Yuichi Jyumonji Eiki Tsushima
Hirosaki University Graduate School of Medicine,Hirosaki Medical Society
弘前医学 (ISSN:04391721)
vol.72, no.1-4, pp.24-33, 2022 (Released:2022-03-30)

Objective: Icing is the most common care method for Japanese baseball players to prevent secondary tissue damage. However, because of reports that icing causes decrease in muscle strength and reduction in training effect, currently there is no standard post-pitching care. The purpose of this study was to longitudinally investigate whether different post-pitching care methods are associated with different effects on shoulder joint function. Method: Aerobic exercise, stretch training, and icing were administered, at intervals of more than a week, to nine high school baseball pitchers after each of them pitched 100 throws. A comparative study was performed by measuring shoulder joint function after pitching, after care completion, and at 24 hours, 48 hours, and 72 hours post pitching. Results: Significant differences were observed in shoulder rotation range of motion and external rotation muscle strength due to differences in care. Icing was the most selected care method in the questionnaire survey as well. Conclusion: Depending on differences in post-pitching care, the shoulder joint function changes. Awareness about changes in shoulder joint function due to different care methods will help prevent pitching disorders through the selection of appropriate care depending on circumstances such as pitching day intervals.
鈴木 保之 若山 文規 近藤 慎浩 田茂 和歌子 谷口 哲 大徳 和之 皆川 正仁 福井 康三 福田 幾夫
Hirosaki University Graduate School of Medicine,Hirosaki Medical Society
弘前医学 (ISSN:04391721)
vol.57, no.2-4, pp.79-86, 2006 (Released:2021-09-21)

背景: 人工心肺を使用した開心術後の肺障害あるいは ARDS (急性呼吸促迫症候群)は重篤な術後合併症であり,発生頻度は 1 % と低いものの ARDS を発症した場合の死亡率は非常に高いことが知られている.このような症例の急性肺障害は SIRS に伴うものとされ,その病態に好中球の動態及び好中球エラスターゼが深く関与している.対象と方法: SIRS に伴う肺障害に対して 2002年より好中球エラスターゼ阻害剤であるシベレスタットナトリウム (エラスポール) が導入された.我々は,人工心肺を使用した大動脈弓部置換術あるいは開心術で術後に生じる肺障害を軽減できるという仮説をたて,今回その効果について後方視的に検討した.エラスポールと投与したのは6例 (1例解離性大動脈瘤の保存的治療例を含む),コントロールとして 2002年以前の解離性大動脈瘤手術例のうち肺障害を認めた症例とした.肺障害の指標として P/F比,術後挿管期間,ICU滞在期間,その他血小板白血球数,CRP の変化を比較した. 結果: P/F比はエラスポール投与群で術後4日目より改善したのに対してコントロール群では術後2日目に悪化した後改善傾向を認めなかった (p<0.05) (P/F比,肺障害<300, ARDS<200).血小板数はエラスポール群でコントロールに比べて高い数値を示したが統計学的には有意差を認めなかった.その他の指標 (手術成績,術後挿管期間,ICU滞在期間,白血球) は両群間に有意差は認めなかった. 結語: 特に重症の心大血管手術例に対して術後肺障害を予防する上でエラスポールの有効性が示唆された.
Reiko Kudo Yuki Mikuniya Kazutaka Yamauchi Nami Shimizume Naomi Kudo Shinichi Goto Akira Sasaki Masataka Ando Yoshiko Takahashi Takuro Iwane Masahiko Tomiyama Atsushi Matsubara
Hirosaki University Graduate School of Medicine,Hirosaki Medical Society
弘前医学 (ISSN:04391721)
vol.71, no.2-4, pp.138-145, 2021 (Released:2021-03-15)

Objective: The incidence of dementia is increasing in developed countries, and early detection and treatment are important. Considering that olfactory disorders are correlated with cognitive dysfunction, olfactory testing might be a useful screening tool for dementia. In the present study, we investigated whether a simple olfactory test could predict the short-term progression of cognitive decline using data from a longitudinal study of a community-dwelling population. Subjects and Methods: Subjects were participants of the Iwaki Health Promotion Project, a community-based program aimed at improving average life expectancy. The subjects were examined using a 4-item modified Pocket Smell Test (mPST) and the Mini-Mental State Examination( MMSE) in 2016 and 2017. The relationship between the change in MMSE scores and olfactory identification ability in 2016 was analyzed in subjects with good MMSE scores in 2016. Results: Among participants in their 60s and 70s, the olfactory-impaired group showed significantly lower MMSE scores in 2017 than those of the good-olfaction group. Conclusion: Olfactory testing may be a tool for early detection of the onset of cognitive decline in elderly people.