児玉 泰光 吉田 謙介 永井 孝宏 西川 敦 後藤 早苗 青木 美栄子 内山 正子 高木 律男
一般社団法人 日本環境感染学会
日本環境感染学会誌 (ISSN:1882532X)
vol.35, no.1, pp.48-57, 2020-01-25 (Released:2020-07-22)
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布田 花子 森田 修一 山田 秀樹 花田 晃治 齊藤 力 高木 律男
特定非営利活動法人 日本顎変形症学会
日本顎変形症学会雑誌 (ISSN:09167048)
vol.12, no.3, pp.85-93, 2002-12-15 (Released:2011-02-09)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the changes of the soft tissue profile in the nose following Le Fort I osteotomy in skeletal Class III patients.The subjects were 30 females who underwent twojaw surgery to correct anterior reversed occlusion, and who were classified into three groups according to the directions of surgical displacement of the maxilla.1. Advancement-Impaction group (n=11)2. Advancement group (n=12)3. Advancement-Downgraft group (n=7)For each patient, lateral cephalograms, taken preoperatively and postoperatively, were traced and superimposed, and linear and angular measurements were obtained. And, alinasal width was measured on frontal facial photographs taken preoperatively and postoperatively. These data from the three groups were compared.The results were as follows:1. In the Advancement-Impaction group, Pronasale and Subnasale were displaced in the upward and forward direction after Le Fort I osteotomy.2. In the Advancement group, Pronasale and Subnasale were displaced in the forward direction after surgery.3. In the Advancement-Downgraft group, Pronasale was displaced in the forward direction, and Subnasale was displaced in the downward direction.4. Alinasal width was increased in the three groups with advancement of the maxilla.In conclusion, there were differences in the postoperative changes of the nose, with different movement of the maxilla.
西原 義之 高木 律男 小林 龍彰
新潟歯学会雑誌 (ISSN:03850153)
vol.31, no.2, pp.31-34, 2001-12

顎関節脱臼、特に両側の前方脱臼では、開口不能、顎関節部の痛み、流涎などの自覚症状を訴え、早期に整復処置が行われれば、陳旧化することは稀である。したがって、脱臼の病態についてのMRIによる軟組織を含めた画像所見、関節開放手術時の所見についての報告は少ない。今回私達は、心筋梗塞発作直後より気管内挿管下に1か月間管理され、咀嚼障害を自覚するも、痛み、口裂閉鎖、嚥下等の障害が軽度であったため、3か月間の入院加療後、閉口障害を主訴に受診した両側性顎関節脱臼症例を経験し、MRIによる精査も行いえたので報告する。患者は83歳女性で、初診時所見として、両側耳前部の陥凹および下顎の前突を認めた。口腔内は、上下顎とも無歯顎で、前歯部顎堤間で37mm以下の閉口は不能であるが、口裂の閉鎖は可能で流涎は認められなかった。MRI所見にて下顎頭は、関節結節前上方に位置し、関節円板前方月肥厚部の前まで転位していた。下顎窩に相当する上関節腔後方は、液体の貯留を示す高信号を呈していた。初診日に徒手整復を試みるも奏効しなかったため、心疾患につき内科対診後、全身麻酔下に整復手術を施行した。まず関節鏡による剥離と徒手による整復を試みたが、整復不能で関節腔を開放した。手術は、下顎頭の整復を妨げていた関節円板を切除し、下顎窩内に下顎頭を復位させた。術後数日間は、上下顎義歯を介しての開口制限の後、開口練習を開始した。現在術後1年2か月を経過し、開口量は義歯正中部で25mmを維持し、脱臼の再発なく経過良好である。A long-standing dislocation of the bilateral temporomandibular joints is rare. Farthermore, there are few reports concerning the use of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in determinig, the pathogenesis of dislocation, including the relationship between the condyle, the articular disc, and the external pterygoid muscle. A 83-year-old woman was referred to our department, complaning of masticatory dysfunction over 4months. Bilateral condyles were anteriorly dislocated beyond both the articular tubercle and the anterior band of the articular disc. T-2 weighted MRI showed high signal intensity in the posterion-superior articular cavity. Finally the articular discs were excised bilaterally, because they interfered with reduction of the condyles. At 1 year 2 months postoperatively, there was no evidence of dislocation and the patient had regained masticatory function.
岡本 圭一郎 黒瀬 雅之 山村 健介 高木 律男

心理ストレスは歯科領域での痛みを増大させる。本課題ではストレスが咬筋の痛みを増大させる生体機構を、脳神経系の機能変化と想定し、基礎的に解明した。三叉神経脊髄路核尾側亜核(Vc)に着目した。これまでの研究によってVc部は顎顔面部の痛みの応答を制御する部位であることが解明されているからである。繰り返しストレス処置を加えると、咬筋への侵害刺激による Vcの興奮性は有意に増大することが明らかになった。さらに選択的セロトニン再取り込み阻害剤を繰り返し投与するとストレスによるVcの興奮性の増大は低下することがわかった。つまりストレスによるセロトニン機構の変調が咬筋の痛みを増大させることがわかった。
山中 正文 福田 純一 児玉 泰光 安島 久雄 池田 順行 高木 律男
Japanese Stomatological Society
日本口腔科学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290297)
vol.59, no.1, pp.31-35, 2010-01-10 (Released:2010-10-29)

We report a case of long-term (about 10 years) limited mouth opening following a bilateral transtemporal approach for multiple cerebral aneurysms. A 41-year-old man with limited mouth opening was referred to our clinic for treatment. At the first visit, his maximum mouth opening distance was 13 mm between the upper and lower incisors and there were palpable indurations at the bilateral temporal muscles. We diagnosed this situation as a contracture of muscles, and performed bilateral coronoidectomy under general anesthesia. Mouth-opening exercises were started from one day postoperatively, and continued for 7 months. His maximum range of mouth opening is now maintained at 30 mm.
小林 正治 小田 陽平 長谷部 大地 加藤 健介 新美 奏恵 中里 隆之 泉 直也 高田 佳之 福田 純一 高木 律男 齊藤 力
特定非営利活動法人 日本顎変形症学会
日本顎変形症学会雑誌 (ISSN:09167048)
vol.16, no.3, pp.153-160, 2006-08-15 (Released:2011-02-09)
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To assess whether patients were satisfied with the results of treatment, questionnaires were sent to 291 patients who had undergone orthognathic surgery for correction of jaw deformities and 133 questionnaires were returned with valid answers. The chief problem of 94 (71%) of these patients was appearance. Dysfunctions such as masticatory disturbance and speech difficulties were the primary reason for which 38 (29%) of the patients sought treatment. Seventy-five percent of the patients answered that they were satisfied with the results in regard to their chief problems. A favorable change in appearance was recognized by 125 patients, whereas five patients noticed no major changes and three patients were displeased with their postoperative faces. The patients'evaluations of their appearance seemed to be influenced by the responses of other peoPle to the surgical-results, and objective improvements did not always satisfy their expectations. Improvements in masticatory function and speech were recognized by 92 and 54 patients, respectively. Eighty patients had TMJ signs and symptoms such as click and/or pain before treatment, which disappeared in 53 (66%) of the symptomatic patients after the surgery. On the other hand, TMJ signs and symptoms appeared postoperatively in 7 (15%) of 47 patients without those before treatment. Psychologically, 42 patients noted favorable changes in personality after the surgery. Eight patients with mandibular set back noted the onset or worsening of snoring after the surgery.
林 孝文 伊藤 寿介 中山 均 小林 富貴子 中村 太保 小宮 隆瑞 鈴木 誠 福島 祥紘 高木 律男 大橋 靖
特定非営利活動法人 日本歯科放射線学会
歯科放射線 (ISSN:03899705)
vol.33, no.2, pp.74-80, 1993-06-30 (Released:2011-09-05)

Carcinomas arising in jaw cysts are a very rare lesion. There was only one case report which was thought to be of origin from an inscisive canal cyst.The authors present a case of squamous cell carcinoma probably arising from an incisive canal cyst.The patient was a 60-year-old female with complaints of swelling and tenderness of the hard palate. Overlying mucosa of the lesion was normal except for an opening of fistula.An occlusal X-ray film and bone images of X-ray computed tomography (X-CT) showed a radiolucent lesion on the midline of the palate with well-defined margin and they also revealed an irregular resorption of the alveolar process of the maxilla.Soft tissue images of post contrast X-CT showed a heterogenously enhanced area in the anterior part of the lesion extending to the left upper lip.Pathological examination revealed a squamous cell carcinoma and suggested that the tumor derived probably from an incisive canal cyst.
竹山 雅規 森田 修一 山田 秀樹 武藤 祐一 齊藤 力 高木 律男 花田 晃治
特定非営利活動法人 日本顎変形症学会
日本顎変形症学会雑誌 (ISSN:09167048)
vol.13, no.3, pp.105-110, 2003-12-15 (Released:2011-02-09)

This study investigated the soft tissue profile change of the chin following genioplasty. The subjects were 20 females who underwent genioplasty. They were divided into two groups depending on the directions of surgical displacement of the chin. In 11 patients anterior repositioning was made (forward movement group) and in 9 patients posterior repositioning was made (backward movement group).For each patient, lateral cephalograms taken preand postoperatively were traced and superimposed, and then linear measurements were obtained.The results were as follows: 1. There were differences in soft tissue reaction to hard tissue displacement between the forward movement group and backward movement group.2. In the forward movement group, the size of the chin increased as a result of further forward displacement of soft tissue pogonion in spite of forward displacement of lower labial sulcus. In the backward movement group, the size of the chin decreased as a result of backward displacement of soft tissue pogonion and forward displacement of lower labial sulcus.3. The horizontal displacement ratio of soft tissue pogonion to pogonion was 148% in the forward movement group, and 33% in the backward movement group.4. There was a significant positive correlation between the horizontal change of pogonion and soft tissue pogonion, horizontal change of menton and soft tissue menton, horizontal change of pogonion and the size of the chin, and horizontal change of menton and the size of the chin. On the other hand, in the forward movement group, there was no correlation between skeletal changes and soft tissue changes of the chin.
八木 稔 高木 律男 西田 康文
新潟歯学会雑誌 (ISSN:03850153)
vol.34, no.1, pp.11-15, 2004

Survey of temporomandibular joint (TMJ) functions, which include muscle and/or TMJ pain, TMJ sounds and difficulty of mouth opening, were performed in 1999 by self-filling questionnaire. Subjects were 380 adolescents in a junior high school in Niigata Prefecture, Japan. Analysis was undergone for 348 respondents. Distribution of free from, present of and no answer to muscle and/or TMJ pain was 74.7%, 23.3% and 2.0%, respectively. Similarly, the distribution of TMJ sounds was 68.1%, 30.2% and 1.7%, and the distribution of difficulty of mouth opening was 89.7%, 8.6% and 1.7%. There found no statistical difference in gender and school grade. Prompt measures should be taken to deal with the temporomandibular disorders. Development of accurate screening system for temporomandibular disorders in school dental health is also required.新潟県の1中学校の生徒380名を対象に、1999年、自己記入式のアンケートによって口を開閉するときの痛み(咀嚼筋または顎関節部)、顎関節の音および開口障害の有無に関する発現状況を調べた(回答348名)。口を開閉するときの痛みの有無については、「ない」と回答した者が74.7%であり、ある23.3%、回答なし2.0%であった。また、口を開閉するときの音の発生については、「ない」と回答した者が68.1%であり、ある30.2%、回答なし1.7%であった。さらに、口の開閉が困難であるか否かについては、「ない」と回答した者が89.7%、ある8.6%、回答なし1.7%であった。これらの症状いずれにおいても、性別および学年間とも回答に統計的に有意な差はなかった。その症状の発現状況をみれば、学校歯科保健において、事後の対応と適切な診査方法の開発が求められている。