藤尾 慎一郎
The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan
鉄と鋼 (ISSN:00211575)
vol.91, no.1, pp.11-15, 2005-01-01 (Released:2009-06-19)
3 2

This paper focuses on the influence what the AMS-carbon 14 age method attains to the history of the iron in the Japanese Islands.The research team in National Museum of Japanese History makes a clear that the Yayoi period began in 10 Cen. cal BC. However, there was a problem in this.It is iron. If the Yayoi period has started in the 10th Cen. BC, it means that the ironware in Japanese Islands had spread early rather than it spreads in China.The research team reexamined the ironware excavated from Magarita site in the Fukuoka Pref. considered to be the oldest ironware in Japan. Consequently, the excavation situation was indefinite and it turned out that we cannot specify the time to belong.Furthermore, 36 ironwares in the initial and early Yayoi were also already found by that time cannot be specified except for two points. Therefore, it turned out that Japanese ironware appeared in the 3rd century of B.C. What does this mean?Although it had been thought that the beginning of agriculture in Japan and the appearance of ironware were simultaneous, it turned out that agriculture has appeared early about in 700 years. Therefore, it became clear that agriculture of Japan started at the Stone Age.


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紀元前4世紀の福岡県の曲り田遺跡の鉄斧です。 https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/article/tetsutohagane1955/91/1/91_1_11/_pdf#:~:text=%E6%97%A5%E6%9C%AC%E6%9C%80%E5%8F%A4%E3%81%AE%E9%89%84%E5%99%A8,%E3%82%82%E3%81%AE%E3%81%A8%E8% ...

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某テレビ局の日本史のアニメを見ていて思うこと GHQにいたコミンテルンの影響がひどい形で反映されているなって事 今となっては紀元前15世紀に優れた縄文式土器が作られたことが分かっているし、最初からあの形で作られたと考えるのは不自然だし https://t.co/2wIISVgJ31 日本の鉄使用は結構古い… https://t.co/HbNOBjTPoH
@arqlide 鉄については、2003年に曲がり田移籍の鉄器の年代測定結果が出ています。https://t.co/m9YCBx2UaZ 稲はyoutubeに一杯DNA検査結果が出ていますので、検索出来ると思うのですが必要ですか?
日本における鉄の歴史は変わりつつある 藤尾慎一郎氏 https://t.co/9D6TaQfyRl https://t.co/F0RnNM34OK
・AMS-炭素14年代測定法が明らかにした日本の鉄の歴史 https://t.co/zfWaBNtaWW
@fushunia こちらの論文にもありますが歴博の新年代観は曲田も含め弥生早期の鉄器とされてきたものへの年代については疑問視する考え方とセットです https://t.co/W35I53taLW
@melchior2525 考古学的には弥生時代の鉄器は基本的に鋳造品であることが明らかにされたので,現在では燕系の鉄器文化の流れの中にあるという共通認識があるようです。 https://t.co/MCnPdhpX0P

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