小松 さくら 友野 隆成 青山 謙二郎
感情心理学研究 (ISSN:18828817)
vol.17, no.2, pp.129-133, 2009-11-25 (Released:2010-05-08)
1 1

The aims of this study were to see whether the most frequently experienced food craving of Japanese males was for rice, and to investigate the relationship between mood and food cravings, especially for rice. Undergraduate students completed a questionnaire of several measures, including gauging food craving frequency, the Japanese version of DEBQ, and the Japanese version of POMS. The highest item on the mean scores of craving frequency was rice, for both males and females. For both males and females, correlation analysis showed no significant correlation between mood and craving frequency for rice. For females, there was significantly positive correlation between negative mood and craving frequency for foods other than rice. However, for males, there was significantly positive correlation between positive mood and craving frequency for foods other than rice. These findings suggested the possibility that rice craving may be characteristic of Japanese people and indicated food cravings are associated with mood, though in different ways for females and males.


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先のRTのような商品は米好きの人種ならではの発想だと思う(笑)。やっぱり日本人にとってごはんは特別なんだろうね…/ 食物への渇望(food craving)と気分状態との関連 ─ごはん渇望の特徴─ https://t.co/QWCFcC1huE

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