子安 増生 木下 孝司
公益社団法人 日本心理学会
心理学研究 (ISSN:00215236)
vol.68, no.1, pp.51-67, 1997-04-28 (Released:2010-07-16)
8 2

The concept “theory of mind”, first proposed by Premack and Woodruff (1978), has drastically changed our view of the mind. In the first half of this paper, the concept's history and recent developments were reviewed. Included were studies of non-human primates, normal children, and autistic children, in addition to some philosophical discussions. The “false belief” paradigm has been successful in understanding children older than 4 years and in characterizing children with high-functioning autism. But with the paradigm alone, it is difficult to explain the “mind” of most non-human primates, younger children, and a large part of autistic children. In the second half, a theoretical discussion was made to understand early developments of mind. The theory theory and competing theories of modularity, simulation, and intersubjectivity were compared concerning the observability of mind (of self and others), the basic mechanism for understanding the mind, the indispensability of theorizing the mind, and the need for metarepresentation in pretend plays.


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なんか良さげな解説を見つけた.>「<心の理論>の考え方は,古くから信念(belief)や意図(intention)などの問題 を取り扱ってきた心の哲学(philosophy of mind)の伝統をくむ哲学の分野では格好の議論の素材となった.」 https://t.co/Hrhac6lQ89
「心理的には」は、心の理論的な意味と、自明性の喪失的な話を踏まえて。 (相手の立場に立って行動ができるのは、動物の中でも少ないとされる(ゴリラは心の理論が分かるらしい Gomez,J.-C. 1991 https://t.co/42NG7fguqM
1 1 https://t.co/swB0di6Zcb
#NS認知科学 「心ってどこ?」関連のツイートやりとりから「心の理論」「人工物の生き物らしさ」「擬人化」などをざくっと調べ中.以下メモ https://t.co/DEmZqqKumn https://t.co/CkRYnHwJdw https://t.co/Q1ECmq4asF

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