江上 波夫
民族學研究 (ISSN:24240508)
vol.13, no.3, pp.278-284, 1949 (Released:2018-03-27)

Many prehistoric forts (the so-called gorodishches) have been found in Russia, particularly in the Volga-Kama area and in Western Siberia, which some date as far back as 800 B. C., most are from the turn of the Christian era, that is, Bronze and Iron Age. They are believed to have been built by ancient Finno-Ugric peoples. These forts resemble the Aino chash or chashkot very closely, both in ground plan and construction of the forts, and in the abundant bone implements which they contain. The author is therefore inclined to conclude that ancient Finno-Ugric culture elements may have been transmitted to the Aino, or conserved by them with other Continental culture elements from the West.


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@F34fC9F4NEMW5e2 面白いことに、 「館・チャシとゴロディシチェ」という論考は江上波夫の考えなのです
@F34fC9F4NEMW5e2 今晩は! ゴロディッシチェ...で合っていますか(^^; https://t.co/GFfOBrAvHN 川沿いと、河口付近で性質が違うのですね。 自分にとってまた新たな領域です

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