四ヶ所 高志 塩崎 太伸 奥山 信一
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.78, no.684, pp.355-364, 2013-02-28 (Released:2013-05-31)

The piloti, elevating the building above ground, is one of the most characteristic modernist structural types. This element also has spatial implications, as recognized by Le Corbusier's “Five Points” and exemplified in his “Villa Savoye (1928-31)”. After World War II a number of such houses made their appearance in Japan. Here we aim to illustrate and examine how Japanese architects of the time extrapolated a design theme from this model, based on a study of such work as it appeared in architectural publications. Initially, two aspects of the piloti concept were selected, and each scheme was then subjected to a “KJ-method” analysis (originated by KAWAKITA Jiro). First, we scrutinized the architect's intention in adopting a piloti scheme. Secondly, we attempted to assess each architect's distinct view of the spatial character of the prototype, as exemplified in his deployment of the piloti model. At this point, the composition of each house was assessed with regard to two aspects involving the relationship between building and ground, namely the interrelation of building to site and to its natural gradation. Finally, the mediation between each architect's thinking and the final composition has been plotted in terms of this dual classification.


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