谷中 拓哉 中里 浩介 藤田 善也 石毛 勇介
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.18050, (Released:2019-03-18)

Cross-country skiers perform over a long distance using poles and skis. Physical fitness, in terms of factors such as VO2max and muscle strength, skiing technique and race strategy are important for winning competitions. To plan the race strategy, investigations of the course profile and race analysis are needed. The purposes of this study were to investigate cross-country skiing course profiles which were planned for the Winter Olympic Games at Peyongchang, and to analyze the men’s 15km+15km World Cup skiathlon race (SA) as a pre-competition event. A cross-country skier followed the classical and skating courses using a GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) antenna. The antenna instantly measured the latitude, longitude and height of the skier on the courses. The coordinate values on a plane were calculated from latitude and longitude, after the inclination was then calculated from the coordinate values and height every 10 m. The overall finish time and transit time at 24 points for 12 skiers in SA were retrieved from the Official Home Page of the International Ski Federation (FIS), and the segment times among the various points were calculated. Three segment times formed a lap, and each segment speed was calculated by dividing the segment distance by the segment time. For the classical course profile, the distance was 3819 m and the maximum inclination was 18.6%. In contrast, for the skating course, the distance was 3777 m and the maximum inclination was 20.6%. No correlation was found between the overall finish time and the segment times for the classical course. This result was attributable to small variations in the lap times for the classical course because of the skiers’ use strategy, checking among competitors, and the mass-start. On the other hand, positive correlations were found between the overall finish time and the segment times on skating. In skating, the segment speeds from the final phase of the 2nd lap to the middle phase of the 3rd lap indicated deceleration relative to the 1st lap. These results suggest that gliding on a skating course in a short time is important for shortening the overall finish-time. Especially, it is important to minimize the deceleration of the 2nd and 3rd lap segment speed. The race pattern for the Olympic Games was similar to that of pre-competition, except for the time taken. These results indicate that pre-competition race analysis is useful for devising a strategy for target competition.
吉本 隆哉 千葉 佳裕 為末 大 大沼 勇人 谷中 拓哉 松林 武生 杉崎 範英 礒 繁雄 山崎 一彦
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.65, pp.495-505, 2020 (Released:2020-08-26)

This study was designed to clarify the relationships between the muscle cross-sectional area of the trunk and thigh and 400-m hurdle time in 12 young adult male athletes include a bronze medalist in the world championships (height 175.4 ± 6.0 cm, body mass 67.9 ± 5.8 kg, 400-m hurdle time 47.89―55.41 s). Crosssectional images from the origin to insertion of the trunk and thigh muscles were obtained using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). These images were used to calculate the absolute cross-sectional areas of each muscle as indices of muscularity. Stepwise multiple regression analysis was performed to examine the association between the indices and 400-m hurdle time. This analysis produced an equation (adjusted R2 = .868) with the semitendinosus (β = −0.611, P = .001), quadratus lumborum (β = −0.300, P = .044) and adductor brevis (β = −0.395, P = .014) as the explanatory variables. It was concluded that individual differences in 400-m hurdle performance can be explained by the semitendinosus, quadratus lumborum and adductor brevis.
谷中 拓哉 近田 彰治 矢内 利政
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
pp.16056, (Released:2017-01-24)

A wide range of topspin rotation of a bat around the long-axis, referred to as “rolling”, has been observed in baseball batting, but the mechanical reasons for the large variability among individual batters has not been examined. The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors determining this variability in rolling velocity among professional baseball players. Twenty-nine professional batters each performed eight “free-batting” trials. An electromagnetic tracking device was used to measure the three-dimensional rotational motion of the bat in each trial. The rolling velocity was 678±376°/s, comprised a negative contribution attributable to the batter's effort of exerting torque (Mechanism 1; −1144±488°/s) and a positive contribution attributable to the gyroscopic effect (Mechanism 2; 1808±339°/s). A significant positive correlation (r=0.67, p<0.05) was found between the rolling velocity and the negative contribution of Mechanism 1. These results indicate that (a) the torque exerted by the batter resists the rolling and that (b) a higher rolling velocity is attained by batters who exert a smaller resistive torque on the bat than those who exert a larger torque. On the other hand, no correlation (r=0.09) was found between the rolling velocity and positive contribution of mechanism 2. These findings suggest that the batter makes an active effort to resist rolling, and that the amount of resistive torque exerted by the batter is the primary reason for the inter-individual difference in rolling velocity attained at the instant of ball impact. As the resistive torque is likely to be exerted by the nobside hand in the form of pronation torque (Ae et al. 2015) and the pronation causes lowering of the bat-head (increasing nutation angle), a reduction of the pronation torque should decrease the resistive torque acting on the bat, helping to attain a high rolling velocity. In fact, we observed a greater deceleration of nutation velocity in the fast-rolling group than in the slowrolling group (p<0.05). To attain the high rolling velocity, therefore, we suggest that batters should aim to build up the nutation velocity of the bat until about 50 ms before ball impact, and then vigorously decelerate it immediately before ball impact.
茂木 康嘉 大塚 俊 谷中 拓哉
尚美学園大学スポーツマネジメント研究紀要 = Bulletin of sport management, Shobi University (ISSN:24358231)
vol.1, pp.57-66, 2020-12-25

【目的】本研究では、女子野球選手の形態的・体力的特徴について、検討することを目的とした。【方法】女子野球選手10名、特別な運動習慣のない一般成人女性8 名が本研究に参加した。形態的特徴を示す変数として、身長、体重、左右の四肢長、超音波法を用いた左右各部位における筋厚の測定を行った。なお、測定された筋厚の値から左右の四肢における筋量指標と除脂肪量を推定した。体力的特徴を示す変数として、握力、背筋力、垂直跳跳躍高、立幅跳跳躍距離の測定を行った。【結果】身長、体重、除脂肪量や四肢長においては、両群に統計的な差はみられなかった。投球手側の体重あたりの上腕前部筋量指標と左右の体重あたりの大腿後面筋量指標は、女子野球選手の方が大きかった。握力、背筋力、垂直跳跳躍高、立幅跳跳躍距離のそれぞれの値は、女子野球選手の方が大きかった。【結論】本研究の結果から、女子野球選手は、一般成人女性と比較して、身長、体重や四肢長などの身体サイズが特別に優れているわけではないことが示された。一方で、継続的な野球のトレーニングによって、投球手側の上腕部、左右の大腿後面部の筋の量的な特徴は変化し、さらに体力も一般女性よりも向上することが示唆された。
袴田 智子 谷中 拓哉 山本 真帆 設楽 佳世
独立行政法人 日本スポーツ振興センター国立スポーツ科学センター
Journal of High Performance Sport (ISSN:24347299)
vol.5, pp.12-22, 2020

The purpose of this article was to introduce fitness testing for Japanese para-athletes conducted at Japan Institute of Sports Sciences (JISS). Additionally, current challenges we face and our approaches for those challenges will be explained. Since 2015, fitness check-up for para-athletes have been carried out at JISS. The accumulated knowledge from scientific researches and know-how for supporting the Olympic sports for long time at JISS have been applied for Paralympic sports. Therefore, main fitness check-up services provided for the para-athletes have been similar to the Olympic athletes, which include body composition measurements, muscle strength tests, and aerobic and anaerobic capacity tests. However, the test protocols are modified and customized based on physical characteristics, or the types and degree of disabilities of each para-athlete. Their fitness levels and skills needed for their sports are assessed through tests that are specific to the sports. Our next challenges are to develop a testing method that can be customized for various types of disabilities for every sport and to establish fitness testing method with high accuracy for para-athletes.
谷中 拓哉 矢内 利政
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.63, no.2, pp.799-810, 2018-12-10 (Released:2018-12-20)

In baseball batting, rotation around the long axis of the bat, know as " rolling ", has been observed. A batter who can attain a higher rolling speed before ball impact can achieve a higher rotation speed of the struck ball, which increases the ball’s flight distance. It has been suggested that batters who swing the bat with high nutation can attain a high rolling speed. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of instruction aimed at increasing the rolling speed in baseball batting. Ten batters performed tee-stand batting under 2 conditions: a usual swing (CON1), and a swing after being instructed to position the bat vertically, and then swing by rapidly lowering the bat head (CON2). The three-dimensional motion of the bat was measured using a small accelerometer and gyro sensor attached to the grip-end of the bat. This sensor was able to measure the swing speed, swing time, rolling speed, swing angle (angle between the bat head velocity vector and the horizontal plane) and vertical angle of the bat (angle between the long axis of the bat and the horizontal plane) before ball impact and the swing trajectory from the start of the swing until ball impact. The rolling speeds employed were 726°/s (CON1) and 854°/s (CON2). The rolling speed for CON2 was significantly higher than that for CON1 (p <0.05). On the other hand, there was no evident difference in swing speed between CON1 (30.1 m/s) and CON2 (30.2 m/s), nor were there any differences in other swing parameters before ball impact. Batters who swung the bat at a high nutation speed in response to instruction increased the rolling speed, but those who were unable to change the swing trajectory and nutation speed failed to change the rolling speed. These results indicate that batters increase the rolling speed without changing swing parameters such as swing speed, swing time and the vertical angle of the bat in response to the above instruction.