大久保 雄
一般社団法人 日本アスレティックトレーニング学会
日本アスレティックトレーニング学会誌 (ISSN:24326623)
vol.5, no.1, pp.3-11, 2019-10-31 (Released:2019-12-24)

Adequate knowledge of trunk muscles is useful to provide the best possible treatment of low back pain, as well as for improvement of athletic performance. Thus, trunk muscle exercises are commonly performed and taught on the athletic field.Muscle function in the neutral zone is important for trunk stabilization. Trunk muscles are classified into a local and a global muscle system. The local muscle system includes deeper muscles with their points of origin or insertion directly or indirectly on the lumbar vertebrae such as the transversus abdominis and the lumbar multifidus. The global muscle system includes muscles that are not directly attached to the lumbar vertebrae, such as the rectus abdominis and the external oblique muscles. Local muscles play a key role in trunk stability and postural responses. Hodges and Richardson reported that the onset of the transversus abdominis is earlier than that of agonist muscles (early activity) during upper limb movement. Moreover, local muscles are partially activated through low-load tasks and postural control such as with walking (tonic activity). In contrast, high-load movements such as running and jumping lead to co-activation of local and global muscles (phasic activity). Adequate training to achieve motor control of the local muscles using specific exercises is important to enhance optimal activation of trunk muscles during various movements. Therefore, I explain progressive trunk muscle training with electromyographic data from motor control exercise to bridge exercises and co-contraction of the trunk muscles along myofascial line.Many studies investigated the effects of core stability training on athletic performance. Some recent systematic reviews revealed that core stability training provides marginal benefits to athletic performance. However, further research is necessary to better understand how trunk stability and stability affect athletic performance.


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【体幹筋機能のエビデンスとアスレティックトレーニング】 #腹横筋 #内腹斜筋 #drawing #呼吸 #腰痛 Submaximal Draw-in 。これは、Drawinの次に行うようだ。Drawinが出来たと判断するのは触診の技術が必要。 https://t.co/rJwCaB4vDK
体幹筋の活動様式   neutral zoneにおいて腰椎安定性を制御するには30%MVC程度の筋活動で十分 ↓ Hand-knee   Hand-kneeでは腹筋・背筋群の共同収縮がみられる。 下肢挙上側の多裂筋、対側の脊柱起立筋の活動が高まる。   Hand-kneeであることにも理由を持てた
・腹横筋は片側ごとに促通 ・筋筋膜経線に沿った運動 今の自分に足りない観点。(主観) https://t.co/IO5xh4jSX0
【Elbow-toe】 〇上肢片側挙上  →同側腹横筋&対側外腹斜の活動量↑ 【Hand-knee】 〇下肢片側挙上  →同側多裂筋の活動量↑ 体幹もどこを鍛えたいかでトレーニングが変わってきますね! J-STAGE Articles - 体幹筋機能のエビデンスとアスレティックトレーニング https://t.co/o8Tht3QFm8
【体幹フォームごとの筋収縮】 Elbow-toe→腹筋群↑ Hand-knee→腹筋・背筋共同収縮↑ back→背筋群↑ side→外腹斜筋↑ なお、Elbow-toeでの背筋群(多裂筋、起立筋)の収縮はわずか J-STAGE Articles - 体幹筋機能のエビデンスとアスレティックトレーニング https://t.co/o8Tht3QFm8

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