児玉 真樹子
キャリア教育研究 (ISSN:18813755)
vol.40, no.2, pp.25-35, 2022-03-31 (Released:2022-04-13)

The purpose of this study is to clarify the role of career resilience in the process of vocational identity formation during job-hunting activities following rejection. Online surveys were conducted before and after job-hunting activities. Data on 93 students who completed both surveys and experienced rejection during job-hunting were analyzed. A model was developed to determine the degree to which the state of career resilience before job hunting influences the level of vocational identity through the job-hunting process. The results of path analysis showed that the ability to cope with problems and changes, optimism about the future, and interest in novelty, all of which are factors in career resilience, promoted cognitive and behavioral change during the job-hunting process, and these in turn promoted vocational identity formation. This finding indicates that it is important to improve the ability to cope with problems and changes, optimism about the future, and interest in novelty before commencing job hunting.
杉本 英晴 浦上 昌則 矢崎 裕美子 高綱 睦美
キャリア教育研究 (ISSN:18813755)
vol.42, no.1, pp.15-26, 2023-09-30 (Released:2023-10-11)

The purposes of this study were to confirm the reliability and validity of the Circumstance Utilization Skills Scale (CPFOST) and to clarify the temperamental basis of the circumstance utilization skills in relation to the behavioral inhibition/activation systems (BIS/BAS). Study 1 tested the reliability and validity of the CPFOST in 228 university students. As a result, the CPFOST had sufficient internal consistency and validity. In Study 2, the temperamental basis was examined in the circumstance utilization skills in relation to the BIS/BAS. Analysis of data from 145 university students revealed that BIS prevents the formation of circumstance utilization skills, while BAS may encourage the formation of circumstance utilization skills. In addition, the interaction effect of BIS and BAS was confirmed in the “interpersonal ties” skill in the circumstance utilization skills. These results suggest that that BIS/BAS are the temperamental basis for skills in circumstance utilization and suggest the need for career education and support considering such individual differences.
若松 養亮 矢田 陽美
キャリア教育研究 (ISSN:18813755)
vol.39, no.2, pp.29-39, 2021-03-31 (Released:2021-05-18)

The present study investigated relative disregard of labor conditions among candidates of teacher. They are tend to be attracted to worthwhileness or precious value of teaching profession, so such relative disregard was predicted to occur among them. A questionnaire was administered to 192 junior students who belong to faculty of education. As the main question, subjects were asked to rate importance scales between labor conditions (3 kinds: not need to transfer, fair salary, and private time) and attractiveness in his/her job contents (each 3 items ×2 categories: making the most of his/her individuality and playing his/her part in the job). The main results are as follows:(1) Students with high intrinsic work motivation relatively disregarded of all kind of labor conditions than the other students.(2) Under controlled intrinsic work motivation, teacher candidates relatively disregarded of fair salary and private time.(3) Female students relatively disregard fair salary and private time more than male. Mechanism of relative disregard for teacher candidates and suggestion for career formation support were discussed.
藤原 正光 仙崎 武
キャリア教育研究 (ISSN:13433768)
vol.5, pp.1-5, 1985

土元 哲平 サトウ タツヤ
キャリア教育研究 (ISSN:18813755)
vol.37, no.2, pp.35-44, 2019-03-31 (Released:2019-04-16)

This thesis discusses the significance of an approach to transition research that focuses on the interaction between the individual and society, to inform a greater understanding of the individual’s development throughout the life. Previous conversion studies have used either a developmental or accidental approach to focus on inner psychological processes involved in life transitions, neglecting their social and cultural dimensions. Throughout these studies, the aspect of recent results of the narrative theory approach to qualitative research has been neglected. This study introduces an approach that focuses on the interaction between the individual and society. The approach suggests that when transitions are regarded as a story or sign, they can inform a deeper understanding of career complexity in the present age, and of how transitions spur or prevent individual development. This approach makes an important contribution to the development of transition research. Future research will investigate educational methods based upon this approach.
藤澤 広美 原口 恭彦
キャリア教育研究 (ISSN:18813755)
vol.37, no.2, pp.23-34, 2019-03-31 (Released:2019-04-16)

We examined the relationships between Motivation for Learning (ML), Proactive Learning (PL), and Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy (CDMSE) among undergraduates, focusing on the mediating effect of their Social Skills (SS).We conducted a questionnaire survey of students in the humanities faculty of four private universities in western Japan. A total of 494 students participated. Three findings became clear about the relationships between ML, PL, SS, and CDMSE as a result of our study.1) There is a positive relationship between ML, PL, and CDMSE.2) There is a positive relationship between ML, PL, and SS.3) SS has a mediating effect on ML, PL, and CDMSE.These findings support the explanation of the effects of ML and PL on CDMSE, including the mediating effect of SS. In particular, the results of our experiment clearly show that the roles of ML, PL, and SS in Career Development research for undergraduates should be examined.