19th century, Westerners such as William Chambers, George Macartney,and Thomas De Quincey encountered the Orient with feelings of surprise, interest, difference,and displeasure. Edward W. Said mentions in Orientalism (1978) that the Orient is the image ofthe other that repeatedly appears in the depth of the mind of the West (1). "Kubla Khan"displays a polarity of images conveying Coleridge's ambiguous feelings toward the Orient.Coleridge uses his theory of polarity in his representations of the Orient. This theory statesthat the oppositions between polar extremes compete with each other, thereby maintaining abalance. This paper argues that representations of the Orient that include opposite images aremostly balanced with precarious elements. These precarious elements express the true natureof Coleridge's ambiguous feelings for the Orient.This paper divides" Kubla Khan" into five parts: the river Alph (lines 1–11 and 25–30),chasm (lines 12–24), pleasure dome (lines 31–36), Abyssinian maid (lines 37–47), and society (lines48–54). It considers how each aspect of the Orient depicted therein exemplifies theprecariousness included in Coleridge's theory of polarity. The Orient was an imaginary worldfor Coleridge, who had not seen it and had only read books or heard talks about it. Thus, it is anon-existential thing or an unknown world that is not easily accepted but cannot be ignoredand evokes various feelings. Therefore, the balance of ambiguous feelings for the OrientinColeridge's mind cannot avoid instability and lacks permanence.
晏 妮
人間文化研究科年報 (ISSN:09132201)
no.28, pp.41-51, 2012

After the Boxer uprising, the Qing government promoted educational reform inaccordance with the New Policies. In 1902, Wu Xin, a graduate of Nan-yang Academy,established a girls' school called Wu-ben nü-shu in Shanghai. Wu, accepting the support offamily, recognized the importance of a girls' school and asked Shimoda Utako, a specialist ongirls' education in Japan, to send a female Japanese teacher. Thus, Kawahara Misako arrivedat Shanghai to become a teacher at Wu-ben nü-shu in September 1902.Generally, October 24,1902, is considered the day Wu-ben nü-shu was established.However, Chen Xie-fen visited the school on July 12 that year,and Kawahara arrived inSeptember. After consulting several materials, I can infer that the school was established inJanuary 1902 of the lunar calendar.Finally, I clarified the school's early state of affairs through Kawahara's memoirs.