川崎 富作 神前 章雄
一般社団法人 日本アレルギー学会
アレルギー (ISSN:00214884)
vol.16, no.3, pp.178-222,225, 1967-03-30 (Released:2017-02-10)

In our series of 50 patients admitted to the Pediatric Department of Japanese Red Cross Central Hospital, Tokyo, from January of 1961 to November of 1966, its main clinical features were as follows: 1) All patients (50 cases) had temperature of 38 C. and more and its duration was at least 6 days in spite of antibiotics therapy. 2) In 49 (98%) of 50 cases bilateral injection of bulbal conjunctivae was seen. Pseudomembrane formation or corneal complication were not seen. 3) Forty-three cases (86%) of our series had skin eruption. The lesions were basely erythematous, appeared in whole body, especially in the plams and the soles, caracterized byno vesicle or bullous formations. 4) Forty-eight (96%) of 50 casesshowed dried, injected, eroded and fissurated lips, sometimes with bleeding and crust formation. Mucous-membrane of the mouth showed diffuse injection without any vesicle or aphtha formations. There were sometimes strawberry-tongue. 5) Thirty-three (66%) of 50 cases had acute non-suppurative crevical lymphadenitis which showed from thumb-tip to hens-egg and more in size. 6) Angioneurotic edema of hands and feet was seen 22 cases (44%) in infancy and small children. 7) Acrodesauqmation from the junction of the nail and skin on fingers and toes was seen in 49 cases (98%). It began to almost second week of illness. This desquamation limited in hands and feet, never seen in other parts of the body. 8) The age range was from 2-month-old to 9-year-and-1-month-old. Over half of patients, 27 cases (54%) was under 2-year-old. 9) This syndrome showed natural curability, no residual formation, no recurrency and no contagious tendency among siblings. From the clinical findings mentioned above this syndrome seemed to be a new clinical entity.


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指趾 の 特異 的落屑 を伴 う小 児 の 急性熱性 皮膚粘膜淋 巴腺症 候群 (自験 例 50例 の 臨 床 的観 察) 口本赤十 字枇 中央病 院 小 児科 (部 長 : 神 前 章雄 博 士 ) 川 崎 富 作 https://t.co/3QrPtqxjLF
@jetpackjeth @rgnijman @amcvanrossum @mnkustef @andrew_mcardle @_myrsini_ for those who fancy historic papers - the Kawasaki paper is freely available at: https://t.co/flccGQ1QVH The written text is hieroglyphic for me, but it looks like a meticulous report on careful clinical observations (temperature curves and all that)
「川崎病」を報告した論文。/J-STAGE Articles - 指趾の特異的落屑を伴う小児の急性熱性皮膚粘膜淋巴腺症候群 : 自験例50例の臨床的観察 https://t.co/ILY7QCHQnj
記事に医学専門誌「アレルギー」とありますが、正しくは日本アレルギー学会機関誌「アレルギー」ですね。論文はこれ。https://t.co/nEPUmtMFSV https://t.co/cWR0kYES3E
川崎富作先生の1967年の「川崎病」の一番最初の論文 経過表が手書きなのに時代を感じる。 https://t.co/DAb6KHqwk6 https://t.co/RZ8Ba1QkJg
指趾の特異的落屑を伴う小児の急性熱性 皮膚粘膜淋巴腺症候群(自験例50例の臨床的観察)(川崎富作.アレルギー 1967; 16: 178-222) https://t.co/jWYpvWcMpR 後に川崎病と称されるようになった新たな疾患を提唱するに至る46ページの論文 https://t.co/KPYMtCHmqJ
【『川崎病』発見の原著論文】 川崎富作先生の書かれた論文 アレルギー 1967;16:178-222 『指趾の特異的落屑を伴う小児の急性熱性皮膚粘膜淋巴腺症候群(自験例50例の臨床的観察)』 全46ページ。50例の詳細な臨床経過と考察、症例の写真が掲載。いま読んでも相当凄い↓ https://t.co/gBIVRgbUU8 https://t.co/fNWxPfjitI https://t.co/vfSmQ6qq94
川崎病。個人的には、元々川崎先生が名付けた「小児急性熱性皮膚粘膜リンパ節症候群」という名前の方が病態が分かりやすい。 アレルギー, 16(3) 178〜222, 1967 https://t.co/FPupnLegNm

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