富永 京子
The Kantoh Sociological Society
年報社会学論集 (ISSN:09194363)
vol.2014, no.27, pp.122-133, 2014-09-10 (Released:2015-09-01)

The theory of social movements has studied political protests with regard to their occurrence, duration, development and participants. Previous research has clarified that diverse factors are involved in all of these elements. Although policing, arrests and interrogations are also essential elements, few researchers have examined them as they occur in contemporary Japan. In this paper, the author conducted a case study based on interviews with arrested activists and their colleagues. From the analysis, the author clarified that arrested protesters are labeled as “radical protesters” both by the police and by people they know in their private lives. On the other hand, policing plays a role in an initiation that makes these protesters more committed to social movements. An arrested activist is recognized as a hero by some protesters. In this way, social movements can develop their sense of solidarity. However, other organizations often regard those arrested as deviant fellow-participants.


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しかもその間に家宅捜索まであるからね 日本政府の市民運動への憎しみにはものすごいものがある 「公安警察は自宅や職場にも家宅捜索(通称『ガサ』)に入ることで、家族や周りの人達に『逮捕 されるほうが悪い』と思わせ、本人との関係を壊そうとする」 https://t.co/5Cnk03gJIH https://t.co/pFPWnmIdgs
被逮捕者の証言から、彼らが周囲からのまなざしをどのように内面化しているかを分析することで、「逮捕」が社会運動の参加・発生・継続を調査した論文。おもしろい。 富永京子"社会運動と「逮捕」 ——被逮捕者に対するまなざしを通じて——" https://t.co/CZFULWB1E3
@susuzu0214 自分の論稿で恐縮ですが...(127ページの表をご参照ください) https://t.co/ULTLtQKLKB
富永京子「社会運動と「逮捕」:被逮捕者に対するまなざしを通じて」年報社会学論集 2014(27), 122-133, 2014 https://t.co/G2w2KMsInY

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