中田 考
山口大学哲学研究 (ISSN:0919357X)
vol.17, pp.65-94, 2010-03-24

The aim of this paper is to show the Idealtypus of the Islamic politics, i.e., the Caliphate (Khilāfah), which is the key concept to understand the contemporary so-called Islamic movements because the Caliphate is still the normative Islamic polity binding on Muslims as The Encyclopedia of Islamic Jurisprudence (al-Mawsū'ah al-Fiqhīyah) which is endorsed by the Ministry of the Religious Endowments and Islamic Affairs of Kuwait clarifies that the establishment of the Caliphate is obligatory by consensus of Islam...
ALAM Djumali
山口大学哲学研究 (ISSN:0919357X)
vol.22, pp.1-29, 2015

This article deals with the "character-base activity" in contemporary Japanese subculture. The character, in this case, has a specific meaning that is not necessarily same as the general meaning. The character is not understood as the animate life or humanity itself, but is rather regarded as the "form", "template", "model", "vessel" of animate life or humanity. In the second part of this continuing article, I try to examine the basic mental structure in character-base activities from perspective of "Cognitive Science of Religion", by particularly focus on "generative ritual theory" proposed by Thomas Lawson and Rober McCauley, and also "anthropomorphism theory" proposed by Stewart Guthrie. The main thesis I explore from these theories and apply to the structure and process of character-base activities is that, 1) direct/strong relation between the character's template and self expression of an actor, and 2) inner expression of an actor as supernatural/superhuman agent through mediation of the characterʼs template.
中田 考
山口大学哲学研究 (ISSN:0919357X)
vol.15, pp.1-27[含 英語文要旨], 2008

The purpose of this paper is to clarify the world view of 'self and others' held by the Sunnis and the Shias by comparing prescriptions for Jihad in Shia and Sunni jurisprudence in order to understand the origins of a conflict which might arise between them. What is argued in this article is summarized as follows. (1) Both the Sunni and the Shia Muslims approve of each other mutually as members of the same 'Muslim' community. (2) The Shias consider rebels against the Imam to be unbelievers by defining this as 'those who fight against the Infallible Imam', but generally speaking they are treated with tolerance as they are released after being neutralized by being defeated and brought under control, and they are considered as possible to coexist with. (3) The rules for rebels in Shia jurisprudence had been void and ineffectual for a long time in the age of the absence of the Imam, but since the establishment of the theory of the sovereignty of the jurist (wila^^-yah faqi^^-h) and the formation of the Islamic Republic of Iran, they have been revived in a new form by substituting the concept of 'rebellion against the Jurist as the unspecific deputy of the Imam' and 'rebellion against the legitimate Islamic government' for the original 'rebellion against the Imam'. In addition, in Islamic Republic of Iran, the jurist has come to have the authority to declare an initiative jihad, an authority that used to be solely the prerogative of the Imam in traditional Shia jurisprudence. (4) The range of the infidels with whom coexistence in "the Abode of Islam" differs in Sunni jurisprudence according to the different schools, but the opinion that there is a possibility for coexistence with all infidels is gaining influence. On the other hand, Shia classical jurisprudence has admitted only the People of the Book, but Ayatollah Fadlullah of Lebanon has presented a new view that the acceptance of all infidels depending on the situation is possible.
Alam Djumali
山口大学哲学研究 (ISSN:0919357X)
vol.18, pp.1-23, 2011

村上 龍
山口大学哲学研究 (ISSN:0919357X)
vol.20, pp.27-39, 2013

Although rarely pointed out, Henri Bergson(1859-1941)was highly interested in psychical phenomena, or to be exact, in researches on such phenomena. But why? In this paper I am going to clarify the reason. Unfortunately there is no article in which Bergson directly mentions psychical researches except for ""Phantasms of the Living" and "Psychical Research""(1913). So I start by examining this exceptional article, and after that I turn my eyes to several related articles. Finally I will conclude that Bergson, whose speculation is firmly based on modern sciences, regards psychical researches as the newest one.
末松 壽
山口大学哲学研究 (ISSN:0919357X)
pp.52_a-75_a, 1992

La distinction établie par Émile Benveniste entre discours et récit historique (avater de l'opposition logos / muthos des Anciens) aincité de nombreux critiques (linguistes, tel H. Weinrich, ou philosophes) à réflréchir sur les questions de l'énonciation en général et en particulier sur la modalité de la relation entre ces deux types d'énonciation. Les théoriciens de la littérature de leur côté en ont tiré parti afin de consolider les bases d'une science en construction. Il nous a paru cependant nécessaire de réexaminer la théorie du linguiste, notamment en ce qui concerne la légitimité de poser le discoursi indirect comme"troisième type d'énonciation" (ainsi qu'il l'a fait) et de nous demander s'il n'y avait pas lieu, à la place, de proposer un tout autre type : lavdéfinition Il fallait, d'autre part, mettre en lumière une certaine mutation conceptuelle des termes-clefs (récit, disconrs précisément)de Benveniste aux poéticiens dont Barthes et en particulier G. Genette, changement de perspective qui a permis, depuis les années 1970, l'essor remarquable de la narratologie. Telles sont les tâches que nous nous proposons dans cet essai.
門倉 正美
山口大学哲学研究 (ISSN:0919357X)
no.1, pp.63-81, 1992

先端医療技術やバイオ・テクノロジーの進展がわれわれの死生観を揺り動かし、環境問題は別の側面からいのちの危機を突きつけている。また、死の迎え方、老いの生き方、食のあり方といった日常の風景の中でもいのちのありようが問われている。「生命学」は、現代社会におけるいのちのあり方を総体的に捉えようとする試みである。 小論はそうした「生命学」への一つのアプローチとして、デパートの店員に「カブト虫の修理」を頼む子どもの「生き物」感覚の問題を切り口として、都市化や産業社会の論理、さらには一次産業の現場での「生き物」感覚の衰退・希薄化を見ていく。一次産業は「自然条件に依拠して生命を育てる」のを本来の姿としていたが、近代化が推進されていく中で「自然を最大限に効率よく搾取していく」という工業の論理に浸されてきている。 「生き物を物として扱う」近代産業社会の枠組みの中では、家畜や作物をはじめとする人間以外の生き物の生理が侵されるだけでなく、他の生き物のゆたかな生を保証しない殺風景さはやがて人間自身の「生き物」性を損なうことに連なっていくように思える。
脇條 靖弘
山口大学哲学研究 (ISSN:0919357X)
vol.25, pp.49-60, 2018

Dialectic is regarded as an important method of philosophy in Plato's later dialogues. Plato's Dialectic consists of two sub-methods, collection and division. Traditionally interpreted, collection and division are supposed to operate in combination to obtain the definition of anything under philosophical investigation, the former first determining the highest genus and the latter then dividing that into several species of lower levels. Plato's Phaedrus 265c-266b, however, presents a serious diffculty for this traditional interpretation, since the passage seems to imply that the method of collection by itself, independently of the method of division, can reach the definition. Hayase (Hayase 2016), who offers a new interpretation of Plato's Dialectic, rejects the traditional interpretation partly because of the diffculty of the passage. In this paper, having in view the argument of Hayase, I would like to show that actually the passage can consistently be understood on the traditional interpretation. Carefully examining the passage, we will see that although obtaining the definition is indeed said to be the objective of the method of collection, this by no means implies that collection by itself can achieve it. Socrates' statement about the importance of the definition, which immediately follows the introduction of collection, can be thought to be just a supplementary comment on the definition, not an illustration of collection, as Hayase assumes. Overall structure of the passage can be thought to be something like this: first, each of the two sub-methods is successively introduced, with a supplementary comment attached to the first of them, collection, and then follows the illustration of how they work together to get the definition. For the full evaluation of Hayase's new interpretation, we of course need much more thorough examination, but it is very important to see that the passage gives no diffculty to the traditional interpretation.
横田 蔵人
山口大学哲学研究 (ISSN:0919357X)
no.27, pp.77-90, 2020-03-26

In Nichomachean Ethics Book VI, Aristotle poses two apparently incompatible theses: One cannot have prudentia without having moral virtues, though one cannot have moral virtues without prudence. Mediaeval thinkers undertake the task of solving this knotted puzzle, interpreting and modifying the Philosopher's ethical theory in logically sophisticated fashion. This article traces three mediaeval theologians' tracks on this count: Thomas Aquinas, John Duns Scotus, and rather less famous Franciscan friar, Peter Aureol. Thomas and Peter pay attention to the prescriptive force normative proposition has. When one concludes a moral judgment after careful deliberation, this judgement has motivating power in itself, actually moving its owner's will to act. Two Theologians agree with ascribing the source of this power to fundamental direction of the will inclined by acquired moral virtues. In this sense, the virtues precede moral deliberation. Duns Scotus, however, takes Aristotle's word in much strictly logical sense and rejects logical contradiction. He chooses to caste out one horn of dilemma and simply dismiss the impossibility of possessing prudence without moarally virtuous habits. The reason why John can take this solution is that he cuts off motivating force from moral judgement, of which Thomas and Peter approve. For Duns Scotus, moral deliberation and final judgement is a judgement only.
遠藤 徹
山口大学哲学研究 (ISSN:0919357X)
no.4, pp.1-21, 1995-09

「汝及び他のあらゆる人格における人間性を、単に手段としてのみ扱うことなく、常に同時に目的としても扱うように、行為せよ。」 カントは定言命法のこの定式(―第二定式と呼ぶことにする)をどこから、どう導き出したのか。―本稿が全体として掲げる主題はこれである。この問題に迫る一つの手だてとして、今回の稿で、我々はこの定式に含まれている、しかしカントによって表だって顕わにされていない「目的」に敢えて注目する。顕わにされている目的は言うまでもなく「目的としても扱うように」と命じられている、その目的であり、あらゆる人格の人間性がそれに当たる。これを「目的(1)」とすれば、この定式にはもう一つの目的―「目的(2)」―が伏在している。我々の見るところでは、「目的(2)」は通常の目的概念であるのに対して、「目的(1)」はそうではなく、カントが目的(2)を表立たせながら論述を行わなかったことは、その主張の理解にさまざまな困難を引き起こしている。 全体のこういう視点から、「目的」であり得るものは何か、「客観的目的」及び「自体的目的」とはそれぞれ何か、二つの異同・関係はどうか、等々を見、定式の基礎づけについて一通りの解釈を得る。我々の考察の基底に貫かれる一つの洞観は「人格」はそもそも「目的」たり得ないということである。また解釈が辿り着く重要な結論は、第二定式は基本定式を越え出ているということである。 我々の疑問・批判と関わるところの深いロスの解釈をも参考に取り上げ、カント、我々双方の主張に光を当てることを期する。
遠藤 徹
山口大学哲学研究 (ISSN:0919357X)
no.7, pp.1-42, 1998

出生前検査で遺伝子に障害の素質をもつことが明らかになった胎児を親の意志によって中絶することが合法的に、或いは法の規制外で、既に行われ始めている。重大なこのことの是非を問う。 問題はこの行為が殺―人に当たらないかであるが、胎児や重度障害者の身分を「人」との関係でどうとらえるかが議論の分かれ目となる。障害胎児中絶の是非は一方で高等動物の、他方で嬰児や幼児の、殺害の是非の問題とも連関せざるを得ず、それら広範囲に及んで展開されている議論に目を通しながら、我々としての見解を確立することが求められる。障害胎児が「人」と連続性をもつ存在であることが否定し得ない以上、その中絶を殺「人」でないと主張することは不合理である―これが我々の見解である。 結局、是認論は、それが殺人ではあっても、許される殺人であるとの立場からのみ可能であろう。ではいかなる意味で許されるのか。その検討は是認がどこにどう立つことであるかを明らかにする。しかし問題を真に哲学的=倫理学的に十分に論じるためには、そもそも殺人禁止はいかなる根拠に基づく、どこから与えられる命令であるのか(―それは「生きる権利」がいかなる根拠で、誰(何)から与えられるのか、ということと不可分な問題であるが)、是認・否認の立場はそれにどのようにかかわるのか、が明らかにされなければならない。命令の与え主が少なくとも「自然」、さらに遡れば自然の創造者(神)であることが見届けられるとき、自然環境破壊とは別の、もう一つの"自然破壊"が現代人の根底で進行していることが浮かび上がると共に、いったい我々はもはやどこに立って自己の正しさを主張し得るのか、―最根源的問いへ突き返される。
山本 勝也
山口大学哲学研究 (ISSN:0919357X)
vol.20, pp.97-117, 2013

Economics has a great influence on thoughts and policies in modern society. Especially, recent neoliberal reforms are supported by beliefs on the freedom of economic activities and the adjustability of market mechanism. It is often said that Adam Smith advocated economic liberalism. Relying mainly on The Theory of Moral Sentiments and The Wealth of Nations, this paper shows the economic thought of Adam Smith and his intentions. Our results indicate that Smith didnʼt claim economic liberalism unconditionally but his economic thought is not enough to defend it. And we discuss the recent situation of economics and neoliberalism. Finally, we conclude that we need an interdisciplinary approach for the revolution in economics.
横田 蔵人
山口大学哲学研究 (ISSN:0919357X)
vol.25, pp.61-82, 2018-03-23

In the second part of his Summa Theologiae, Thomas Aquinas mediates a conflicts between two ideals of human excellency, the magnanimitas and humiltias. The ideal of magnanimitiy is quintessence of elitism in ancient Greek political society, which praises the man of pride and self-esteem who also contemns the inferior persons lacking meritorious characters. Aristotle glorifies this virtue in the Book IV of his Nicomachean Ethics as a summit and ornament of the all virtues; this promotion was troublesome among the medieval Christian intellectuals, because such ideal of human excellency seems highly incompatible with the virtue of humiliats, typically Christian virtue of the man of self-humiliation, gentle and humble in heart. ST. Thomas analyses these two virtues in his Summa and determines and redefines their proper functions in total system of morality. Magnanimity is now classified under the virtue of fortitude and humility is installed in a subclass of temperance. The function of the former class of virtues is to agitate and encourage wimpy will-power, whereas the latter restraints and repress excessive appetite. The two virtues are twin necessary parts, an accelerator and break controlling and adjusting human motivation. However, in his reconcilliation of the two virtues, Angelic Doctor seems downgrades the ideal of humility from the level of the gifts of Divine grace infused into the Christians, to the level of only human excellency accessible to even pagans beneath the limits of natural capacities. Does Aquinas dismiss the religious dimension of the virtue of humility in order to reconcile it with the pagan Greek morality? In this article, we investigate the essence of Aquinas's concept of humility and try to manifest its preconditions. According to St. Thomas, the essential condition of humility is "reverence for God' inherent in human nature. In other words, Aquinas admits that the humanity is created as naturally religious. St. Thomas downgrades the status of humility to the level of human nature, as well as he upgrades the human nature to the transcendent dimension. Humility as the just conduct vis-à-vis God is now reinterpreted by Angelic Doctor as a virtue of common religious humanity.
Ogawa Hitoshi
山口大学哲学研究 (ISSN:0919357X)
vol.25, pp.35-47, 2018-03-23

In this article, first of all, I want to propose the possibility of "anime philosophy" as a new genre. When we hear the word "philosophy," we usually think of reading difficult classic books. Especially in academic society, this is a mainstream idea. However, philosophy has more possibilities because it means seeking the essence through thinking. In that sense, we could philosophize not just by reading difficult books, but by watching anime films, as well. Indeed, some kinds of anime works are more philosophical than traditional philosophy books. Miyazaki Hayao's anime films are such examples because they always make me philosophize about his deeper thoughts behind his work. Second of all, in order to prove my hypothesis, I want to focus on the concept of "neighborness," as the essence of Miyazaki's anime. One of my intentions is to propose neighborness as a global philosophy which was born in Japan and could be applied even in the global society. In the end, I want to broaden my horizons to world peace. The world is suffering from some persistent global issues, including wars, terrorist attacks, environmental problems, and poverty. I truly believe anime philosophy as symbolized by the concept of neighborness will solve those problems. We shouldn't face the problem directly all the time. We sometimes need to neighbor each other. This brings us to a completely new perspective.
周藤 多紀
山口大学哲学研究 (ISSN:0919357X)
vol.20, pp.1-25, 2013

In this paper, I discuss commentaries on Nicomachean Ethics in 13th century Europe to show the significance of an anonymous commentary on Nicomachean Ethics in the ms. Worcester Cathedral Library, Q. 13. The question-commentary has characteristics similar to those once called "Averroistsʼ commentaries", i.e., the Ethics commentaries written by Parisian masters of arts in the late 13th century. There are, however, elements peculiar to the Worcester commentary and aspects that resemble work written by John of Tytynsale, a contemporary Oxford master of arts. Hence, I conclude that the Worcester Ethics Commentary was probably produced at Oxford. I believe that a critical edition and a study of this ignored Ethics commentary will shed a light on the teaching of philosophical ethics in late 13th century Oxford, of which little is known.
柏木 寧子
山口大学哲学研究 (ISSN:0919357X)
vol.13, pp.31-51, 2006
