矢田 真城 魚住 龍史 田栗 正隆
計量生物学 (ISSN:09184430)
vol.40, no.2, pp.81-116, 2020-06-01 (Released:2020-07-21)

When a causal effect between treatment and outcome variables is observed, effects on the outcome are of interest to investigate the mechanisms among the outcome and treatment. Indirect effect is defined as the causal effect of the treatment on the outcome via the mediator. Direct effect is defined as the causal effect of the treatment on the outcome that is not through the mediator. In this paper, we discuss the estimation of direct and indirect effects based on the framework of potential response models focusing on the 4-way decomposition. Direct and indirect effect estimations are illustrated with two examples where the outcome, mediator, covariate variables are continuous and categorical data. Moreover, we discuss the estimation of clausal effects and the effect decomposition in the settings that include confounder of mediator and outcome affected by treatment, multiple mediators, or time-varying treatment in the presence of time-dependent confounder.


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総説 反事実モデルに基づく直接効果と間接効果の推定 https://t.co/Rtr92GzCkM
・反事実モデルに基づく直接効果と間接効果の推定(計量生物学, 2020 年 40 巻 2 号 p. 81-116) https://t.co/6FcRZOMXfI ・因果推論の道具箱(理論と方法, 2019 年 34 巻 1 号 p. 20-34) https://t.co/DqlvvSkMz2
・反事実モデルに基づく直接効果と間接効果の推定, 計量生物学 Vol. 40, No. 2, 81 − 116 (2020) https://t.co/nHKdKdQYk1 ・Introduction to Time-dependent Confounders and Marginal Structural Models https://t.co/M59yAotFZt
反事実モデルに基づく直接効果と間接効果の推定(計量生物学, 2020 年 40 巻 2 号 p. 81-116) https://t.co/6FcRZOuO1A
J-STAGE Articles - 反事実モデルに基づく直接効果と間接効果の推定 https://t.co/jSYLsaUfxU
矢田,他.反事実モデルに基づく直接効果と間接効果の推定. 計量生物学2020 https://t.co/fATvITLx1g
R(CMAverse)を使って矢田(2020)の媒介分析の結果を再現する記事を書こうとしてる https://t.co/kyfggjtY9q https://t.co/hihEThTCUu
3. 田栗先生の総説(直接効果・間接効果の推定および未測定の交絡に対する感度解析;統計数理) https://t.co/UE9etiTruD 4. 矢田さんたちの総説(反事実モデルに基づく直接効果と間接効果の推定;計量生物学) https://t.co/Vczyq8x6V7
J-STAGE Articles - 反事実モデルに基づく直接効果と間接効果の推定 https://t.co/dclsk1URh5

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