福嶌 教偉 藤田 知之 小川 真由子 北村 惣一郎
一般社団法人 日本臓器保存生物医学会
Organ Biology (ISSN:13405152)
vol.24, no.1, pp.29-36, 2017 (Released:2017-03-31)

After the world first use of fresh aortic valve homografts transplanted into the descending thoracic aorta was reported in 1956, preservation methods have been investigated and the cryopreservation technique is currently used worldwide. In early 1990s, the cryopreservation technique for homograft was introduced to Japan and the local heart valve bank was established in Nara. Although organ procurement has been regulated by The Organ Transplantation Act (brain-dead donors since 1997, donors after cardiac death since 1979), there has been no law or governmental procurement network (except for cornea) in Japan. Since the late 1980s, some university hospitals have developed original banks. Finally, in 2001 guidelines for tissue procurement were established by The Japanese Society of Tissue Transplantation and Japan Tissue Transplant Network (JTTN) to coordinate tissue harvesting. Five tissue banks were joined to the tissue transplant network (skin in one, heart valves in two, and bone in two). In 2016, homograft implantation surgery was finally covered by insurance and the number of these surgery will increased in near future.


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