山中 正文 福田 純一 児玉 泰光 安島 久雄 池田 順行 高木 律男
Japanese Stomatological Society
日本口腔科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290297)
vol.59, no.1, pp.31-35, 2010-01-10 (Released:2010-10-29)

We report a case of long-term (about 10 years) limited mouth opening following a bilateral transtemporal approach for multiple cerebral aneurysms. A 41-year-old man with limited mouth opening was referred to our clinic for treatment. At the first visit, his maximum mouth opening distance was 13 mm between the upper and lower incisors and there were palpable indurations at the bilateral temporal muscles. We diagnosed this situation as a contracture of muscles, and performed bilateral coronoidectomy under general anesthesia. Mouth-opening exercises were started from one day postoperatively, and continued for 7 months. His maximum range of mouth opening is now maintained at 30 mm.
重田 崇至 梅田 正博 吉武 賢 高橋 英哲 澁谷 恭之 古森 孝英 井堂 信二郎 長谷川 巧実 李 進彰
Japanese Stomatological Society
日本口腔科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290297)
vol.61, no.1, pp.1-7, 2012 (Released:2012-03-08)

It has been recommended recently that patients receiving anticoagulant therapy should undergo dental extraction without discontinuation of anticoagulant drugs in consideration of the risk of thromboembolism, but the frequency of hemorrhagic complications has not been well documented. A retrospective study of 282 patients who underwent dental extraction under continuous warfarin therapy was performed.Twenty-two of the 282 patients (8.9%) showed postoperative hemorrhages: 14 of 168 (8.3%) in those receiving administration of warfarin alone, and 11 of 114 (9.6%) in those receiving administration of both warfarin and antiplatelet drugs. Most of the hemorrhages occurred within 2 days after the extraction. The rate of postoperative hemorrhage was 5.7% in those with prothrombin time International Normalized Ratio (PT-INR) of 1.49 or lower, 12.5% in those with PT-INR of 1.5-1.99, 12.8% in those with PT-INR of 2.0-2.99, and 16.7% in those with PT-INR of 3.0 or higher, although there was no significant difference between PT-INR and frequency of postoperative hemorrhage. All patients showing postoperative hemorrhage were treated successfully by local procedures such as suturing or application of cellulose oxide gauze. These findings suggest that dental extraction can be safely done without discontinuation of warfarin therapy.
飯田 征二 松矢 篤三 古郷 幹彦 大倉 正也 藤本 佳之 中原 寛和
Japanese Stomatological Society
日本口腔科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290297)
vol.46, no.4, pp.393-396, 1997

Many surgical procedures for macrostomia had been advocated in past literatures, but it is hard to obtain the ideal commissure form. In this paper, 6 cases of unilateral macrostomia treated at our clinic are reported and the availability of the minor triangular flap on vermillion border in commissuroplasty is discussed.<BR>Five cases underwent new commissuroplasty using the minor triangular flap at vermillion border (Matsuya's procedure) and 1 case without it. In the latter case, deformation of the commissure form caused by postoperative scar contracture was found, though the good form was found during the post-operative period. In all cases using Matsuya's procedure, the good commissure form was made and maintained throughout the growth period. The minor triangular flap on vermillion border was considered to be useful to prevent the influence of postoperative scar contracture on the commissure form
玉井 健三 中川 清昌 藤元 栄輔 中新 敏彦 室木 俊美 押尾 武 松原 完也 加藤 隆三 馬場 利人 岩井 正博 織田 武吉 岡部 孝一 野尻 孝司 北 登代志
Japanese Stomatological Society
日本口腔科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290297)
vol.37, no.1, pp.109-118, 1988

最近, 抗生剤の開発はめまぐるしく展開され, 中でもセフェム系抗生剤は数年前から著しい開発が進んでいる。各科臨床でも, 起因菌に感受性の高いセフェム系抗生剤の使用頻度は高い。<BR>今回われわれは, 新たに開発されたエステル型経口セフェム剤T-2588について, 口腔外科手術 (抜歯術を含めて) を施行する患者10名に本剤を投与し, 血清中濃度と歯肉・顎骨への移行濃度を測定した。また, 口腔内感染症20例に本剤を投与し, その臨床効果を検討するとともに, 本剤の有用性・安全性についても検討した。
藤元 栄輔 野尻 孝司 北 登代志 馬場 利人 岩井 正博 織田 武吉 岡部 孝一 松原 完也 加藤 隆三 仲井 雄一 室木 俊美 中新 敏彦 中川 清昌 山本 悦秀
Japanese Stomatological Society
日本口腔科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290297)
vol.39, no.1, pp.1-6, 1990

Hospitalized cases of surgical procedure for oral lesions in diabetic patients during 4 years (1984-1987) were investigated in this paper. Thirty-four subject cases were older than 40, and the ratio of male to female was 2 to 1. Twenty-one patients were referred from medical doctors, 9 patients from dentists, and 4 patients visited directly. The distribution of oral diseases in diabetic patients was as follows: 14 cases, inflammatory disorders, 11 cases tumors, 4 cases cysts, 3 cases injuries, and 2 cases others. Thirty-one patients sufferred from not only diabetes mellitus but also other systemic complications. At preoperative precautions 34 patients were controlled, with the advice of physician, for fasting blood glucose was less than 150 mg/dl and ketone bodies were negative. As to results, 28 patients got well, but in 6 patients some problems i. e. slow healing, infections, were observed. In conclusion, the factors related to healing process were discussed.
宗像 源博 中野 佳央 新中 康史 樋口 雅俊 原田 清
Japanese Stomatological Society
日本口腔科学会雜誌 (ISSN:00290297)
vol.59, no.3, pp.123-127, 2010-07-10

Endogenous bacterial endophtalmitis is a rare but serious condition. It occurs in the eyeball when bacteria cross the blood-ocular barrier. We report a case of endogenous bacterial endopthalmitis arising from severe periodontitis without any noticeable systemic anamnestic.<br>A 53-year-old man was referred to the ophthalmology department in our university hospital complaining of reduced visual acuity in the right eye. His visual acuity was hand movements right and 0.7 left eye, respectively. His right eye showed hypopyon, dense vitreous opacity and retinal hemorrhages. Because of a finding peculiar to infective endocarditis from an echocardiography, we diagnosed the patient with endogenous endophthalmitis that caused infective endocarditis. Although there was no infection impact on his general condition, <i>α-streptococcus</i> was detected in his blood culture examination. Therefore, he was referred to our clinic for oral examination and care. He was diagnosed with chronic periodontitis and severe resorption of alveolar bone and gum swelling by oral examination and X-rays. The <i>α-streptococcus</i> was detected in a bacterial examination of the exudate from the gingival pocket. Fourteen teeth with severe periodontitis were extracted. The visual acuity in the right eye increased up to 0.07 at 6 months after the teeth extraction.<br>Though bacteriological identification was not accomplished completely, the endogenous endophtalmitis in the present case seemed to be affected with mitral regurgitation and vegetation, following infective endocarditis by oral <i>Streptococci</i>.
Satoru Fujita Jianwu Dang Noriko Suzuki Kiyoshi Honda
Japanese Stomatological Society
Oral Science International (ISSN:13488643)
vol.4, no.2, pp.97-109, 2007 (Released:2007-12-21)

The tongue possesses a complex muscular structure, and its motor functions are also intricate. Therefore, it would be beneficial to use a computational physiological model of the tongue to examine its vital functions in normal and pathological conditions. Thus far, the studies of tongue models have focused on symmetric movements for normal speech. For clinical purposes, it is necessary to develop a physiological model to deal with daily vital activities such as mastication and swallowing. To do so, we constructed a full 3D physiological model of the tongue based on MRI data from a normal subject, and verified the basic functions of the model based on anatomic and physiological knowledge. In this study, the model was applied to clinical issues: prediction and verification of the changes in movements of the tongue with a tumor before and after partial glossectomy, respectively. Tongue protrusion and lateral bending motion were examined for the prediction and verification. The simulation results were consistent with the observations for a patient with a tumor in the tongue. Comparisons of the simulation and observation in the clinical case showed that the model could predict potential effects of the glossectomy on the tongue movements. It is suggested that the model is a useful tool for pre-operative planning of glossectomy.