中澤 篤史
一般社団法人 日本体育・スポーツ・健康学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.66, pp.497-514, 2021 (Released:2021-08-11)

The aim of this study is to describe the history of the Junior High School Physical Culture Association (JHSPCA) based on reexamination of the relationship between education and competition in school sports. Previous studies have maintained that there was a conflict between education and competition in school sports, and that the potential educational effects of sports were impeded by its competitive focus. However, it is assumed that the JHSPCA held competitive championships under the guise of educational activity. To fully understand the historical development of school sports we should instead reexamine whether the educational aspect of school sports is actually combined with its competitive one. This reorientation of perspective would then allow for new research questions, such as how the JHSPCA was formed and developed, and how and why it combined education and competition in school sports. The present study attempts to answer these questions, which previous studies have not, by analyzing documents gathered from official annual reports of the JHSPCA. The study produced a number of findings. Beginning in 1947 with the establishment of the postwar junior high school system, the JHSPCA first developed at the prefectural level. Initially the association was formed by PE teachers under the influence of the Ministry of Education, while also accepting the assistance of the Association of Junior High School Principals, local boards of education, and select sports federations. In 1955, the national level of the JHSPCA was initially formed in order to control the games and matches of junior high school athletes and as a counter organization to sports federations. Crucially, the JHSPCA differed from sports federations in that it was specifically driven by educational ideals. Yet, even with such an organization principle, it encouraged games and even matches under the name of educational activities. At that time, some prefectures did not have local JHSPCA branches; however, by 1967 all prefectures had designated branches and the association finally became a national organization. In conclusion, this study has clarified that the JHSPCA had to compete against sports federations and thus included a system of competitive championships within the ethos of school sports. By continuing to combine education and competition in school sports, it was possible to utilize competitive championships for the realization educational ideals. The present findings suggest that there is the possibility of modifying the prior consensus that education is opposite to competition in school sports in Japan.


外部データベース (DOI)

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@minchi3333 @1026TETSU このあたりでしょうか。 https://t.co/7o5m1LKmkc https://t.co/XmsP9G8oZv 早稲田大学教授 中澤篤史氏が研究していますね。
中体連3部作その1は… 「中学校体育連盟の形成過程(1947 − 1967):運動部活動における教育と競技の関係性を再考する」『体育学研究』66、2021年。 まずは、そもそも中体連という組織がどのように設立されたのかを分析しました。 https://t.co/XYQmx1jreX
ウェブ公開がデフォルトになったけど、自分の論文が冊子で印刷されると、やっぱりうれしい。 それにしても分厚いな! https://t.co/XYQmx1AugX https://t.co/kmL7BSKSLF
【部活研究者各位】 新作論文です、ご笑覧ください。 中澤篤史(2021)「中学校体育連盟の形成過程(1947 − 1967): 運動部活動における教育と競技の関係性を再考する」『体育学研究』66巻、pp.497-514. https://t.co/XYQmx1AugX

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