伊藤 マモル 小坂 博信 上岡 尚代 泉 重樹 和田 武真 藤野 大樹
法政大学体育・スポーツ研究センター紀要 = 法政大学体育・スポーツ研究センター紀要 (ISSN:21862842)
no.31, pp.13-23, 2013-03-31

本研究ではスポーツ選手の敏捷性を向上させるための手段を模索する観点から、シューズ内の滑りを抑制したソックス (Technical Grip Socks:以下、TS)の着用が敏捷性能力に及ぼす効果を検証した。被験者は大学体育会に所属するフェンシング選手男女12人、バスケットボール選手男女33人であった。測定項目は、反復横跳び、マルシェ・ロンペ、ステップ50、サークルドリブル、垂直跳びであった。TSと比較したソックスは市販のスポーツソックス (以下、NS)であった。測定はインターバル3分で4回実施し、TSとNSを1回ごとに履き替えさせた。その結果、TSの着用は、敏捷性を向上させ、疲労感が高まっている時であっても、敏捷性を低下させない可能性が示唆された。また、TSが有するトリプルサポート機能は足部に生じる傷害を予防する可能性が示唆された。しかし、TSの効果をより明確にするならば、被験者の条件設定や被験者が使用しているスポーツシューズを詳細に調べるとともに、サーフェイスおよび被験者のアライメントや足裏の接地状態などの特徴に関しても検討する必要性を認めた。
朝比奈 茂 Asahina Shigeru 伊藤 マモル Ito Mamoru 山本 利春 Yamamoto Toshiharu 中澤 史 Nakazawa Tadashi 泉 重樹 Izumi Shigeki 笠井 淳 Kasai Atsushi マクラーレン ジェイソン Mclaren Jason
法政大学体育・スポーツ研究センター紀要 (ISSN:21862842)
vol.30, pp.55-62, 2012-03-31

In spite of an increasing use of elastic stockings in the field of sports, the paucity of reports on physiological and morphological responses to wearing elastic stockings prompted us to investigate it. The purpose of the present investigation was to clarify the physiological effects of wearing elastic stockings for sports on cardiorespiratory responses, peripheral circulation, leg circumference etc. during exercise. Data were collected through a questionnaire, which was then compared against previously reported results. The results of the questionnaire revealed that many of the subjects were amateur runners, who exercised as a hobby or for recreational purposes. In addition, many of the subjects have some experience using compression stockings, holding the view that it aids the recovery of fatigue, promotes blood circulation, and improves their competitive power. On the other hand, although elastic stockings increased suppression around the lower leg, physiological effects demonstrated no significant differences in cardiorespiratory responses or peripheral circulation. It is concluded that wearing elastic stockings for sports does not a large effect on respiratory responses to intense exercise in healthy young people. Questions still remain about the physiological role of elastic stockings, but at this stage, there is no alternative but to wait for future research.
中澤 史 伊藤 マモル 山本 利春 泉 重樹 朝比奈 茂 笠井 淳 マクラーレン ジェイソン
法政大学体育・スポーツ研究センター紀要 = The Research of Physical Education and Sports, Hosei University (ISSN:21862842)
vol.30, pp.29-34, 2012-03-31

The purpose of this study was to investigate the psychological effect by comparing changes in feelings and psychological condition before and after wearing the compression garment for sports. Two kinds of questionnaire investigations, Two-dimensional mood Scale and Psychological condition inventory, were executed for 50 non-athletes (35males and 15females) and 25 college athletes (21males and 4 females) before and after wearing the garment. The result was as follows. (1) Regardless of the non-athletes or the athlete, it was shown that the activation level, the stability level and the degree of comfort were improved, and a moderate arousal level to sports was obtained by wearing the garment. (2) It was shown that the anxiety level of athletes and non-athletes was reduced, and there was an effect of promoting mental stability to sports. In conclusion, by wearing the garment, the possibility of becoming one method of the lead into an appropriate psychological condition for sports was shown.