Hiroshi Nakamine
The Japanese Society of Systematic Zoology
Species Diversity (ISSN:13421670)
vol.27, no.1, pp.91-94, 2022-03-25 (Released:2022-03-25)

Perlomyia gakken sp. nov. (Plecoptera: Leuctridae) from Kyoto Prefecture, Honshu, Japan, is described and illustrated. This new species is distinguished from all other Perlomyia species by having a remarkably long and slender epiproct with a crochet hook shape at tip. Although, this new species is most similar to P. kappa Sivec and Stark, 2012, but can be discriminated from P. kappa by the three morphological differences: (1) cercus with small spine-like apex (long terminal spine in P. kappa), (2) epiproct slightly swollen at middle in lateral aspect (swollen basally in P. kappa), and (3) epiproct like a crochet hook shape apically in lateral aspect (expanded apically in lateral aspect in P. kappa). A checklist and type localities map for 25 currently recognised Perlomyia species are also presented.


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ガッケンホソカワゲラの記載論文、短い文章だし形態のみ使用してるので大きなお友達は目を通してくれ https://t.co/S2qqtuSP5W #子ども科学電話相談
図鑑作成中に見つかった新種というニュースになったガッケンホソカワゲラの原記載はこちら。Nakamine 2022 Species Diversity https://t.co/tkhpEewvZf この論文において新種として記載されたもので、この図鑑で新種とされたわけではない。
@futabaoike ガッケンホソカワゲラの記載論文です。 https://t.co/HqWr8vAr60
へー J-STAGE Articles - A New Species of <i>Perlomyia</i> (Insecta: Plecoptera: Leuctridae) from Japan https://t.co/fduc8jeT9U
学研の図鑑LIVE『昆虫 新版』に合わせて新種「ガッケンホソカワゲラ」の記載論文が出ました。 https://t.co/HqWr8vAr60

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