時枝 久子 橋爪 伸子 大下 市子 五島 淑子 田代 文子 林 裕子 和仁 皓明
一般社団法人 日本家政学会 食文化研究部会
会誌食文化研究 (ISSN:18804403)
vol.8, pp.37-45, 2012 (Released:2022-02-25)

This chronology of comparative food culture has been prepared as a continuation of the previous two publications on the Taisyo = Meiji era and the Edo era of Japan. The present chronology covers the period from the Jomon = Yayoi period which is considered to be almost the same period as Neolithic age to 1602, end of Azuchi=Momoyama era; the year before the establishment of Tokugawa shogunate. The authors have compiled information on 476 chronological items from 245 sources, which include 222 published books and documents and 23 web pages and institutional electronic documents.In order to compare chronology of food cultural phenomenon with Asian countries excluding Japan, the American continent,the African continent and the Eurasian continent excluding Asia, the geographical designation and time span of events we have evaluated as being noteworthy of being recorded are included in this chronology. The classification of food culture phenomenon is identical to that of the previous papers.


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