Xu Maojie Zhang Yaozhong Zhang Jing Lu Jiyun Qian Bingjian Lu Dejiong Zhang Yafei Wang Liang Chen Xiaoshuang Shigekawa Hidemi
Nanoscale Research Letters
vol.7, no.460, 2012-08

We employ first-principles density functional theory calculations to study the surface reconstruction, energetic stability, and electronic structure of diamond C(331) surface. Spontaneous formation of graphene-like stripes on the reconstructed surface is found to occur as the surface terrace C atoms transform from sp3 to sp2 hybridization upon structural relaxation. The comparison of the calculated absolute surface energies of C(331), C(111), and C(110) surfaces demonstrates the energetic stability of the graphitic-like C(331) surface. Local density of electronic states analysis reveals the occurrence of localized electronic states near the Fermi level, which may have a significant impact on the surface conductivity.
Hashimoto Yukio
The European physical journal. A (ISSN:14346001)
vol.48, no.5, pp.55, 2012
38 12

A numerical method to integrate the time-dependent Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov (TDHFB) equations with Gogny interaction is proposed. The feasibility of the TDHFB code is illustrated by the conservation of the energy, particle numbers, and center of mass in the small amplitude vibrations of 20O . The TDHFB code is applied to the isoscalar quadrupole and/or isovector dipole vibrations in the linear (small amplitude) region in oxygen isotopes, 18, 20, 22, 24O , titanium isotopes, 44, 50, 52, 54Ti , neon isotope, 26Ne , and magnesium isotopes, 24, 34Mg . The isoscalar quadrupole and isovector dipole strength functions are calculated from the expectation values of the isoscalar quadrupole and isovector dipole moments.
Matsukawa Yasuaki Yoshise Akiko
Japan journal of industrial and applied mathematics (ISSN:09167005)
vol.29, no.3, pp.499-517, 2012-10
10 4

We call a positive semidefinite matrix whose elements are nonnegative a doubly nonnegative matrix, and the set of those matrices the doubly nonnegative cone (DNN cone). The DNN cone is not symmetric but can be represented as the projection of a symmetric cone embedded in a higher dimension. In Yoshise and Matsukawa (Proceedings of 2010 IEEE Multi-conference on Systems and Control, 2010), the authors demonstrated the efficiency of the DNN relaxation using the symmetric cone representation of the DNN cone. They showed that the DNN relaxation gives significantly tight bounds for a class of quadratic assignment problems, but the computational time is not affordable as long as we employ the symmetric cone representation. They then suggested a primal barrier function approach for solving the DNN optimization problem directly, instead of using the symmetric cone representation. However, most of existing studies on the primal barrier function approach have assumed the availability of a feasible interior point. This fact means that those studies are not inextricably tied to the practical usage. Motivated by these observations, we propose a primal barrier function Phase I algorithm for solving conic optimization problems over the closed convex cone K having the following properties: (a) its interior int K is not necessarily symmetric, (b) a self-concordant function f is defined over int K, and (c) its dual cone K* is not explicit or is intractable, all of which are observed when K is the DNN cone. We analyze the algorithm and provide a sufficient condition for finite termination.
Sukegawa Noriyoshi Yamamoto Yoshitsugu
Japan journal of industrial and applied mathematics (ISSN:09167005)
vol.29, no.3, pp.547-560, 2012-10

Concerning the strategic manipulability of the stable matching produced by the Gale–Shapley algorithm, Kobayashi and Matsui recently considered the existence problem of a preference profile of women, that is, given a preference profile of men, find a preference profile of women that makes the Gale–Shapley algorithm produce the prescribed complete matching of men and women. Reformulating this problem by introducing the set of proposals to be made through the execution of the algorithm, and switching the roles of men and women, we consider the existence problem of a preference profile of men and show that the problem is reduced to a problem of checking if a directed graph is a rooted tree and it is solvable in polynomial time. We also show that the existence problem of preference profiles of both sexes when a set of proposals is given is solvable in polynomial time.
Sakai Kazuhiro Satoh Yuji
Journal of high energy physics (ISSN:10298479)
vol.2010, no.3, pp.77, 2010-03

We construct constant mean curvature surfaces of the general finite-gap type in AdS 3. The special case with zero mean curvature gives minimal surfaces relevant for the study of Wilson loops and gluon scattering amplitudes in $ \mathcal{N} = 4 $ super Yang-Mills. We also analyze properties of the finite-gap solutions including asymptotic behavior and the degenerate (soliton) limit, and discuss possible solutions with null boundaries.
Avsar Emil Hatta Yoshitaka Matsuo Toshihiro
Journal of high energy physics (ISSN:10298479)
vol.2010, no.3, pp.37, 2010-03
15 5

Based on the AdS/CFT correspondence, we present a holographic description of various C-odd exchanges in high energy baryon-(anti)baryon scattering, and calculate their respective contributions to the difference in the total cross sections. We show that, due to the warp factor of AdS 5, the single Odderon exchange gives a larger total cross section in baryon-baryon collisions than in baryon-antibaryon collisions at asymptotically high energies.
Hatsuda Yasuyuki Ito Katsushi Sakai Kazuhiro Satoh Yuji
Journal of high energy physics (ISSN:10298479)
vol.2010, no.4, pp.108, 2010-04
28 17

We study classical open string solutions with a null polygonal boundary in AdS 3 in relation to gluon scattering amplitudes in $$ \mathcal{N} = 4 $$ super Yang-Mills at strong coupling. We derive in full detail the set of integral equations governing the decagonal and the dodecagonal solutions and identify them with the thermodynamic Bethe ansatz equations of the homogeneous sine-Gordon models. By evaluating the free energy in the conformal limit we compute the central charges, from which we observe general correspondence between the polygonal solutions in AdS n and generalized parafermions.
Aoki Sinya Balog Janos Weisz Peter
Journal of high energy physics (ISSN:10298479)
vol.2010, no.5, pp.8, 2010-05
11 17

We investigate the short distance behavior of nucleon-nucleon (NN) potentials defined through Bethe-Salpeter wave functions, by perturbatively calculating anomalous dimensions of 6-quark operators in QCD. Thanks to the asymptotic freedom of QCD, 1-loop computations give certain exact results for the potentials in the zero distance limit. In particular the functional form of the S-state central NN potential at short distance r is predicted to be a little weaker than r −2. On the other hand, due to the intriguing character of the anomalous dimension spectrum, perturbative considerations alone can not determine whether this potential is repulsive or attractive at short distances. A crude estimation suggests that the force at short distance is repulsive, as found numerically in lattice QCD. A similar behavior is found for the tensor potential.
Baba Yutaka Ishibashi Nobuyuki Murakami Koichi
Journal of high energy physics (ISSN:10298479)
vol.2010, no.8, pp.102, 2010-08
7 5

We propose a dimensional regularization scheme to deal with the divergences caused by colliding supercurrents inserted at the interaction points, in the light-cone gauge NSR superstring field theory. We formulate the theory in d dimensions and define the amplitudes as analytic functions of d. With an appropriately chosen three-string interaction term and large negative d, the tree level amplitudes for the (NS,NS) closed strings can be recast into a BRST invariant form, using the superconformal field theory proposed in ref. [1]. We show that in the limit d →10 they coincide with the results of the first quantized theory. Therefore we obtain the desired results without adding any contact interaction terms to the action.
Hatsuda Yasuyuki Ito Katsushi Sakai Kazuhiro Satoh Yuji
Journal of high energy physics (ISSN:10298479)
vol.2010, no.9, pp.64, 2010-09
17 14

We study six-point gluon scattering amplitudes in $$ \mathcal{N} = 4 $$ super Yang-Mills theory at strong coupling by investigating the thermodynamic Bethe ansatz equations of the underlying $$ {\mathbb{Z}_4} $$-symmetric integrable model both analytically and numerically. By the conformal field theory (CFT) perturbation, we compute the free energy part of the remainder function with generic chemical potential near the CFT/small mass limit. Combining this with the expansion of the Y-functions, we obtain the remainder function near the small mass limit up to a function of the chemical potential, which can be evaluated numerically. We also find the leading corrections to the remainder function near the large mass limit. We confirm that these results are in good agreement with numerical computations.
Kimura Taro Komatsu Shota Misumi Tatsuhiro Noumi Toshifumi Torii Shingo Aoki Sinya
Journal of high energy physics (ISSN:10298479)
vol.2012, no.1, pp.048, 2012-01

Employing the spin-flavor representation, we investigate the structures of the doubler-mixing symmetries and the mechanisms of their spontaneous breakdown in four types of lattice fermion formulation. We first revisit the U(4) × U(4) symmetries of the naive fermion with the vanishing bare mass m, and re-express them in terms of the spinflavor representation. We apply the same method to the Wilson fermion, which possesses only the U(1) vector symmetry for general values of m. For a special value of m, however, there emerges an additional U(1) symmetry to be broken by pion condensation. We also explore two types of minimally doubled fermion, and discover a similar kind of symmetry enhancement and its spontaneous breakdown.
Aoki Sinya Balog Janos Weisz Peter
Journal of high energy physics (ISSN:10298479)
no.9, pp.83, 2010-09
7 13

The short distance behavior of baryon-baryon potentials defined throughNambu-Bethe-Salpeter wave functions is investigated using the operator product expansion.In a previous analysis of the nucleon-nucleon case, corresponding to the SU(3) channels27s and 10a, we argued that the potentials have a repulsive core. A new feature occursfor the case of baryons made up of three flavors: manifestly asymptotically attractive potentialsappear in the singlet and octet channels. Attraction in the singlet channel wasfirst indicated by quark model considerations, and recently been found in numerical latticesimulations. The latter have however not yet revealed asymptotic attraction in the octetchannels; we give a speculative explanation for this apparent discrepancy.
Ishibashi Nobuyuki Murakami Koichi
Journal of high energy physics (ISSN:10298479)
vol.2011, no.1, pp.8, 2011-01
6 4

Light-cone gauge superstring theory in noncritical dimensions corresponds to a worldsheet theory with nonstandard longitudinal part in the conformal gauge. The longitudinal part of the worldsheet theory is a superconformal field theory called X ± CFT. We show that the X ± CFT combined with the super-reparametrization ghost system can be described by free variables. It is possible to express the correlation functions in terms of these free variables. Bosonizing the free variables, we construct the spin fields and BRST invariant vertex operators for the Ramond sector in the conformal gauge formulation. By using these vertex operators, we can rewrite the tree amplitudes of the noncritical light-cone gauge string field theory, with external lines in the (R,R) sector as well as those in the (NS,NS) sector, in a BRST invariant way.
Hatsuda Yasuyuki Ito Katsushi Sakai Kazuhiro Satoh Yuji
Journal of high energy physics (ISSN:10298479)
vol.2011, no.4, pp.100, 2011-04

We study gluon scattering amplitudes/Wilson loops in =4 super Yang-Mills theory at strong coupling by calculating the area of the minimal surfaces in AdS 3 based on the associated thermodynamic Bethe ansatz system. The remainder function of the amplitudes is computed by evaluating the free energy, the T- and Y-functions of the homogeneous sine-Gordon model. Using conformal field theory (CFT) perturbation, we examine the mass corrections to the free energy around the CFT point corresponding to the regular polygonal Wilson loop. Based on the relation between the T-functions and the g-functions, which measure the boundary entropy, we calculate corrections to the T-and Y-functions as well as express them at the CFT point by the modular S-matrix. We evaluate the remainder function around the CFT point for 8 and 10-point amplitudes explicitly and compare these analytic expressions with the 2-loop formulas. The two rescaled remainder functions show very similar power series structures.
Ishibashi Nobuyuki Murakami Koichi
Journal of high energy physics (ISSN:10298479)
vol.2011, no.7, pp.90, 2011-07
3 1

We consider the dimensional regularization of the light-cone gauge type II superstring field theories in the NSR formalism. In the previous work, we have calculated the tree-level amplitudes with external lines in the (NS, NS) sector using the regularization and shown that the desired results are obtained without introducing contact term interactions. In this work, we study the tree-level amplitudes with external lines in the Ramond sector. In order to deal with them, we propose a worldsheet theory to be used instead of that for the naive dimensional regularization. With the worldsheet theory, we regularize and define the tree-level amplitudes by analytic continuation. We show that the results coincide with those of the first quantized formulation.
Kuwabara Tomohiko Igarashi Kensuke
Extremophiles (ISSN:14310651)
vol.16, no.6, pp.863-870, 2012-11
9 1

Thermosipho globiformans is a member ofThermotogales, which contains rod-shaped, Gram-negative,anaerobic (hyper)thermophiles. These bacteria arecharacterized by an outer sheath-like envelope, the toga,which includes the outer membrane and an amorphouslayer, and forms large periplasm at the poles of each rod.The cytoplasmic membrane and its contents are called‘‘cell’’, and the toga and its contents ‘‘rod’’, to distinguishbetween them. Optical cells were constructed to observebinary fission of T. globiformans. High-temperaturemicroscopy of rods adhering to optical cells’ coverslipsshowed that the large periplasm forms between newlydivided cells in a rod, followed by rod fission at the middleof the periplasm, which was accompanied by a sidewardmotion of the newly generated rod pole(s). Electronmicroscopic observations revealed that sessile rods grownon a glass plate have nanotubes adhered to the glass, andthese may be involved in the sideward motion. Epifluorescencemicroscopy with a membrane-staining dye suggestedthat formation of the septal outer membrane isdistinct from cytokinesis. Transmission electron microscopyindicated that the amorphous layer forms in the periplasmbetween already-divided cells. These findingssuggest that the large periplasm is the structure in whichthe septal toga forms, an event separate from cytokinesis.
Hasegawa Masaru Arai Emi Watanabe Mamoru Nakamura Masahiko
Journal of ethology (ISSN:02890771)
vol.30, no.1, pp.143-150, 2012-01
26 5

Female mate choice based on territory quality is difficult to study because territories often contain many resources, which are difficult to quantify. Here, using the barn swallow (Hirundo rustica gutturalis) breeding at an outdoor breeding site in Japan, where each male defends only a small territory containing old nests, we studied whether females choose social mates based on territory quality. Since the territories of this species contain few other resources, territory quality can easily be assessed by quantifying old nests in the territory. We made the following four observations: (1) male swallows displayed old nests in their territories to females; (2) the old nests used for the first clutch were less broken than the other old nests within the same territory; (3) territory quality, defined by the number of old nests weighted by the intactness of each old nest, predicted the productivity of the territory; and (4) males with better territories paired with females earlier, and hence bred earlier, than those with inferior territories. The relationships remained significant even after controlling for male morphological traits. Based on these results, we can infer that female swallows choose their mates based, in part, on territory quality.
Tamaoka Katsuo Sakai Hiromu Kawahara Jun-ichiro Miyaoka Yayoi Lim Hyunjung Koizumi Masatoshi
Journal of Psycholinguistic Research (ISSN:00906905)
vol.34, no.3, pp.281-332, 2005-05
9 42

The present study investigated scrambling effects on the processing of Japanese sentences and priority information used among thematic roles, case particles and grammatical functions. Reaction times for correct sentence decisions were significantly prolonged for scrambled active sentences with transitive verbs in the first experiment and with ditransitive verbs in the second experiment. Errors were made with scrambled sentences more than canonical sentences in both experiments, which suggested that scrambling effects were apparent in active sentences. Passive sentences in the third experiment indicated that canonical order defined based on case particles, not thematic roles, was more quickly and accurately identified than scrambled order. Potential sentences in the fourth experiment and causative sentences in the fifth experiment indicated that the processing of scrambled sentences based on grammatical functions, but not on case particles, required longer reaction times and resulted in higher error rates than canonical sentences. Consequently, scrambling effects in the present study indicated that neither thematic roles nor case particles can provide fully-satisfactory information for canonical phrase order, and that only grammatical functions offer satisfactory information in all types of sentences.
Han Jun Kyu Akutsu Mitsuaki Talorete Terence P. N. Maekawa Takaaki Tanaka Toshiyuki Isoda Hiroko
Cytotechnology (ISSN:09209069)
vol.47, no.1-3, pp.89-96, 2005-01
11 10

On the basis of transepithelial electrical resistance (TER) measurements, we found that capsaicin (100 μM)-treated human intestinal Caco-2 cells show a momentary increase in tight-junction (TJ) permeability (decrease in TER) followed by a complete recovery. We used proteome analysis to search for proteins that are associated with the recovery of TJ permeability in capsaicin-treated Caco-2 cells. A protein with a relative molecular mass of 14 kDa was found to be expressed more highly in capsaicin-treated cells than in nontreated cells. Mass spectrometry and sequence analyses revealed that the protein that is expressed significantly upon capsaicin treatment is the ribosomal protein P2; its cDNA sequence was identical to that found in the human genome database. An increase in the amount of cellular filamentous actin (F-actin) was shown after 8 h of incubation with capsaicin. It has been reported that P2 activates elongation factor 2, which stabilizes F-actin filaments, and that the depolymerization of F-actin is associated with the increase in TJ permeability (decrease in TER). Consequently, these results suggest that P2 plays an important role in the recovery of the TJ permeability in capsaicin-treated human intestinal cells.