伊藤 亜紗
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.29, no.2, pp.295-302, 2022-06-01 (Released:2022-06-15)

The diversity of human bodies is often omitted by academic research as well as by the social system because it is more likely to focus on deducing general theories. This paper takes the visually impaired for instance to spell out the points that must be paid attention to cover the diversity of their (in)visuality. We tend to think that the body of someone without impairment is a complete whole and that the body with impairment is an uncomplete one from which some kind of function is somehow missing. However, one's own body is something that generates a unique meaning, in terms of its relationship to the surrounding environment. The uniqueness of each body cannot be expressed by any numerical indicator. The person-centered approach that does not separate the impairment from the living body is necessary.


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こちらこそ大変有意義な議論をありがとうです。認知科学最新号の伊藤亜紗先生「身体の個別性に向き合う」 https://t.co/9xUWr9nm0T を題材に、障害、多様性、そこにおける基礎心理学・認知心理学の意義を考えていきました。 https://t.co/FtPScnWScJ

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