梅本 貴豊 田中 健史朗 矢田 尚也
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
pp.89.17217, (Released:2018-05-25)

This study developed a motivational regulation strategies scale for cooperative learning, and examined the relationships among strategies, motivational factors, and engagements. First, a self-reported questionnaire with open-ended questions was administered to 261 undergraduates, and 46 items were developed for the motivational regulation strategies scale. Next, a self-reported questionnaire pertaining to these items was administered to 284 undergraduates. A factor analysis indicated a five-factor structure for motivational regulation strategies in cooperative learning. The results of a partial correlation analysis among these strategies, self-efficacy, and intrinsic value supported the construct validity of the scale. The results of multiple regression analysis indicated that behavioral engagement was positively correlated with strategies to enhance a sense of duty, self-efficacy, and intrinsic value. Emotional engagement was positively correlated with active interaction strategies, strategies for structuring learning activities, and intrinsic value, and was negatively correlated with strategies to enhance a sense of duty. The effect of motivational regulation strategies on cooperative learning is discussed based on the present findings.


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