村本 由紀子 遠藤 由美
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.87.15051, (Released:2016-09-10)
1 1

This is a micro-ethnographic study focusing on a traditional custom at Tōshi Island in Japan. When first-born sons in the island graduate from junior high school, they form a small group of neya-ko (quasi-brothers) and sleep over at neya-oyas’ (quasi-parents) house every night until they become 26 years old. They keep the quasi-family relationship alive and help each other all through life. We investigated the maintenance process of this cultural custom by participant observations and unstructured interviews. Because of the recent drastic environmental changes around the island, people face difficulties maintaining the custom. In spite of these circumstances, they have been able to maintain the custom not by challenging the environmental changes, but by constantly changing the custom itself to fit the environment. Their flexible decision making may derive from their ecological basis as fishermen. Based on the findings, we discuss the sustainability of cultural customs facing environmental changes.


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【論文早期公開(心理学研究)】村本由紀子・遠藤由美「変わらずにいるために変わり続ける――環境変化と文化的慣習の維持過程――」https://t.co/IxQrETJeVc 社心研掲載の関連論文「答志島寝屋慣行の維持と変容」→https://t.co/YRzgNae4k0
村本由紀子・遠藤由美(in press). 変わらずにいるために変わり続ける――環境変化と文化的慣習の維持過程―― 心理学研究 doi:10.4992/jjpsy.87.15051. https://t.co/CupxcFq39o

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