谷口 泰司
近畿福祉大学紀要 (ISSN:13461672)
vol.8, no.2, pp.145-158, 2007-12-15

Supporting Independence to Persons with Disabilities Law, wholly implemented in October2006, is exerting a serious influence on daily life of Persons with Disabilities. Especially, two influences must not be neglected. There are "a problem of a supportingterm artificially established by law", and "a problem of a revenue source". And now, allof many problems including there two are more serious for community life of not onlypersons with disabilities, but also all citizens. To solve these problems, informal resources in each community are indispensable inaddition to formal support. But community welfare in Japan is faced with a shortage of innerregulation principle to drive forward. An Independence Support Conference to Persons with Disabilities, althought it is holdingremarkable difference of municipalities' temperature as of today, will be a bridgehead to finda way out of these difficulies. Various approaches by this Conference will be most effecive to break down a feeling of ablockade in welfare for persons with disabilities, and to aim at subimation to communitywelfare in a true meaning.
柴原 直樹
近畿福祉大学紀要 (ISSN:13461672)
vol.7, no.1, pp.1-11, 2006-06-15

A great Greek philosopher, Aristotle once said that laughing is a nature of human beings. Since then, agreat number of scholars such as philosophers, linguists, psychologists, literati, and writers have tried toexamine the mechanisms of laughter from their unique viewpoints, although a satisfactory explanation of thecause of laughter has not yet been made. In this paper, I first presented the classification of laughing intoseveral types such as a pleasurable laughter, a social smile, and so on, from phylogenetic and ontogeneticperspectives. Then, I overviewed various interpretations of the cause of laughter from philosophical,linguistic, and psychoanalytic viewpoints, presenting concrete examples of wit, humors and jokes,whichleads to an investigation of how and why people could laugh. Finally, the mechanisms of a smile andlaughter an a physiological level were discussed in terms of the brain systems and its relation to facialexpressions.
津田 理恵子 樋口 美智子 熊谷 智加子
近畿福祉大学紀要 (ISSN:13461672)
vol.7, no.1, pp.49-55, 2006-06-15

梅谷 進康
近畿福祉大学紀要 (ISSN:13461672)
vol.7, no.2, pp.169-174, 2006-12-15

The purpose of this study is to clarify the situation without "the dilemma about needs"that was presented by a care management researcher. The main method of this study usestwo theories as tools. The two are Jurgen Habermas'theory and Michael E.Bratman's theory.The result of this study defines the situation's elements. The elements are that the client andthe care manager mutually agree on three requirements - the propriety, the sincerity and thetruth by the communicative action that are invoking from J. Habermans'theory - at two stages- the needs and the belief that are invoking from M.E.Bratman's theory.
石田 和男
近畿医療福祉大学紀要 (ISSN:18831788)
vol.12, no.1, pp.1-20, 2011-12-15
柴原 直樹
近畿福祉大学紀要 (ISSN:13461672)
vol.8, no.1, pp.43-51, 2007-06-01

Since the clinical report of erythrophobia by Morita, a great number of psychiatrists aswell as psychologists have focused their attention on anthropophobia named taijin-kyoufushoin Japan. This syndrome is a culturally distinct phobia in japan and included in the officialJapanese diagnostic system for mental disorders. Its symptom is characterized as an individual'sintense fear or shame that his or her appearance, facial expression, eyeshot, or odor shoulddisplease, embarrass, or be offensive to other people. In this paper, I first presented thedefinition of taijin-kyoufusho and then its classification proposed by several researchers. Next,I overviewed various interpretations of the mechanisms of this phobia from psychodynamicviewpoints. Finally, I referred to the current problems of the phobia.
長谷川 高生
近畿福祉大学紀要 (ISSN:13461672)
vol.8, no.2, pp.159-174, 2007-12-15

The spanish philosopher, J.Ortega y Gasset is very famous as one that advocated thephilosophy of vital reason, and later that of historical reason. His accomplishment, therefore,seems to cast us a new issue of the relationship between vital reason and historical one.First of all in this paper, I try to follow the development of Ortega's thought from vitalreason to historical one: his youth, the first stage of his zenith, the second stage of his zenithand his exile, according to Gaos's opinion. Then, I study contents of historical sense, vitalreason and historical reason. Ortega's historical sense relates to his perspectivism and hisunderstanding of others. His vital reason has many features of drama, problem, beliefs,occurrence, present participle, lacking being, self-formation, self-determination, self-cause,vital program, compulsory freedom, non-Eleatic being, unlimited possibility, inconsistentbeing, entity (substance) of changing, and God of ocasion, etc. Evolving from this vitalreason, the characteristics of his historical reason led to experiences of life,pubic opinionsor customs, going on being, living being, talking or narrating, happenings, vital program,dialectic continuity of experiences, real dialectic, human possession of not nature but history,progressive accumulation of beings, history as sistem, system of human experiences, and thepast as my human life, etc. From Ortega's point of view, the only thing human beingspossess and rely on is the past or history. Therefore we should use historical reason inorder to live our lives in our circumstances.
長谷川 高生
近畿福祉大学紀要 (ISSN:13461672)
vol.7, no.1, pp.37-48, 2006-06-15

The contemporary society, at which modern society could finally arrive, is a mass societywhere the average vulgar mass-man is contented with good facilities in a modern civilization.Such a mass-man entirely disregards the value of tradition in the historical past, deeplyimmerses himself in self-satifaction, and oversympathizes with anonymous others. Above all things, I think, it is the absence of the historical past and tradition in the presentday that roduces the basic cause of the conditions of mass society in our time. In thispaper, I will study the opinion of J. Ortega y Gasset, the Spanish philosopher who isworldwide famous for his "The Revolt of the Masses" published in 1930, about the "Past",that is to say, the past and tradition in history. In Japan, the Third Opening has inaugurated revisions of the Japanese Constitution and theFundamental Law of Education. These revisions may add the concepts of history andtradition to two fundamental laws, because the active Constitution and the Fundamental Lawof Education are lacking in these concepts. Ortega, the philosopher who belonged to the school of Philosophy of Life in the history ofwestern thoughts, attempted to establish his philosophy of vital reason or historical reason,by criticizing modern rationalism and by emphasizing the importance of life, particularlypastness and futurity on the base of presentness in the temporality of life. And also Ortega,the transitional philosopher from modern to postmodern times, showed an ambivalent attitude,negative and positive, toward the past and tradition in premodern history which wasrefused by the modern era. Therefore, I will try to clarify Ortega's opinion on the "Past" inhistory, particularly historical past, traditionalism, and feudalism, by applying to them thetheory temporality which consists of pastness, presentness, and futurity in subjective time.Pursuing and considering the "Past" in history, Ortega discovers the historical structure ofhuman beings, the actual exstence of historical past, the value of tradition, and thespiritualism of feudalism. And moreover, he catches the dualism of passive, traditional, andinertia power - pastness - and positive, challenging, and active power - futurity -, in humanbeings both as individuals and as groups.Finally, I intend to find the interaction of pastness and futurity in Ortega's view of the"Past" in history, confirming the actuality of historical past, the value of tradition, and thejustification of feudalism.
安井 秀作
近畿福祉大学紀要 (ISSN:13461672)
vol.7, no.2, pp.199-214, 2006-12-15

The Independent Support Law for People with Disabilities was established in October, 2006,and service programs began offering services to enable their normal living in each local area.As part of this new law, working support measures were reinforced, and the shelteredworkshop system was revised into a new working support system :(1) transfer support system to normal employment,(2) continuous working support system, and at the same time,(3) disabled users burden system (10% of total cost) were newly introduced. The new working support measures, though being a big improvement, still have manyproblems to be addressed. Problems of each system are examined on a equal basis with others(non disabled), and raised proposals to enable them to work freely or accepted workenvironment that is open, inclusive and accessible to people with disabilities from a viewpoint of Convention on the Right of Persons with Disabilities (draft) by the United Nations asfollows :(1) "Rehabilitation Law for People with Disabilities" should be established to remedies oftransfer support system to normal employment.(2) New standard to evaluate the degree of support needed should be utilized depending onthe WHO's ICF (International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health).(3) New ideas to transfer to Social Enterprises supported by public funds were proposed toremedies of continuous working support system to guarantee the right to work undernomal situations with others (non disabled) by recognizing a situation as normal workerswho are people with disabilities.
安井 秀作
近畿福祉大学紀要 (ISSN:13461672)
vol.6, no.1, pp.43-51, 2005-06-15

Cooperative workshops have been increased because of the lack of improvement in the employmentsituation for people with disabilities. Due to welfare and labor related laws not being applicable to theseworkshops, they therefore offered various services to every kind of disabled ; however, as far as workingconditions were involved, the extremely low wages was a problem. Shiga Prefecture has played an important role by introducing a new system in work-oriented types ofworkshops, demanding not less than 1/2 the people with disabilities to be contracually employed,and triedto promote normal employment and standard wages within these workshops. Not less than 1/2 the workersreceived benefis, but in reality, the wage situation had not improved enough. In order to handle this matter, a newly established committee proposed the forming of "socialenterprises", which demanded employers to offer contractual agreements for all those disabled who areworking in these enterprises, and proposed a new subisidy system to maintain their employment feasible. These proposals may have an experimental element to them, but at the same time, have the possibilitiesto change the current situation of workshops as a whole.
西内 香織 川下 維信
近畿福祉大学紀要 (ISSN:13461672)
vol.1, no.1, pp.45-53, 2000-12

The certified social worker (CSW) has a wide range of spesialty. But the specialty is notnecessarily defined clearly at present. In fact newly-made qualification of care manager, whichwas introduced by the enforcement of the law of social insurance for long-term care system, hasmade it more difficult to distinguish the specialty of CSW from that of others. In specialized welfare education emphasis tends to be on passing qualifying examination forCSW rather than making a profound study of its specialty even in welfare universities wherestudents are trained as CSW. As a result, it is probable that most students will graduate fromuniversities without having what is called specialty. Considering these things mentioned above, the question which we must ask is what is thespecialty required for a CSW and how it should be, to which little attention has been given so far. This paper is intended to investigate of the specialty of CSW on the basis of the questionnairesurvey given to our welfare unversity freshmen. In other words, the aim of this paper is toexamine how the students studying welfare realize their specialty and to show how theirconsciousness of welfare is biased.A good place to start is to focus attention on the stereotypes students have about specialty ofwelfare. Here we fined out three typical ones : First, they are more interested in geriatric welfareand children's welfare and less interested in low-income bracket welfare ; secondly, they are moreinterested in direct practice ; finally, they give more weight to the practical subjects andseminars than any other subjects; The findings of this investigation also read us to explore a little further into the possibilityabout how properly we can educate students for professional CSW in the course of social welfare.
長谷川 高生
近畿福祉大学紀要 (ISSN:13461672)
vol.3, no.1, pp.42-46, 2002-12

In this paper I try to analyze the relationship between individual and society through the consideration on the opinions of three famous western philosophers, M.Heidegger, M.Buber and J.Ortega y Gasset. First of all, M.Heidegger shows the ontological distinction between entity (Seiendes) and being (Sein), and according to his view, the being of Dasign is 'care' (Sorge) and the meaning of the being of Desein is 'temporality'. By the direction of this 'care' , Dasein has two modes of being : unauthenicity (das Man) and autenticity (eigentliche Existenz). These modes of existence are constructed in the world, and so Dasein is called Being-in-the-world (In-der-Welt-sein). This Being-in-the-world contacts with the world of utensils (Zeuge) by 'attention' (Besorgen), and with the world of others by 'nurturance' (Fursorge). Next, M.Buber puts special interests on the relationship between subject-object through 'arts' and between subject-subject, and particularly on the relationship between I -Thou (Ich-Du) with 'love'. In his opinion, man can find mistery of God by 'religious revelation'. Thirdly, J.Ortega y Gasset starts from each one's human life which is the radical reality and consists of him and his circumstance. In this world of circumstance we find things and others. In the relation to things, we find minerals, planets and animals on the 'pragmatic fields', and in the inter-individual relationships, we 'co-live' with parents, lovers, and friends. With relation to the majority, Ortega point out the revolt of the masses in the present days.In the social life, Ortega put a special focus in the phenomenon of 'usage' (uso), impersonal, irrational, and pseudo-natural. This usage automatizes human behaviors and makes man live a creative life at an altitude of the times. The difference of these opinions on individual and society designed by three philosophers depends on the characters of their own philosophies : Heidegger's theory of being, Buber's theology and Ortega's philosophy of life.