奥 健太郎
年報政治学 (ISSN:05494192)
vol.63, no.2, pp.2_156-2_180, 2012 (Released:2016-02-24)

How do politicians achieve the profit of interest groups? This research is a case study analyzing the political process during which the Medical Diet Members (representatives who spoke for the interest of doctors) have succeeded in emasculating the law that provided the separation of medical practice and drug dispensation. The three viewpoints of the analysis are the following:   First, how did Kato Ryogoro (Liberal Party), who was the mediator of the Medical Diet Members, bring the Liberal party measures closer to the JMA? Secondly, what kinds of pressures or adjustments were observed between the JMA and the Medical Diet Members during the process of the emasculation of the law? Thirdly, how did the Medical Diet Members managed to form a majority including non - partisans in order to emasculate the law?


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これは始めてみたな 【年報政治学 63(2) p156-180,2012】 独立回復期の利益団体と政党政治―医薬分業 「骨抜き」 の政治過程― https://t.co/KUvYoJw6Sl https://t.co/lNR0BlxdAk
これは始めてみたな 【年報政治学 63(2) p156-180,2012】 独立回復期の利益団体と政党政治―医薬分業 「骨抜き」 の政治過程― https://t.co/KUvYoJw6Sl https://t.co/lNR0BlxdAk
あちら側の視点のものを初めて読みました。 年報政治学 Vol. 63(2012) No. 2 「独立回復期の利益団体と政党政治-医薬分業『骨抜き』の政治過程-」 医系議員がいかにして医薬分業の骨抜きに成功したのか https://t.co/B8h2knGEjO

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