溝口 明則
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.71, no.603, pp.167-173, 2006-05-30 (Released:2017-02-17)

The method to plan the column interval dimensions at Horyuji Kondo (the main hall of Horyuji temple) has been argued for a century. However we still have not reached to a reliable conclusion yet. This thesis explains the planning method of the column interval dimensions of Horyuji Kondo by adopting the mediaeval period's 'shiwarisei' as a clue.This is the method to design the standard unit of the column interval from the dimensions of the rafter interval. Up to the present, the method to plan the column interval dimensions at the Kondo has been understood by applying a whole number among the center of the columns. But fractional numbers happen to appear because of the existence of the interval dimensions of eaves girders (gagyou) and rafters.As a result, the existence of the primitive 'shiwari-sei' and a new planning method to position the columns can be proposed.


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@Nobuyosi_Satake https://t.co/WwSfo1oAnE 完全に読み込んだわけではありませんが資財帳が存在するにもかかわらず法隆寺尺の研究がある辺り, 前提として創建尺と資財帳尺は別物と考えて良さそうです その際(それも748年)に企画を資財帳尺を用いながら部分的に別尺を用いることは考えにくいとも思うんです
@lishnij 寸法体系ならば溝口先生とか。https://t.co/yV1PXdaufN https://t.co/MfsAmYUIHM

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