吉田 寛
美学 (ISSN:05200962)
vol.57, no.2, pp.15-28, 2006-09-30 (Released:2017-05-22)

The aim of this paper is to examine the history of the "art competitions" in the modern Olympics, and thus to cast a new light on the boundary problem between art and sport. Pierre de Coubertin, the principal founder of the modern Olympics, held up an ideal of reunification of muscle and mind, and proposed to introduce five art competitions -in architecture, sculpture, painting, music and literature- within the course of the Olympic games. Then "art competitions" were successfully held in seven Olympiads from 1912 to 1948; but they were replaced by "art exhibitions" without medals from the Helsinki Olympics (1952) onward. In spite of Courbertin's personal enthusiasm for art, some of the IOC members remained skeptical of the art competitions, mainly because they seemed incompatible with the amateurism policy of the Olympics: participants therein were professional artists in most cases, and the prizewinning artworks were often traded openly at high prices. Added to this issue, art was condemned for lack of the qualification to rank with the Olympic sports, from the viewpoints that it has no uniform rules and no clear criteria for evaluation like athletic games, and that prizewinning artists are in general much older as compared to athletes, violating the Olympic ideal of "youthfulness." The introduction and abolition of the Olympic art competitions thus suggests the fundamental discrepancy in cultural and social status between art and sport, while our attention is too often directed merely to their alikeness or affinity.


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四年に一度、インパクトファクター(引用度)が跳ね上がる、私のオリンピックの芸術競技についての論文です。/ 吉田寛「近代オリンピックにおける芸術競技の考察──芸術とスポーツの共存(不)可能性をめぐって」『美学』57/2 (2006) https://t.co/WfprJM6nth
「近代 #オリンピック における #芸術競技 の考察──芸術とスポーツの共存(不)可能性をめぐって」吉田寛(美学会編『美学』226号、2006)https://t.co/fSqFJlU8ns https://t.co/lwmsoje4dc

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