戸田 雅裕 森本 兼曩
The Japanese Society for Hygiene
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.54, no.4, pp.592-596, 2000-01-15 (Released:2009-02-17)
14 20

The fasting month of Ramadan is the ninth lunar month of the Islamic calendar. It is the most important month for Muslims because in which the Qur'an was revealed, and they abstain from food and drink from dawn to sunset to express their gratitude to God. Eating and drinking is permitted only at night, and Muslims typically eat two meals each day, after sunset and just before dawn. People tend to stay up late watching TV with the family, praying or reading the Qur'an.Ramadan teaches Muslims self-restraint and reminds them of the feelings of the impoverished. On the other hand, the biological effects of changes in lifestyle during Ramadan may also be expected.Some studies have reported substantial weight loss, signs of dehydration, raised serum concentrations of uric acid and cholesterol, etc. during Ramadan. However, these changes are unlikely to have much effect on healthy individuals, because generations of Muslims have undertaken fasting year after year. In conclusion, the observance of the Ramadan fast may produce some ill-effects in patients with some disease, e. g. hypertension, hypercholesterolaemia, hyperuricaemia, hyperglycaemia, and heart, liver and kidney disease.


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@i_mikalin @MasayukiTsuda2 https://t.co/sLTTNmdV4z 調べてみたら寧ろ食事療法の一つらしいです。 しかし、セフリ(日の出前のごはんを食べる時間)やアフターリ(日没後の食べる時間)に本来良くないとされる爆食いをする人はそのような悪影響を及ぼす可能性はあるかもしれません。
https://t.co/FD56GQKvk8 ざっと読んだところ、一番大きいのは不快感、その次に血液凝縮なんかな……まあ、水分は摂ろう……
ちょっと古いですが 【日本衛生学雑誌】 断食月ラマダンが各種要因に及ぼす影響 https://t.co/HMYdIGszJF https://t.co/tWZ6Hzb3BX
ちょっと古いですが 【日本衛生学雑誌】 断食月ラマダンが各種要因に及ぼす影響 https://t.co/HMYdIGszJF https://t.co/tWZ6Hzb3BX

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