林 采成
歴史と経済 (ISSN:13479660)
vol.53, no.1, pp.46-62, 2010-10-30 (Released:2017-08-30)

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the personnel management of Japanese National Railways (JNR) during the wartime period and clarify the postwar implications of that policy. When the Sino-Japanese War broke out, JNR faced great instability of railroad labor and a concomitant attenuation of skills. In response, JNR reinforced its internal training system and adjusted the disposition of its limited human resources. Through the expansion of incentives including allowances, bonuses and fringe benefits, the decline of real wages was halted. Programs for the ideological reinforcement of laborers' spirit and lifestyle were implemented as well. However, as the war escalated to become the Pacific War, labor supply was further restricted, finally running short, and the quality of labor consequently deteriorated. As a countermeasure, JNR implemented administrative streamlining and established a personnel maintenance committee, focusing human resources allocation within the organization according to importance. Female workers and students were employed as a new source of labor. In particular, to compensate for a marked decline in living standards, chances of promotion were expanded. Railroad operational efficiency was achieved through this personnel management style and in 1943 JNR reached the highest level of productivity since its foundation. Nonetheless, in the face of a transportation crisis and with a mainland battle seeming imminent, JNR could not avoid conversion to a military organization. For this conversion, a new rank of Vice Associate Railroad Officer was established as a temporary measure and more than 100,000 personnel were promoted to this rank and the existing Associate Railroad Officer. At the same time, the lowest rank of employee was abolished. These wartime measures and the military organization of JNR were reformed during the radical postwar reorganization of Japanese National Railways under the Allied occupation of Japan.


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https://t.co/B0FkwIm0T7 そのため、運転事故等による公務上の死傷や病人の数が増え、37年 の8316人(死 亡240人,負傷8017人、疾病59 人)から41年には12813人(死 亡330人 負傷10277人疾病186人)45年には19333人(死亡2204人 負傷17020 人 疾病109人)へ増え続けていった。
https://t.co/DAL7iekw30 戦争の衝撃と国鉄の人的運用 林 采成 2010年
国鉄の雇用制度と戦中の雇用状況がわかる論文。 戦中から質的低下が始まり、この反動で終戦後の輸送混乱、事故多発の関連があったのかもしれない。 https://t.co/0oKQ6ZmFzl
@SeasideExp https://t.co/k6ETimmAqv サマリとして、それと参考文献のインデックスとしてもお使いいただけると思います

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