吉野 昌恵 袴田 智子 元永 恵子 石毛 勇介
独立行政法人 日本スポーツ振興センター国立スポーツ科学センター
Sports Science in Elite Athlete Support (ISSN:24322091)
vol.3, pp.79-92, 2018

This paper reports the efforts undertaken to provide nutritional support for the Japanese National Paralympic Alpine Ski Team from the 2015/2016 season to the Pyeongchang 2018 Paralympic Winter Games. According to the team coaches, increased fatigue and reduced performance was observed around the end of a season. They attributed this to deficient fluid intake during training sessions and deficient food intake after exercise. At first, we examined the dehydration status and body mass variation of the athletes during the 2015/2016 season. Dehydration is usually detected by measuring the subject's body weight both before and after exercise, but body weight measurement during ski training may be difficult for paralympic alpine skiers. We tried to assess the hydration status of the athletes by measuring urine specific gravity (USG) on the first morning and checked urine color using a color chart as well as measured the body weight. Both parameters were monitored for 7days in the early 2015/2016 season. Some athletes had high USG (≥1.030), and showed body weight loss during the examination. We were concerned about dehydration on the first morning and body weight loss during the long season. Preventing dehydration and maintaining body weight during the season was crucial for the team. However, drinking large volumes of water on snow is difficult. Therefore, we encouraged fluid intake after a training session or competition so that they could be rehydrated by the next morning. Furthermore, consuming a snack (for example, bread, banana, and energy bar) after exercise would help in preventing energy deficiency, even if the athlete missed a meal. Additionally, we encouraged the athletes to regularly self monitor their body weight and urine color until the 2017/2018 season. With the establishment of these routines in the team, the athletes were able to maintain body weight and prevented dehydration.
織田 憲嗣 宇土 昌志
独立行政法人 日本スポーツ振興センター国立スポーツ科学センター
vol.6, pp.43-49, 2013

本報告では,マルチサポート事業により,ロンドンオリンピックへ向けてフェンシング男子フルーレナショナルチームを対象に行われた心理サポートの概要を報告した. 2009 年,フェンシング男子フルーレがチーム「ニッポン」マルチサポート事業の強化対象種目となり, 2009 年からロンドンオリンピック終了の 2012 年まで,上記種目選手を対象に心理サポートを行った.心理サポートにおいては,個別性を重視し,各選手に対して個別相談形式(個別心理サポート)で対応した.その期間に行ったセッション数は,対象者 7 名に対して,のべ 380 セッションであった.また,行われた個別心理サポートの内容をより具体的に説明するた めに,実際のケース 2 事例を選別して提示した.
藤原 昌 衣笠 泰介 久木留 毅
独立行政法人 日本スポーツ振興センター国立スポーツ科学センター
Sports Science in Elite Athlete Support (ISSN:24322091)
vol.3, pp.53-68, 2018 (Released:2019-02-15)

Establishment of the Athlete Development System (ADS) has been positioned as an important effort of the success in high performance sport. The review paper summarized the initiatives of the gov-ernments and national sport organizations to establish the ADS after the Tokyo 1964 Olympic Games. Also, we analyzed the current situation of the ADS in Japan. As a result, the definition of the ADS has changed from explaining a direct relationship between training volume/intensity and performance to taking a systematic approach incorporating many factors related to the ADS. Since 2010, each na-tional sport organization has formulated a medium to long-term strategic plan. However, we need to reaffirm that the current strategic plan is focusing on the final stage of achieving medals at major competitions. We suggest that the quality and effectiveness of each of sport organization is positioned as an important effort of the success in high performance sport. The review paper summarized the initiatives of governments and sport organizations’ youth programs, which are the foundation for the success at the senior level. If the national sport organizations were not able to improve their athlete development pathway program, it would not lead to the sustainable ADS in the near future. Therefore, looking ahead to 2020 and beyond, each sport organization needs to establish a unique Japanese athlete development framework by considering the background of Japanese society.
久木留 毅 野口 順子
独立行政法人 日本スポーツ振興センター国立スポーツ科学センター
Journal of High Performance Sport (ISSN:24347299)
vol.6, pp.174-188, 2020 (Released:2021-01-06)

The purpose of this research was to consider the possibility for the development of evidence-based policy making (EBPM) in the field of sport through the case of Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). COVID-19, originated in Wuhan, China, has rapidly spread world-wide and severely impacted society in several fields. High performance sport is no exception. The Tokyo 2020 Games, professional leagues and many competitions had to be suspended or postponed. Most of the training centers around the world partially or completely closed to protect athletes’ health and safety. Furthermore, restrictions of public life such as quarantine affected the physical and psychological conditioning of athletes. The planning and preparation to return to sport activities was therefore considered extremely important. The International Olympic Committee (IOC) developed a strategic partnership with the World Health Organization (WHO) to provide evidence-based information and advice to sports organizations. WHO published sport-specific guidelines and the IOC encouraged International Federations (Ifs) to follow WHO’s guidance. With the establishment of R&D Blueprint in 2016, the WHO is in a position to coordinate a global coalition of experts to accelerate the R&D process which develops new norms and standards during epidemics such as COVID-19. On one hand, various sporting organizations (government agencies, training centers, Olympic and Paralympic Committees), collaborated and shared information for decision-making. There was, however, concern for the lack of research-based evidence. The experience of COVID-19 showcased the importance to prepare and plan for the future based on evidence generated through research. Until now, evidence-based policy making (EBPM) has been rarely discussed in the field of sport. The High Performance Sport Center (HPSC) is the only one organization that owns a database storing various information related to sport in Japan, and therefore has the potential to foster the implementation of EBPM in the field of sport by utilizing its database.
袴田 智子 谷中 拓哉 山本 真帆 設楽 佳世
独立行政法人 日本スポーツ振興センター国立スポーツ科学センター
Journal of High Performance Sport (ISSN:24347299)
vol.5, pp.12-22, 2020

The purpose of this article was to introduce fitness testing for Japanese para-athletes conducted at Japan Institute of Sports Sciences (JISS). Additionally, current challenges we face and our approaches for those challenges will be explained. Since 2015, fitness check-up for para-athletes have been carried out at JISS. The accumulated knowledge from scientific researches and know-how for supporting the Olympic sports for long time at JISS have been applied for Paralympic sports. Therefore, main fitness check-up services provided for the para-athletes have been similar to the Olympic athletes, which include body composition measurements, muscle strength tests, and aerobic and anaerobic capacity tests. However, the test protocols are modified and customized based on physical characteristics, or the types and degree of disabilities of each para-athlete. Their fitness levels and skills needed for their sports are assessed through tests that are specific to the sports. Our next challenges are to develop a testing method that can be customized for various types of disabilities for every sport and to establish fitness testing method with high accuracy for para-athletes.