石井 修
財団法人 日本国際政治学会
国際政治 (ISSN:04542215)
vol.1992, no.100, pp.35-53,L8, 1992-08-30 (Released:2010-09-01)

The major thesis of this article is that the year 1955 marked a watershed in the history of the Cold War, in a sense that by then a fundamental, qualitative change had taken place, and that it set the tone for the future Cold War.By 1955, not only the “easing of tension” but also several changes in the nature of the East-West contest had become discernible. These changes were: (1) relative stability in Europe—the major battleground in the Cold War and also, to a much lesser extent, though, in Asia; (2) a growing awareness on the part of the leaders in Washington, London, and Moscow of the massive destructiveness of a nuclear conflagration, which had made them extremely cautious in their behavior, especially in Europe; and therefore, (3) the super-power rivalry shifting from the major battleground in Europe to the risk-free “Third World”, hence the globalization of the Cold War. Accordingly, the Cold War hereafter took on more of the characteristic of economic and psychological warfare and covert operations.The above-mentioned changes resulted from: (1) the congealment of the two “security spheres” in Europe, and, to a lesser extent, on a global scale; (2) the emergence of thermonuclear weapons, making actual war unbearably costly and difficult.This article basically supports the bipolar stability theory, and yet it contends that bipolarity alone would not guarantee stability, and stresses the “soft, ” human, and psychological aspect of the leadership on both sides.


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本務校と非常勤先の国際政治史講義、来週のリーディング課題は、石井修(1992)「冷戦の「五五年体制」」(『国際政治』はオンラインで読めるので課題に出しやすい)。やや古い論文だけれども、いま読んでもとても勉強になる。さて、学生からはどんな感想がくるか。 https://t.co/k6JSJnSRJr
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ここは欧州の「分断/力による安定」の代償に第三世界に向かったという石井修先生の解釈(https://t.co/k9NCZ5AbG8 )や、より第三世界のイデオロギー的意義を重視するウェスタッドの解釈(https://t.co/CIsussX72R )を思い出し興味深かったです。

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