中島 友子
近畿福祉大学紀要 (ISSN:13461672)
vol.8, no.1, pp.1-12, 2007-06-01

Retirement communities are not yet common in Japan. The purpose of this paper is tointroduce the Covenant Shores Retirement Community on Mercer Island in Washington, USAand the lives of people living in it, and to consider what Japanese can learn from them. I stayed with an 82-year-old woman, A, in Covenant Shores for 8 days from March 15th to23rd, 2007. I observed the lives and people there. Most of the people I met were over 80 yearsold. However, they were very independent and enjoyed their own lives. Many were peervolunteers. Japanese can learn to be unique, the importance of retaining one's past way of lifeand that the elderly can help one another.
佐橋 謙
近畿福祉大学紀要 (ISSN:13461672)
vol.5, pp.1-12, 2004-06-15

Generally speaking, literacy education is required in developing countries because of poverty, war andlack of understanding for literacy etc. Afghanistan is one of the typical countries under such circumstances.The author visited the country to inspect the actual literacy education for a week in August 2003. In thispaper, the history and the social situation now are given very briefly, first. Then, the practical situation ofthe literacy education run by an NGO in Afghanistan is described. As Afghanistan is the multiracial andMoslem country, several issues that appear under those environments are discussed.