葛西 光希 木村 圭司
The Hokkaido Geographical Society
地理学論集 (ISSN:18822118)
vol.88, no.2, pp.37-48, 2014

日本でケッペンの気候区分を適用すると,東北から北海道にかけての地域で,温帯から亜寒帯の遷移帯がみられる。本研究では,この遷移帯付近に位置し,かつ比較的小さな範囲である北海道(北方領土は除く) を対象としてケッペンの気候区分を適用した。また,気候の面的な分布を見られるよう,気象台やAMeDAS観測所のデータより詳細な,1kmメッシュデータを用いて区分を行った。この結果,北海道の代表的な気候区とされている亜寒帯のDf(Dfa・Dfb・Dfc) 以外にも,温帯のCfa・Cfb・Cs* や,それにわずかながらDwb,寒帯のETと,さまざまな気候区が存在することが分かった。また,1971~2000年,1981~2010年の2期間について同様の解析を行い,気候区が変化した地域を明らかにした。2期間で生じたすべての気候区変化パターンをクロス集計により明らかにした。さらに,各変化パターンの代表メッシュを抽出し,気温や降水量のデータを用いて,変化が生じた理由を説明した。北海道において,ある気候区が変化するパターンとその逆方向の気候区への変化パターンが混在した地域が見られ,この地域は気候区の遷移帯であると判断できる。遷移帯において気候区が変化したメッシュ数を比較すると,温暖化の傾向を示すメッシュ数が多かった。北海道という比較的小さな地域でもケッペンの気候区分により気候変動の一側面が把握できたことから,小地域におけるケッペンの気候区分が有効性を持つ場合があることが確認された。
渡辺 悌二 古畑 亜紀
The Hokkaido Geographical Society
北海道地理 (ISSN:02852071)
vol.1998, no.72, pp.1-11, 1998

The Asahidake gondola ropeway, which is operated in Daisetsuzan National Park, central Hokkaido, northern Japan, will be renewed by the year 2000. The maximum transport capacity of the gondola will be upgraded from 46 to 101 passengers. This improvement is mainly due to the exceeding number of passengers. The questionnaire was handed to 275 visitors to the alpine area around the "Sugatami-no-ike" hiking promenade from 22 to 31 July and from 15 to 18 September 1994.<BR>The critical time (minutes) for being able to be waited for the next available gondola ranged from 0 to 150 minutes with an average of 29.1 minutes. The actual time to be waited during the most crowded season is estimated as around 150 minutes. Therefore, the present operation of the gondola ropeway certainly provides poor service to the passengers.<BR>Most visitors do not regard shortening the waiting time for a gondola as the first priority. They prefer mitigating environmental degradation which might be caused by the improvement of the gondola ropeway and related facilities. This result suggests that the owner of the gondola ropeway should include the improvement of visitor management in the area besides shortening the waiting time for a gondola.<BR>The visitors also showed strong interests in natural environments in the alpine area of the Sugatami-no-ike. They are interested in having a photograph exhibition room in the station building (47.3% of the questioned visitors), and introducing a nature guide system (34.9%). Because of the limitted availability in national park rangers and governmental budget, a nature guide system may be privately introduced by the ropeway company.<BR>Some visitors to the alpine area believed that they could walk anywhere in the national park, and complained that they were not allowed to see alpine plants with no restriction. They also showed strong attitudes toward inquiring the nature and developing their interests in nature. These results show that visitors should be enlightened the meaning of a national park and the necessity of nature conservation. These improvements require the nature guide system. In addition, scientists can help to install photograph panels and sign boards to explain the importance in the alpine nature, to clearly state the critical problems and how a change in behavior will improve the vegetation damage and soil erosion on a trail.<BR>These measures to improve the visitor management need continuous budget, which might be collected with a ropeway fare by the company.