杉本 英晴 浦上 昌則 矢崎 裕美子 高綱 睦美
キャリア教育研究 (ISSN:18813755)
vol.42, no.1, pp.15-26, 2023-09-30 (Released:2023-10-11)

The purposes of this study were to confirm the reliability and validity of the Circumstance Utilization Skills Scale (CPFOST) and to clarify the temperamental basis of the circumstance utilization skills in relation to the behavioral inhibition/activation systems (BIS/BAS). Study 1 tested the reliability and validity of the CPFOST in 228 university students. As a result, the CPFOST had sufficient internal consistency and validity. In Study 2, the temperamental basis was examined in the circumstance utilization skills in relation to the BIS/BAS. Analysis of data from 145 university students revealed that BIS prevents the formation of circumstance utilization skills, while BAS may encourage the formation of circumstance utilization skills. In addition, the interaction effect of BIS and BAS was confirmed in the “interpersonal ties” skill in the circumstance utilization skills. These results suggest that that BIS/BAS are the temperamental basis for skills in circumstance utilization and suggest the need for career education and support considering such individual differences.
浦上 昌則
進路指導研究 (ISSN:13433768)
vol.13, pp.15-21, 1992-11-01 (Released:2017-09-22)

The purpose of this study was to investigate the women's career developmental change of the Expected Values (EV). Attention was paid to the role of the values in making career decisions and the EV was used as the criterion for making occupational choices. The EV scale which consists of 17 subscales, the career development scale and the scale of self-efficacy expectations concerning career decision-making were administered to students (N=517) at women's junior colleges. Based on the career development scores and career decision-making self-efficacy scores obtained, subjects were selected and divided into the following three groups: the high career development group (N=78), the middle career development group (N=92) and the low career development group (N=88). Main findings were as follows ; 1) The high career development group scored higher in most EV subscales than other groups. According to career development (i.e. moving from the low up to the high group), the scores in Ability Utilization, Achievement and Aesthetics, in particular, increased. On the other hand, Economic Rewards and Economic Security scores changed little. 2) According to career development, each value in the EV was differentiated clearly. 3) As a result of factor analysis in the EV, four factors were found in the high career development group. Each factor was named as Inner-Oriented, Social-Economic Status, Activity and Autonomy. Based on these findings, the career developmental change of EV was discussed, and two ideas were proposed from the viewpoint of career guidance.
若松 養亮 白井 利明 浦上 昌則 安達 智子
一般社団法人 日本教育心理学会
教育心理学年報 (ISSN:04529650)
vol.58, pp.201-216, 2019

<p> 日本の進路指導では長い間,「合格すること」に偏重した指導を行ってきたという批判がある。2004年にキャリア教育が始まって以降も,「キャリア=職業」という誤解のために,「夢やつきたい職業見つけ」ばかりが盛んに扇動されるが,その手段や方法が指導されず,キャリア発達を高める指導も二の次にされる弊害がある。本論文では,進路意思決定,時間的展望,自己効力感,ジェンダーの4つの研究の蓄積をもとに,それを超える指導とはどのようなものか,また進路指導やキャリア教育で目標とされる「社会的・職業的自立」に結びつく支援はどのようなものかが論じられた。最後の節では,4つの論考をふまえて,今後の進路指導とキャリア教育への提言が論じられた。</p>
浦上 昌則
一般社団法人 日本教育心理学会
教育心理学研究 (ISSN:00215015)
vol.44, no.2, pp.195-203, 1996-06-30 (Released:2013-02-19)
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The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships among career decision-making self-efficacy, vocational exploration activities and self-concept crystallization in career exploration processes. Subjects were women's junior college students majoring in infant education (79 students) and liberal arts (107 students). Data were collected on two occasions in the process. At the beginning of job-searching, the career decision-making self-efficacy expectations were measured. After seven months, the questionnaire consisted of two parts, the activity of exploration and the change in crystallization of global/vocational self-concept in their exploration process, was administered to the students. In the case of the students majoring in liberal arts, the career decision-making self-efficacy had a significantly direct effect on exploration activity, and the crystallization of global/vocational self-concept was predicted through exploration activity. On the other hand, the students majoring in infant education did not show that their global/vocational self-concept depended on a vocational exploration activity. Based on these findings, reasons why the two groups of students had different job-searching process were discussed.
行平 真也 浦上 昌則 高山 久明
公益社団法人 日本航海学会
日本航海学会論文集 (ISSN:03887405)
vol.134, pp.36-43, 2016

This study examines the reliability and validity of M. Urakami's self-efficacy scale of career decisions for university and college students on fisheries high school students. The study used a sample of 1,310 fisheries high school students, and the test questionnaire form used in this study was a 30-item scale. The results of the examination on factor structure, reliability, validity, and basic statistics of each item suggest that the scale can also be used for fisheries high school students.
浦上 昌則
一般社団法人 日本教育心理学会
教育心理学研究 (ISSN:00215015)
vol.44, no.4, pp.400-409, 1996-12-30 (Released:2013-02-19)
2 3

It appears that students develop their motivation for self-growth through career exploration process. This study explored the relationships among career decisionmaking self-efficacy, vocational exploration activities and self-growth motivation in career exploration processes. Subjects were 224 women's junior college students majoring in liberal arts. Data were collected on two occasions in the process. At the beginning of a job-searching, the career decision-making self-efficacy expectations were measured. Eight months later, the questionnaire measuring the activity of vocational exploration and the change in self-growth motivation in their exploration process was administered to the students. These data were analyzed using covariance structure analysis. The results indicated that self-growth motivation was directly predicted by the career decision-making self-efficacy, and two factors of vocational exploration activity, i. e. collecting and integrating information about self and vocation, and reconsidering one's own vocational exploration activities. The career decisionmaking self-efficacy had a significant effect on all vocational exploration activity factors. Based on these results, the meaning of vocational exploration activity in the career development was discussed.