杉崎 弘周 物部 博文 上地 勝 藤原 昌太 山田 浩平 沢田 真喜子 森 良一 横嶋 剛 植田 誠治
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.66, pp.623-630, 2021 (Released:2021-09-18)

This study aimed to clarify the problems related to students’ health and safety at school and identify teachers’ needs for learning in a teacher training course by conducting a survey for yogo teachers who were experts in school health and safety. Except for training courses for yogo teachers or health and physical education teachers, there are no compulsory subjects regarding problems related to student health and safety at school. Moreover, previous reports have indicated that general teachers found it difficult to deal with topics related to student health and safety. We surveyed 2,992 yogo teachers randomly selected from across the country and 1,196 responses were received (response rate 40. 0%). The results indicated that mental care, first aid, and developmental disabilities accounted for more than 80% of the problems experienced by yogo teachers related to student health and safety. It was also suggested that the number of years of experience was related to problem perception. Among the topics that needed to be learned at the teacher preparation stage, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, developmental disorders, mental care, allergies, heat stroke, and use of an EpiPen accounted for a high proportion, while chronic diseases, eating disorders, cooperation with other staff (for safety), and orthostatic dysregulation accounted for a low proportion. The present results need to be considered when developing training content required for incumbent teachers and novice teachers, and when discussing the subjects required for teacher training courses. This would also help teachers to respond effectively to problems related to student health and safety at school.
衣笠 泰介 藤原 昌 和久 貴洋 Gulbin Jason
独立行政法人 日本スポーツ振興センター国立スポーツ科学センター
Sports Science in Elite Athlete Support (ISSN:24322091)
vol.3, pp.15-26, 2018 (Released:2019-02-15)

Talent identification & development (TID) has been positioned as an important measure of sport policy from the viewpoint of high performance sport. TID at the national level has been evolving in various countries including United Kingdom (UK) and Australia. Japan Sport Council (JSC) currently supports three TID models throughout the entire country: multi-sports, target sports, and transfer sports. A local TID (LTID) project on the multi-sports model was first introduced in Fukuoka prefecture in 2004. After 13 years, the LTID project has been expanded to 26 prefectures. The Japanese National TID (NTID) programme was strategically implemented by JSC in 2012 as a new national project. NTID provides opportunities and choices toward talented local athletes to create various Olympic and Paralympic pathways for potential medallists. Many countries establishing sustainable athlete development pathways highlight the need to continue being innovative and evidence-based in the approach to ensure that Japan stays at the front of this rapidly evolving field in high performance sport.
衣笠 泰介 舩先 康平 藤原 昌 Elissa Morley Jason Gulbin
独立行政法人 日本スポーツ振興センター国立スポーツ科学センター
Journal of High Performance Sport (ISSN:24347299)
vol.4, pp.127-140, 2019 (Released:2019-11-15)

After the literature review, there are various models of athlete development pathway, but the international framework, FTEM (Foundation, Talent, Elite, Mastery), is a useful framework for understanding the stages of athlete development from grassroots to the podium with practical application by National Federations (NFs). We propose an inclusive and evidence-informed framework “The Japanese FTEM”. The unique framework is applicable nationally to the whole of sport for bridging the gap between theory and practice of athlete development by taking into account the cultural and social context in Japan. The Japanese FTEM is an inclusive and evidence-informed framework in which sport and athlete development are integrated. It can be used as a guide for practitioners of athlete development such as NFs to co-design a sport-specific mid- to long-term development plan for sustainable success.
藤原 昌 衣笠 泰介 久木留 毅
独立行政法人 日本スポーツ振興センター国立スポーツ科学センター
Sports Science in Elite Athlete Support (ISSN:24322091)
vol.3, pp.53-68, 2018 (Released:2019-02-15)

Establishment of the Athlete Development System (ADS) has been positioned as an important effort of the success in high performance sport. The review paper summarized the initiatives of the gov-ernments and national sport organizations to establish the ADS after the Tokyo 1964 Olympic Games. Also, we analyzed the current situation of the ADS in Japan. As a result, the definition of the ADS has changed from explaining a direct relationship between training volume/intensity and performance to taking a systematic approach incorporating many factors related to the ADS. Since 2010, each na-tional sport organization has formulated a medium to long-term strategic plan. However, we need to reaffirm that the current strategic plan is focusing on the final stage of achieving medals at major competitions. We suggest that the quality and effectiveness of each of sport organization is positioned as an important effort of the success in high performance sport. The review paper summarized the initiatives of governments and sport organizations’ youth programs, which are the foundation for the success at the senior level. If the national sport organizations were not able to improve their athlete development pathway program, it would not lead to the sustainable ADS in the near future. Therefore, looking ahead to 2020 and beyond, each sport organization needs to establish a unique Japanese athlete development framework by considering the background of Japanese society.
斎藤 哲瑯 藤原 昌樹
川村学園女子大学研究紀要 (ISSN:09186050)
vol.14, no.1, pp.153-176, 2003

第15期中央教育審議会は, 「21世紀を展望したわが国の教育の在り方について」の答申の中で, 『今後における教育の在り方として, 「ゆとり」の中で子どもたちに生きる力を育んでいくことが基本である』と述べている。 今の子どもたちは, 「ゆとり」のない忙しい生活がストレスとなって, 「夜眠れない」「食欲がない」など身体的な症状を訴える者が増加してきている状況にある。そして, 人間関係の難しさなどもあって, 「いじめ」や「不登校」などの問題行動へとつながっているものと考えられる。 そこで本研究では, 今の子どもたちの生活の様子を探りながら, 「感動」や「感性」などについての調査研究を行い, 今後の子どもたちの健全育成に必要な資料を得ようと考えた。