宮崎秀夫 荒尾 宗孝 岡村 和彦
新潟歯学会雑誌 (ISSN:03850153)
vol.29, no.1, pp.11-15, 1999-07

The purpose of this study was to develop clinical classification of halitosis with corresponding treatment needs and was to tentatively classify halitosis patients according to the proposed classification. The classification consists of 3 classes (Ⅰ,Ⅱ,andIII) and 3 sub-classes in class I, that is, physiologic halitosis (Class1-a), oral pathologic halitosis (Class 1-b-1), extraoral pathologic halitosis (Class 1-b-2), Pseudo-halitosis (Class 2) and Halitophobia (Class3). Organoleptic scoring, volatile sulfur compounds (VSC) measurements using a portable sulfide monitor (Halimeter; RH-17 series, Interscan) and/or Gas Chromatograph (GC) were carried out for patients with bad breath complaint at the Breath Odor Clinic in the Dental School Hospital, Niigata University. All patients were examined 3 times in different days and diagnosed by average scores or values. There were 215 patients newly registered at the Clinic during the 1st year from April 1, 1998 to 31 March 1999. After excluding patients with incomplete data in their medical records, 210 patients (71 males and 139 females) were classified according to the proposed classification. Numbers (percentages) of patients with physiologic halitosis (Group 1), oral pathologic halitosis (Group 2), extraoral pathologic halitosis (Group 3), pseudo-halitosis (Group4), and halitophobia (Group5) were 43 (20.5%), 78 (37.1%), 7 (3.3%), 74 (35.2%), and 8 (3.8%), respectively. The mean organoleptic scores of patients in Groups 1 (2.1), 2 (2.6) and 3 (2.5) were higher than those in Groups 4 (1.3) and 5 (1.6). The mean VSC values of patients in Groups 1 (169.0ppb), 2 (235.3ppb) and 3 (210.4ppb) were higher than those in Groups 4 (100.5ppb) and 5 (108.9ppb). Relatively higher VSC values were found even in pseudo-halitosis and balitophobia groups although both had lower level of OLS.本論文の目的は、試案した口臭症の臨床病態分類を公表すること、新潟大学歯学部附属病院口臭クリニックに来院した初診患者をこのクライテリアにより分類することである。口臭は官能検査、ガスクロマトグラフィ、ポータブルサルファイドモニターを用い測定した。初診患者210名のうち、真性口臭症が61%(生理的口臭:21%、口腔由来の病的口臭:37%、全身由来の病的口臭:3%)、仮性口臭症が35%、口臭恐怖症が4%であった。分類されたグループ別に平均官能検査スコア(OLS)をみると、生理的口臭症は2.1と真性口臭症の中では低かったが、仮性口臭症(1.3)と口臭恐怖症(1.6)と比べると明らかに高値を示した。口腔由来の病的口臭グループの平均VSC濃度235.3ppbは、生理的口臭(169.0ppb)、仮性口臭症(100.5ppb)、口臭恐怖症(108.9ppb)に対し有意(p<0.01)に高かった。
佐々井 敬祐 岡田 朋子
新潟歯学会雑誌 = 新潟歯学会雑誌 (ISSN:03850153)
vol.24, no.1, pp.45-48, 1994-06

田村 裕 櫻井 晶 山村 千絵 Tamura Yutaka Sakurai Akira Yamamura Chie
新潟歯学会雑誌 (ISSN:03850153)
vol.39, no.2, pp.135-142, 2009-12

嚥下リハビリテーションを含む口腔治療の現場では,口腔湿潤度を知ることは治療計画を立てる上で有益である。そのため口腔粘膜水分量や唾液分泌量が測定されているが,両者の関係性は不明である。本研究は両者の関係を調べることと,2種類の保湿剤が唾液分泌量に及ぼす効果を知ることを目的に実施した。研究は,口腔乾燥症状を呈する疾患がない健康な成人男女20 名を用いて行った。最初に,口腔水分計(ムーカス^<【○!R】>)による口腔粘膜水分量とワッテ法による唾液分泌量を継時的に同時測定することにより両者を比較し,関連が見られるか調べた。次に,口腔湿潤度を高めるために,臨床現場で使用されている二種類の保湿剤(ハニーウェット^<【○!R】>とメンバーズ洗口液^<【○!R】>)の効果を継時的に比較し,各々の保湿効果の特徴から使用目的の明確化を試みた。安静時の口腔粘膜水分量と唾液分泌量には相関は認められなかった。このことから口腔湿潤度は,簡易的に測定できる口腔粘膜水分量のみでは判定しにくいことが示唆された。保湿剤の実験では,どちらの保湿剤も,水道水刺激時と比べ有意に唾液分泌量が増加した。さらに,唾液分泌量の継時的変化を見ると,ハニーウエット^<【○!R】>は刺激直後に分泌量が急増する特徴があり,メンバーズ洗口液^<【○!R】>は刺激後,分泌量増加の持続が長いという特徴が見られた。使用目的として,口腔乾燥が重度で食事前などに即効を期待する場合にはハニーウエット^<【○!R】>を,常時,口呼吸で口腔内が乾燥してしまう場合などにはメンバーズ洗口液^<【○!R】>が適すると考えられた。In the present study, we have investigated the relationship between oral mucosa humidity and salivary flow rate, which affect the oral wetness firstly, and then examined the time-dependent changes in the moisturizing effects of the two different types of moisturizers which are used in clinical practice, in order to higher the oral wetness. Subjects were 20 healthy adults selected from both sexes who have no history of disease associated with dry mouth symptoms. First, oral mucosal humidity (%) under a resting condition was determined by using an oral moisture checker (Mucus^<TM>). Total amount of saliva (g) was determined ordinary by using a cotton method. No significant correlation between mucosal humidity and salivary flow rate was observed. Since mucosal humidity and salivary flow rate have different implications with each other, it is difficult to evaluate by measuring only mucosal humidity in order to determine the oral wetness.Then, time-dependent changes in oral wetness with applying two moisturizers (Honey Wet^<TM> and Members mouthwash fluid^<TM>) were investigated. Stimulation with Honey Wet^<TM> caused sharp increase in salivary volume which returned to resting level within 20 min after the stimulation; whereas the stimulation with Members mouthwash fluid^<TM> resulted in a mild increase in comparison to Honey Wet^<TM> , however, the salivary volume was significantly greater than those of resting and tap water stimulation, even 30 min after the stimulation. Considering the application in clinical practice, Honey Wet^<TM> is recommended when the marked dry mouth was observed and/or immediately before meal, where the increase in salivary flow is desired in order to swallow foods easily; on the other hand, Members mouthwash fluid^<TM> is recommended when symptoms of dry mouth are observed because of habitual mouth-breathing and long-lasting moisturizing effects are desired.