末次 一博 白石 秀子 泉 愛子 田中 弘 芝 篤志
The Society of Cosmetic Chemists of Japan
日本化粧品技術者会誌 (ISSN:03875253)
vol.28, no.1, pp.44-56, 1994-06-30 (Released:2010-08-06)
2 3

A large variety of microorganisms such as Propionibacterium acnes and Staphlococcus epidermidis exist on the human skin surface, forming a skin microbial flora. This flora is likely to influence the skin surface defence and the skin surface condition. This report covers the correlation between the skin microbial flora and the skin surface condition.We found that the larger numbers of P. acnes are concerned in the worsening of skin surface condition. The skin condition closely correlated to the amount of free fatty acids on the skin, and also we found that the larger quantity of the free fatty acids leads the worsening of skin surface condition. These results suggest that the lipase of P. acnes may hydrolyze triglycerides on the skin surface into the free fatty acids which irritate the skin.On the other hand, we found that both S. epidermidis itself and the peptides produced from various proteins by S. epidermidis have high antioxidative activity. This result suggests that S. epidermidis protects the lipids on the skin from oxidation caused by e. g. ultraviolet rays.From these results we suggest that P. acnes make worse the skin surface condition, whereas S. epidermidis serves an important function of prevention of the worsening of the skin condition by harmful lipids peroxides.


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[スキンケア][美肌菌] 1994年 表皮ブドウ球菌は有害な過酸化脂質による皮膚状態の悪化を防ぐ

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@230Vu https://t.co/SfrKllpFi2 https://t.co/yhmKppbCRT https://t.co/JVFPcNHlrd 「肌」の悩みがすべて消えるたった1つの方法』(著) 宇津木 龍一 青春出版社 (2012) 『化粧品を使わず美肌になる!』(著)宇津木 龍一 主婦と生活社 (2013)
腸内フローラが最近注目されているけど、 皮膚にも善玉菌、悪玉菌があるという論文を読みました。 https://t.co/8HjafsYmMg ニキビの元のアクネ菌が多いと肌の状態が悪くなるけど、 良い菌が多いと抗酸化成分を多く出すから 紫外線で皮脂のスクワレンが酸化し毒性成分になるのを抑えるのだそう。
こういう論文を膨大に読み込んでイヌに対してはどうなのかという部分を考えながら仮説立てて反証していくのがぼくのやり方です。真似する必要もないとは思います。きっと一番遠回りだから。遠回りだけど、一番近い。でも届かない。  https://t.co/VkkLb9rMG4

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