鶴見 太郎
日本中東学会年報 (ISSN:09137858)
vol.27, no.2, pp.103-123, 2012-01-05 (Released:2018-03-30)

This research note is an introductory study for an exploration of the historical-sociological and not political origins of the definition of the state of Israel as a “Jewish and democratic state.” It is hypothesized that some of these origins can be found in the Jewish and Zionist experience in the Russian Empire, where a majority of Zionists were born. Even before the emergence of Zionism, some East European Jewish enlighteners believed that the West European concept of civil rights denied nationality (nationhood or peoplehood) of the Jews. At the time of the 1905 Russian Revolution, political issues emerged in which nationality played a significant role. The Zionists then considered that every nationality should be secured by a democratic state, on the grounds that access to one’s nationality should be included in individual rights. The Zionists believed that any democracy should protect the nationality of its citizens. The Zionists also held that the survival of every nation inevitably depends on sociological laws, demographic and socioeconomic conditions in particular. This standpoint would require the nation to have a territory in which the nation constitutes a majority, providing a background for the norm that approves the privilege of the Jewish nationality in Israel.


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歴代首相がロシア帝国ルーツのシオニストばっか(ラビンは裏切り者と呼ばれたし)ってのが救いがないよね。日本で大日本帝国ゾンビ世襲バカボン議員たちがずっと政権を握ってるのと一緒。民主主義のフリした民族純潔主義国家。 https://t.co/3kmViXkUhv
いずれにせよすごく面白かった。 amazonに下記を参照したら良いとの感想が書いてありました。後から読んでみます。 「ユダヤ的かつ民主的国家」の 起源についての一考察 https://t.co/FG5fPWPKs0

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