倉橋 節也
一般社団法人 人工知能学会
人工知能学会論文誌 (ISSN:13460714)
vol.35, no.3, pp.D-K28_1-8, 2020-05-01 (Released:2020-05-01)
4 5

This paper implements the infection process of 2019 Novel Coronavirus Diseases (COVID-19) in an agentbasedmodel and compares the effectiveness of multiple infection prevention measures. In the model, 1120 virtualresidents agents live in two towns where they commute to office or school and visiting stores. The model simulates aninfection process in which they were exposed to the risk of transmission of the novel coronavirus. The results of theexperiments showed that individual infection prevention measures (commuting, teleworking, class closing, contactrate reduction, staying at home after fever) alone or partially combined them do not produce significant effects. Onthe other hand, if comprehensive measures were taken, it was confirmed that the number of deaths, the infectionrate, and the number of severe hospitalised patients per day were decreased significantly at the median and maximumrespectively.


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@kuratamagohan 災害時の感染予防策についての基礎を学んでからポストどぞー https://t.co/iMXZiZeIcM https://t.co/bunvOGnj20 https://t.co/qPqsdfhnJH 感染症の予防 - 16. 感染症 - MSDマニュアル家庭版 https://t.co/Apf5Mja5dT
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倉橋節也「新型コロナウイルス(COVID-19)における感染予防策の推定」 https://t.co/SB7Sjj95Sz 廣井悠「COVID-19に対する日本型ロックダウンの外出抑制効果に関する研究」 https://t.co/bqZENn2bAa
この方,エージェントベースモデルの人ですね. https://t.co/ppreplS5Bn 現実データとの比較や,モデルのキャリブレーションをどうしているのだろう….国の予算で研究するのだから,モデルを公開するべき.
後で読もう https://t.co/C2pBsrM2l3
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