杉本 英晴 浦上 昌則 矢崎 裕美子 高綱 睦美
キャリア教育研究 (ISSN:18813755)
vol.42, no.1, pp.15-26, 2023-09-30 (Released:2023-10-11)

The purposes of this study were to confirm the reliability and validity of the Circumstance Utilization Skills Scale (CPFOST) and to clarify the temperamental basis of the circumstance utilization skills in relation to the behavioral inhibition/activation systems (BIS/BAS). Study 1 tested the reliability and validity of the CPFOST in 228 university students. As a result, the CPFOST had sufficient internal consistency and validity. In Study 2, the temperamental basis was examined in the circumstance utilization skills in relation to the BIS/BAS. Analysis of data from 145 university students revealed that BIS prevents the formation of circumstance utilization skills, while BAS may encourage the formation of circumstance utilization skills. In addition, the interaction effect of BIS and BAS was confirmed in the “interpersonal ties” skill in the circumstance utilization skills. These results suggest that that BIS/BAS are the temperamental basis for skills in circumstance utilization and suggest the need for career education and support considering such individual differences.


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