大門 正克
歴史と経済 (ISSN:13479660)
vol.62, no.3, pp.18-28, 2020-04-30 (Released:2022-04-30)

The purpose of this study is to perform dynamic analyses of the relationship between corporate society during the high‒growth period of the Japanese economy and modern family (homemakers) in order to identify the connection between labor‒force reproduction and lifestyle. This paper analyzes “Nittsu Dayori”, the internal newsletters published by Nippon Express Co., Ltd. and “Nittsu Rodo”, its labor’s press. “Nittsu Dayori” describes the ideal images of its employees and their wives. It also demands that wives should manage family life, paying attention to such areas as the safety of husband, their health, and hygiene, understanding the company business, and taking care of children’s education, family health, hygiene, and housework. One of the messages posted in “Nittsu Dayori” by a homemaker pictures her efforts to please her husband who is tired from work and in a bad mood.The asymmetric image of husband and wife is also shown in “Nittsu Rodo”. Housewife norms and her daily practice in life played an important role in labor‒force reproduction during the high‒growth period of the Japanese economy, and remains to a great extent in current Japanese society.


外部データベース (DOI)

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大門正克「高度成長期の「労働力の再生産と家族の関係」をいかに分析するか」 https://t.co/YJl91EENRF
大門正克「高度成長期の「労働力の再生産と家族の関係」をいかに分析するか」 https://t.co/YJl91EENRF
大門正克「高度成長期の「労働力の再生産と家族の関係」をいかに分析するか」 https://t.co/YJl91EENRF
大門正克「高度成長期の「労働力の再生産と家族の関係」をいかに分析するか」 https://t.co/YJl91EENRF
大門正克「高度成長期の「労働力の再生産と家族の関係」をいかに分析するか」 https://t.co/YJl91EENRF
大門正克「高度成長期の「労働力の再生産と家族の関係」をいかに分析するか」 https://t.co/YJl91EFlHd
大門正克「高度成長期の「労働力の再生産と家族の関係」をいかに分析するか」 https://t.co/YJl91EENRF
PDFあり。 ⇒大門正克 「高度成長期の「労働力の再生産と家族の関係」をいかに分析するか-大企業社内報を主な史料にして-」 『歴史と経済』62巻3号 (2019) https://t.co/kibvhi0T2A

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