田中 信行 日吉 俊紀 川平 和美 竹迫 賢一
一般社団法人 日本温泉気候物理医学会
日本温泉気候物理医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00290343)
vol.50, no.2, pp.87-93, 1987 (Released:2010-08-06)

Bub-KAO tablet (50g) consisting of equimolar bicarbonate salt and succinate made it possible to use easily CO2 bath at home. Since the obtained CO2 concentration was not so high, we studied the circulatory effects of usual concentration of Bub-KAO bath in normal and hypertensive men.Seven Bub-KAO tablets (KAO Co., Tokyo, Japan) were put into 350 l of 41°C simple hot spring bath (CO2 conc. ≈300ppm). Eight normotensive subjects (32.2±4.2yrs) and 13 hypertensive patients (67.8±11.3yrs) took this artificial CO2 bath for 10min. As a control, 12 normotensives (38.1±8.8yrs) and 12 hypertensives (51.0±8.2yrs) were immersed in 41°C simple hot spring bath for 10min. Hemodynamic functions and blood gas were followed before and after bathing for 30min in the supine position.In normotensives, blood pressure (BP) was unchanged either by Bub-KAO or simple bath. The increase in heart rate (HR) and cardiac output (CO) and the decrease in total peripheral resistance (TPRi) after Bub-KAO bath were slightly but significantly greater than those of simple bath. In hypertensives, BP was significantly decrased after Bub-KAO bath (-17.2±6.4/-6.8±2.1mmHg) compared to simple bath. Although the increase in HR and CO (+0.55±0.22l/min) after Bub-KAO bath were not so remarkable, decrease in TPRi (-9.3±3.6 unit) was significantly greater than simple bath. Venous blood obtained 10min after Bub-KAO bath became fresh red showing a significant increase in pO2 and pH (alkalosis) and significant decrease in pCO2. In arterial blood, although pO2 was unchanged, slight decrease in pCO2 and increase in pH were also observed.These results indicated that artificial CO2 bath made by usual amounts of Bub-KAO tablets significantly reduced BP of the hypertensives due to vasodilating effect. Vasodilation by CO2 bath was considered to be derived from the peripheral action of CO2 as blood pCO2 was rather reduced. As a basic mechanism of vasodilation by CO2, we proposed the inhibitory effect on tissue enerqy metabolism of CO2 as a product inhibtor of TCA cycle and subsequently, the onset of vascular autoregulation mechanism.


外部データベース (DOI)

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人工炭酸泉浴 (花王バブ浴) による本態性高血圧症の血圧、循環機能の変化 https://t.co/EQc3kUmcPS
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二酸化炭素の貯留による血管拡張について調べてたら見つけた論文なんだけど、花王のバブを使って入浴した場合の比較検討で「バブ浴群」というパワーワードが見られて笑った。 https://t.co/xZo7RiLa1V
二酸化炭素の貯留による血管拡張について調べてたら見つけた論文なんだけど、花王のバブを使って入浴した場合の比較検討で「バブ浴群」というパワーワードが見られて笑った。 https://t.co/xZo7RiLa1V
二酸化炭素の貯留による血管拡張について調べてたら見つけた論文なんだけど、花王のバブを使って入浴した場合の比較検討で「バブ浴群」というパワーワードが見られて笑った。 https://t.co/xZo7RiLa1V
人工炭酸泉浴 (花王バブ浴) による本態性高血圧症の血圧、循環機能の変化 https://t.co/ju1mMgpdW8
とりあえず,皮膚 「人工炭酸泉水の血流増加効果」 https://t.co/VgikGaNKtd もう少し踏み込んだの 「人工炭酸泉浴(花 王バ ブ浴)に よる本態性 高血圧症 の血圧 、循環機能 の変化」 https://t.co/JFgQkDJ7V1

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