山田 快 堀本 菜美 長谷川 賢典
スポーツ心理学研究 (ISSN:03887014)
pp.2022-2108, (Released:2022-08-04)

This study examined Japanese athletesʼ perceptions of a good coach, including the necessary personal or behavioral characteristics. Data were collected using an open-ended questionnaire survey of 140 collegiate athletes (68 males and 72 females; average age 19.49 ± 0.96 years) from 26 sports. The KJ method was applied to extract the characteristics of a good coach. These factors were then categorized according to the closeness of response meanings. The 399 valid characteristics obtained were classified into 93 categories, and finally consolidated into five categories: “practicing athletecentered coaching,” “possessing superior humanity,” “having excellent knowledge and skills,” “making precise assessment and action,” and “building confidential relationships.” The results indicate that modern athletes believe a good coach should have the five core attributes. This finding suggests that a noble character is fundamental. Furthermore, coaches should update their knowledge and skills, behave appropriately in reading sport fields accurately, and forge solid relationships with athletes. The good coach would be able to embody athlete-centered with such practices. Therefore, coaches are expected to continue developing their personality and coaching skills, while keeping in mind athletesʼ and social needs. This study can serve as an essential guide for those who wish to become good coaches.
吉田 康伸 濱口 純一 山田 快
法政大学スポーツ研究センター紀要 = Bulletin of Sports Research Center, Hosei University (ISSN:21879168)
no.36, pp.93-99, 2018-03

本研究では,男子バレーボールにおける攻撃パターンの傾向について,2017 年男子ワールドグランドチャンピオンズカップの日本戦のうち,VTR 録画した10 ゲーム,34 セットを対象に,後日再生して私案の記録用紙に記録し,集計作業を行った。測定した項目は①攻撃種類の分類,②ポジション別のバックアタック,③攻撃パターンの分類で,それぞれコンビネーション攻撃の出現率,打数の出現率,決定率などを算出し,日本チームと日本チーム以外の二つを比較検討しながら考察を進めた。結果として,男子バレーボールにおいてはほぼ全てのコンビネーション攻撃の中にバックアタックを組み込んでいることが明らかになり,同時にフロントとバックプレーヤーを合わせた4 人攻撃もほぼ全てに出現していたことが明らかになった。またバックアタックは一度のコンビネーション攻撃の中で,二人のバックプレーヤーが同時にバックアタックを仕掛けるWBA の打数が多数を占めた。戦術的には日本チームとそれ以外の世界上位チームに差はみられず,既に攻撃戦術についてはこれ以上ないレベルにまで行きついている部分もあるため,今後はよりスピーディーで精度の高いプレーが求められることになると予想される。
伊藤 華英 山田 快 舟橋 弘晃 上林 功 間野 義之 広沢 正孝
Japan Society of Sports Industry
スポーツ産業学研究 (ISSN:13430688)
vol.27, no.3, pp.3_203-3_221, 2017 (Released:2017-08-03)

The purpose of this research was to develop a swimmer-specific mental toughness inventory. In the pilot survey, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 7 Japanese individual sports Olympic medalists (4 males, 3 females) in order to identify the characteristics of elite swimmers’ mental toughness using a qualitative analysis method, the KJ method, considering higher- and lower-order structures. In the main research, a questionnaire regarding mental toughness was conducted on 254 swimmers (151 males, 103 females) who met the finishing time set by the Japan Swimming Federation with the purpose of enhancing swimmers’ competitiveness (assumed as elite swimmers in this study). The development of a swimmer-specific mental toughness inventory was attempted using a questionnaire developed by extracting swimmers’ mental toughness characteristics revealed in the pilot survey. After excluding defective answers, 194 (117 males, 77 females) samples were included in analysis. Exploratory factor analysis indicated that the inventory consisted of five factors and three items. After scrutiny of what constituted the extracted five factors, they were named the following: “Fortitude,” “Commitment to the Sport,” “Psychological Conditioning,” “Self-control,” and “Resilience.” Exploratory factor analysis was once again conducted through the maximum-likelihood method and Promax rotation and it confirmed internal validity. Conversion validity and divergent validity were examined, both of which adequately fulfilled the Goodness of Fit Index and standard path coefficient. Finally, adequate criterion-related validity was verified using correlation analysis with DIPCA.3. The factors of mental toughness in elite swimmers were similar to those in other sports. Japanese elite swimmers’ mental toughness characteristics were identified and a swimmer-specific mental toughness inventory was developed. This scale will be useful for helping coaches to understand Japanese elite swimmers’ mental toughness.